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Responses to the Guileful Claims of The Young Turks Network (Gen 3:4->John 8:44->2 Thess 2:11-12)

Responses to the Deliberately: Moronic, Idiotic and/or Erroneous Anti-Bible Claims of TYT (Pro 26:5) - Part 1 [Part 2]

As it seen in the post on “The Worldview of Unbelievers”, I had begun to includingly address and respond to also the anti-God/Bible/Christianity claims made by people at The Young Turks Network but is soon became self-evident that they claims were patently disingenuous, and mainly by being/remaining deliberately idiotic about what the Bible actually says, and so responding to them only became a time consuming exercise in “whack-a-moron”. So I instead jotted responses to them in a separate offline document, which also didn’t have to involve the referencing of what they had said (i.e. links to the (Youtube) clips where they make their stupid claims. The following post is an online “dump” of that private document because at some time, you do have to show “fools” how foolish they are...

(And it is nothing that they these privacy-invading and computer-hacking tortfeasing Criminals have not read/seen before...So don’t be fooled by any faux outrage that they may manifest in “vexed” response.)
            Now, if they are serious or sincere, they’ll then seek to do much better in their attempt to discredit the Bible and Christianity....But they most likely will not because (a) they can’t...and they both know it and (evidently) don’t want to care and (b) like Dognald Drumpf and his Trumpkins, they can keep on hoodwinkingly misleading their likewise clueless and/or indifferent audience.
            The specific links to the Youtube clips may eventually be supplied for all of these responses, but for now only a summarizing title is at time given about what these people at TYT had claimed. (Each entry started with a hyphen (-) usually marks a response a new/distinct claim).

October 8, 2014

Couple of inquiries:                  

-Who are you, Cenk, as a, (I gather, “Agonistic-Theist”), actually referring to when you say: “G/god Bless...”? [e.g. 2:25]

-How are you manifestly more sure that Paul ever existed, but Jesus may not have [01:50]. (Other than, of course, taking his authorship claims in the New Testament as truth, -though Paul himself was concerned about circulated forgeries in his name). Jesus as the “Christ” (=“Messiah”) is mentioned several times in other secular writings of/about His times, i.e. outside of the Bible and Christian works?! (E.g., Josephus (at least basically), Tacitus, the Jewish Talmud)

October 8, 2014                     
Does Hank Chen ascribe to, or lean towards, Theism. He ‘“Praises the Lord” for getting him out of debt’?! [25:56]                  

October 8, 2014

How do you, Ana, reconcile your altruistic desire to ‘(directly) donate one of your kidneys’ [21:23] with evolutionary theory’s foundational/necessary tenet of “survival of the fittest”? It seems to me that such a loving, indeed altruistic, moreover risky action, which even required certain “happiness” sacrifices from you [21:36], (and several others), would be impeding (your)“evolution”. Can’t have it both ways...

...Or has still unfulfilled man (e.g., using less than 20% of his brain capacity), and this imperfect world, actually stopped “evolving”?! To me any act of, especially altruistic “love”, instead of (profitable) selfishness is completely irreconcilable with holding a belief in evolution.

October 9, 2014

For 28:05- 28:44 Christians do not have to observe every law in the Old Testament (=Covenant) or be subject to every penalty in the OT because God’s Israel is now under the New Covenant (Heb 8:7-13 = Jer 31:31-34). Jesus Himself began to (controversially) demonstrate and model what this would mean by forgiving sins which in the OT would be punishable by death (John 8:1-11) and teaching and showing how ceremonial things were fulfilled in Him (e.g. John 2:18-22; Matt 26:26-29; etc).

Then as He said, He had many more things to teach to, and thus through, His disciples and to all believers in Him, but at that time they were not ready yet, but would be when the Holy Spirit would be given to all believers to help establish the law in their hearts. (John 16:12-15).

This was especially done through the teachings of Paul which Christians accept as inspired by Jesus through the Holy Spirit (Gal 1:11-12), and as Jesus had given precedence for, Paul always harmonizingly taught that the penalty for breaking God’s Laws were covered by grace, (instead of death for some) in this New Covenant (Heb 8:12; Rom 6:14-15).

So Christians do not have to keep the “tutoring” sacrificial, ceremonial and distinguishing laws of the Old Covenant (Eph 2:11-16; Gal 3:23-25-29). Nor do they have to keep the OT’s Civil Laws since, mainly, NT Israel is not organized as a nation. But they do have to keep the Moral Law expressed in the Ten Commandment. (Matt 5:21-30; 19:16-19ff; Rom 7:7-12; cf. 1 Tim 1:8-11). And since dietary laws were given for health reasons, then they do naturally also still are applicable. (Cf. 1 Cor 10:31).

So “Christian Fundamentalism” is not actually “taking the Bible literally”. Christians who do so, mainly do it in regards to Prophetic Interpretations. (E.g. Israel/Jews in prophecy still are to be the Ethnic people (contra. e.g. Gal 3:26-29; Rom 2:28-29; 9:6-8); “Gog and Magog” are the same geographical areas of Ezek 38-39, etc.) Actual Christian Fundamentalism is to involve proper theological understanding of what has transferred, and in letter or in principle if at all, from the Old Covenant into the New Covenant through the prism of the teachings and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Christianity believes in Christ, accepts Paul and the rest of the NT as inspired, so whatever is theologically and doctrinally fully taught therein is what determines its beliefs and practices and not a mere reading of, pointedly, elements in/for the Old Covenant.

October 16, 2014

On the above cited issue of ‘Christians and the Bible Dietary Laws’ see e.g. the Youtube clip entitled: “Joel Osteen teaches Christians clean/unclean foods! No pork!”. There (increasingly) are tens of millions of Christians who follow these healthiest diet guidelines.

October 9, 2014

So then...Why do many, if not most, “YOLO” proponents/adherents, -including you Cenk [at 38:58ff], ever seek to get into and stay in a faithful marriage relationship and “miss out” on, prospectively, the rest of their lives??! There is one mindless, even “air-headedly” so, constant with people who are against Biblical Christianity: they never have the conviction of their own claims/beliefs, but inevitably just go on to prove, mainly by regretted pain and failures, that the template fully, i.e. including the NT, outlined in the Bible is better. Seriously: “fully have at your claimed YOLO way of life” and do empirically see where that will catastrophically end up...
[Euphemistic case in point: Have you ever heard a debate of people trying to defend another way for eating (for healthy people) other than by ingesting food through your mouth...Or expressing their dislike for such a practice....Probably not, because it is the “naturally obvious, healthiest and productive, thing to do...]

For Bible believers, this present life is indeed a “Divine quiz”...because that is what Inspiration and Revelation contained in the Bible stipulates. And that quiz is: whether or not people can be trusted to live a free-willed based life which will lovingly be for the optimal best of all, and thus be trusted to live eternally (that is what the test in the Garden of Eden was all about (Gen 3) or whether people will prefer to, and however detrimental, painful and thus irrational, live selfishly for their own self gratification and the sure downfall of society and life in general.

The issues in this “quiz” are indeed True/Actual Love vs. (any degree of) Selfishness....

(Frankly, I presumed you TYT people were much more “thoughtful” than such intellectually and rationally vacuous diatribes. Granted you may be reacting to people who may not properly or fully understand True/Biblical Christianity, but I just expected that your belief to have figured out “truth” would lead you to not “desperately” resort relying on straw man attacks. Engage, and try to disprove, the most thoughtful proponents/adherent of Christianity, and then your claims will be more seriously considered by the “majority of the believing world”...)

October 9, 2014

The Theologically simple answer as to “why there is all this, even capital judgement in the Old Covenant” [47:52ff] is, as New Covenant Theology reveals (e.g. Gal 3:23-26), it is relatively akin to how most responsible parents deal with their children who either inadvertently/ignorantly, or especially defiantly/rebelliously, want to do something that their parents know as a fact will be most detrimental, even deadly, to them. Usually deterring and/or punitive corporal punishment is used.

Biblical Theology and History has repeatedly stated and shown that God indeed knows how best this life should be lived, i.e. to the equally optimal benefit of all. So God taking measure to “discipline”, pointedly people who professed to be His followers is, in that context not cruel at all. And why didn’t people who would suffer such punishment if they refused to obey God’s Law not just escape to another nation, or even go out and start their own nation, which indeed just required one family to do so, as with Abraham=Nation of Israel, it was manifestly was because they had variously tangibly experienced this God, as faithfully, and most candidly, even adversely so, (thus most truthfully), recorded in the Bible, and know Him to exist. So, unlike other nations who do not have such knowledge and experience, God has, and for the benefit of those other ignorant nations/people, endeavored to have His Israel be as disciplined as possible to be able to best present His necessarily Faith-based (Heb 11:1-2) Redeeming/Saving Truth to the rest of the world.

If you are going to try to impeach Christianity, then be, at least, journalistically responsible enough to engage it in what it really is. Christians are just no longer under the “tutoring” measures of the Old Testament, pointedly, as the Gospel Truth is, that God is no longer solely depending upon them to perfectly keep their side of their bargain (=covenant) so that He can save them and redeem this world, as that requirement has been met by the sinless life of Jesus Christ. Believers now have been given much more grace, and all so that they can better effectuate God’s earth-redeeming will...with God banking that such greater loving grace will awaken greater wilful faithfulness in return (E.g. Rom 5:20-6:2ff, 15-19). Indeed by God wishing that He could now trustingly, literally “win the heart” of His Israel by, through this “great(est), faith-based, grace”, appealing to their emotions, whereas before, in the Old Covenant, He had had to try to accomplish this loving trust by trying to intellectually reason with the Israelites. -Which is why being a scholar/lawyer/master of the OT Law was a foundational requirement to an Old Covenant relationship with God, whereas for the New Covenant, God would take care to inscribe these laws on the hearts of believers as they entered by faith and love in that relationship. See Jer 31:31-34|Heb 8:7-13.

Relatedly, Cenk as a professed Agonistic-Theist, has clearly left opened the door for what he does not know or can explain to be in the realm of a “god”....Well then, unlike the God of the Bible, what does this “god” have to do in relation with the affairs of this world. Where is his “prophetic revelation” of His will?? From what I’ve seen thus far, it seems evident to me that Cenk’s “god” is nothing more than himself, i.e. whatever he thinks is right/good/truth. How “rational” is it then to attribute this self-determination and inherent subjectivity to a higher/other/invisible being??!!

The (long chain of) “testimony” of the Bible, including many people, especially first-hand witnesses, suffering and dying for this testimony, (=martyrs) can stand any sound examination, with “science” actually just repeatedly evidencing that the Bible/God was right on all along. And yes, the end time consequences for those who did not believe is indeed what Christians rightly believe, though the accurately interpreted and understood scenario makes much more sense than what most Evangelicals/Dispensationalists claim....but it is also understood that God has mercifully long delayed that end, and has instead first sought, again due to necessary “faith” requirements, to have His followers give the best warning to the world. (2 Pet 3:9)

Btw, proper Biblical studies reveal that “miracles” in the Bible were/are not done by “hocus pocus”/magic, but by a higher science or unseen angelic assistance. If pop-culture can gushingly profess to believe in zombies, even the zombie stories/scenarios they have concocted, then they cannot dismissively view Bible believers who understand that there exists an unseen supernatural world. Perhaps if human brains were developed beyond 10-20% they would be able to process and render the sight spectrum at which those angelic beings now remain unseen.

The seriously defying fact, -and that is indeed a challenge, is that the world/theistic view of accurate and full Christian Theology makes the most sense of human existence and destiny. Too bad that most Christians themselves don’t fully know or understand it, but many, even basically do, and it does most rationally make sense of this life. Truthfully/Honestly/Responsibly: Engage that!!


About Cenk Uygur
-The only reason why he insists that he is “agnostic” is because he is not sure if he himself is not God...or at least ‘God’s only begotten gift to mankind’....Oh yeah... whenever he’ll gets his “Wolf PAC” amendment passed, then he’ll be certain, LOL!!

-Fantasy Spoiler: “Science” cannot be your God, because Science is not God...Moreover Science was created by God....

-Too bad that Cenk has allowed his accrued “many video views” (which any TV News Network, and even RT and its Network Youtube|Online, just obliterate on a daily basis), to delude him into thinking that Truth is dependent on being filtered through his prism of, moreover retarded, ignoramusness....and it’s moreover pathetic when the fact is that most of these views are reiteratively generated by his mostly stoned audience (of statistically probably around ca. 2000 regular viewers) rewatching TYT clips again to finally begin to get something.

-Man you are stupid...it’s hysterically unbelievable...in fact what’s more idiotic is just how you are just clueless of how stupid you are...or is it moronically rather that you are that absolutely stupidly sure that you must convince other people that you are that clueless....but hey, ‘you’ve found an equally stupid niche’....



-LOL hysterical how you mindlessly think to know Jesus Christ...of course whenever He self-suitingly “ever-existed” for you. Ever read the clear warning He gave about those who persist in committing “abominable” acts (Rev 21:8) of which practicing homosexuality is one (Matt 19:4-6; Lev 20:13; 1 Cor 6:9)....Really I can’t figure out who’s dumber, you to think you know anything about, and speak for, Jesus or your likewise preferredly moronically dunce sheeple who think that you do.


-Speaking about the “sheeple”, or should it be “turkeys”: hey Iadarola, if you hadn’t amply demonstrated how Biblically residually fogged you actually were, your little gimmick might have seem more convincing. Don’t worry, the Heavenly Intelligence itself does need, even the input of, your blind “insights”....(Luke 3:7)
-Btw, I’ll expect a full $5.00 refund fo this month, you conniving thief!!


-What a (desperate) guile peddler....





-Sorry to burst your infantile theological “cognizance” Cenk, but the Creator God of the Universe, as presented in His Word, the Bible, does not, (actively) run the created Universe. He has arranged for it to run for itself, including human being to order their own affairs, which thus include exercising Biblical order and judgement, especially against the inevitably encroaching and overspreading selfishness, wanton death, suffering and misery ideology and effectuation that you ditsily want to, (now literally, facilitatingly), “drug up” the entire world with. (Rev 18:23b). You moronic retards!!! Believe or not, you are Satan’s ambassadors. You may enjoyably be a guinea pig, but God’s Followers don’t need to go by your ignorant, “animalistic”, “pain or pleasure” approach.
            Now, especially in NT times, God has graciously given you all heathen a further break, and has given this world enough time so that you can be exposed to the preaching of His Gospel message, and then will you be rewarded for whatever informed decision you will have made in the light of that Saving Truth.
            Added to that, as clearly Biblically explained in GC 46-48, God has even allowed His True Followers to, just like Jesus Christ, to unfairly and unjustly persecutively suffer at the hands of also/principally you heathens, all to demonstrate to all what is your actual, true, sin-reveling natures, which are terrorized by His unimpeachable morality. But that merciful God is also a perfectly reckoning God of Justice, and not only will He Himself be fully vindicated from your endured reign of vile terror, which you can’t help but turn around and blasphemously blame Him for, as if He was suppose to sponsor your evil course, at the irrecoverable cost of both Him, His Son, and also other sinless, (especially to be futurely created) obediently sinless beings, but He will also make sure that all of His True Followers who have been crushed under your “Babylonian ministering” will have their full vengeance. (= Fifth Seal - Rev 6:9-11). [...]


-Debunking Factoid: Canadians are not ‘ethnically hyphenated’; ergo: Canada has assimilated its immigrant population way better than America!!!!

Greatness of (Japanese) Sex Robots https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTc-6JPF9o0
-It’s official: John Iadarola still believes in Limbo...He doesn’t “know” he’s (“also”?) “gay” = agnostasexual #biconfused ...but of course, he will be trying (including, “Freudianly”(!) ‘about|with (Republican, no less) Tucker Carlson’), and his buddies will be helping him, “really, really hard”...relatedly, it takes much more physical effort and mental will to become, and remain, a “grown-up child”...that’s literally “retarded”...but of course, as usual, as with eating&drinking, relationships; marriage; entertainment, etc, you twistedly much more prefer to spoil&trivialize things in order to “enjoy” them...of course, like a “bunch of animals”... But  “physicians” psyche-analyze yourselves: You are just fundamental angry/orge a.k.a. “mad as hell”....and that is “fun” for you because you have nothing else/better to live for...
            Btw John, you do know that p@#sy has become literally free since “medieval” times....Oh I see, you’re waiting for a “medievally” pre-programmed Japanese sex robot ...#bytesexual {Warning: To avoid the following O-face - Unplug charger from power outlet before “using”...}

-Ooohhhh.. Turk Sheikh Uygur has made another fudgy.....Newsflash: Not everyone wants to ‘s$#t where they eat’ nor ‘eat where they s$#t’ (~Deut 23:12-13, 14)....but who are we hoodwinking, this whole Sharia Law of yours, and its claimed “homophobic” basis, is really just the added ‘denial excuse’ you’ve been (only) telling your Babies-Mama...And of course, you have to maintain the lie when on air...just in the minute chance case she’s watching...

-Jimmy Dore, the psychoanalyst...yeah that’s “psycho” indeed....The world is now foolprone...

-Got to love when smugly clueless unbelievers think to know and dictate what ‘acceptable Christians’ are...Good News Flash: Christian who do not, and that “proselytizingly so, share the Truth of the Christian message, and even in the face of harassment, even persecutions by you damned unbelievers, are, self-foolingly, not Christians at all. (Mark 8:38; John 15:18-19|Luke 6:26-(27a = 1 Cor 13:6=John 7:24=Acts 17:30-31=Rev 6:11=Rev 19:8=Rev 19:11f=CET 228.2a-6=Rev 15:4). You do not set what True Christianity is, Jesus Christ, the Jewish and World’s Creator and Messiah/Savior, does!! (Mat 28:18-20). How desperately clueless can you be?!! Really!??
            Instead of trying to patronize True Christianity, why do you, and that sustainedly, i.e., beyond your mere knee-jerkedly, superficial and shallow moronic claims, actually disprove the Christian Faith i.e., in regards to Origins, Meaning of Existence, and passed/fulfilled and future Prophetic predictions (and by the way, which is not what the AntiChrist/Apostate Roman Catholic Church claims and believes) Fact is, you just cannot: rationally (i.e., you “Evolutionary” claims are full of holes), logically, intellectually, nor socially. Your attempts to revive paganism are useless as that mindset has historically, repeatedly, long been shown to be self-destructively, completely futile....

-Clearly you don’t really believe that you believe that I no longer really believe what I believe. {Deut 32:35|Rom 12:19|Heb 10:30; EW 274.1; Psa 94:1ff; 1 Sam 30:8ff}

-Don’t worry, you weren’t even giving accurate|actual news anyways....

-...nah Jimmy, your comic license will then be revoke...the Heavenly Intelligence has said, and thus will ensure that, even you, will only be “anguishly, weeping and gnashing your teeth”...In fact, the more you try to laugh, the more it will hurt, and will last, until even that smirk on your face, from your still unrepentant psyche, is wiped out by the deluge of your candidly genuine, desperate tears....in the face of that reality of life, indeed completely, undiluted with the mercy of God (Matt 5:45, 48|Luke 6:35-36 vs. Rev 14:10)...Oh yeah... I’m talking to you...


-Conveniently ignoramus and idiotic Blenk at it again: The Jews vs. Palestinian fighting for land in the Middle East has nothing to do with God, but with two peoples who (a) cannot properly read whatever portion of the Bible they have and (b) are not, since they both reject Jesus Christ, in the will of God...but of course that is all way to pertinent for your moronic narrative.

-When gramps Jayar’s onset Alzheimer’s finally sets in, then it definitely won’t be possible to make head or tails of what he has said...

Cenk did not want to marry a virigin
-Evidently Dinky Denk needed someone(s) to first (amply) “break in” his Babies-Mama....clearly since he was so terrified with, and so that he then could have an excuse as to why, he variously, would still not have measured up....

-Don’t worry, the goodly purpose of God’s tormentings (Rev 11:5-6, 10) and fiery [as using electricity would be too resource costly] Hellish torturing (Rev 14:9-11) is for you all to “honestly” admit the Truth...And unlike your wishful desire, His dealings will only be ended when the Heavenly Intelligence is done with you....And if you and your fellow retarded imps cannot see that all of your “truthfulness” remonstrating has, LOL, done nothing for you but seal your atrocious doom...then soon you will...You cannot seek to exact truth, when you were never dealing with Truth. (John 8:32)..but evidently, and indeed clearly, you are way too innately stupid, and moreover, utterly (=pawned-ly) God-forsaken to even begin to get this. (contra..Matt 19:27&John 18:38 (DA 723-740))

Cenk fantasizes about remembering (only) his sexual flings on his deathbead
-So since one of Turk Sheikh Uygur’s Commandments and Fundamental Belief is that ‘he does not complain about, let alone report, what he gets off on’, then that explains why he has not been reporting the homemade kiddy-zoo porn that he relaxes to as his Babies-Mama gives him a fantasy-dildo-sustained, and of course reminiscing, fappy endings, Asian massage...Unlike during his prior, often recalled, fling-relationship with Miss Jamaica, she herself was evidently not “cool with that”...and yet she is one of the first things that comes to his mind as he fantasies what he fondly will remember on his deathbed....


-Yeah Yeah, keep desperately burying your heads in the hot sands you idiotic cowards. The theory of Evolution is neither scientific, nor does it begin to explain anything truth or rational about life’s origins. Do enjoy your adult bed time stories...

-You ‘at least knowing where I stand’ still won’t let you know where I stand... #AmericaSniper...like you, actually others, since you will no longer be around, are even going to be able to, post-execution, “arrest”, let alone “prosecute” me, LOL!!

-Oh what God can do, and is+will be doing, through His (actual) ‘faithful/righteous prophets’ who are of ‘like (human) nature’ (James 5:17-18; 1 Kgs 17-18; Mal 4:5-6; Rev 11:6) especially when acting to effectuate “deludingly strong, fence-shaking, delusions” (2 Thess 2:11-12)!!!


-It’s evident that Cenk Geyser’s Babies-Mama needs to “chill”out some more and allow him to replenish his Wenk Benk...he’d clearly be shocked by what, even natural, actual DDs will get you these days, i.e., since his early ‘90 days...



-Gotto, LOL, love this comical, absolutely mindless, self-serving & witlessly smug, patronizing teetering between: “Jesus was the Prince a Peace” vs. “Jesus was a blood thirsty loon”...News Flash, the Isa 9:6 prophecy, -the only place where this title of “Prince of Peace” is stated, and which also included the titles of: “Mighty God”, “Everlasting Father”, but of course you’ll need to ignoringly excise those claims on you, puts “Peace” last, because indeed Peace will only come after all you unbelievers are eradicated or subdued (=Rev 19:11-16ff). So like Jesus actually said about His First Coming: ‘Don’t be fooled, (as you are), He came to unsheathe a (division causing) SWORD (Matt 10:34-36 = Luke 2:34; Matt 11:12; -all based on Mic 7:1-6ff -check the textual cross reference.), the Gospel’s Truth unequivocal Sword (Heb 4:12-13; Luke 2:35)...and when it has done its work, then will actual&true Peace occur (=Mic 4:1-5ff)...(John 7:24; 1 Cor 6:13; 13:6)...but of course you have a “different Christian gospel” for your audience...no kidding!! (Gal 1:8; 2 Cor 11:13-15)

-Just grow a “convinced” spine and stop your vacuous and air-headed ‘thanking of “God”’ already, -really any “god”. A least then you won’t also be held accountable for breaking the Third (Exod 20:7) and First (Exod 20:3) Commandments...


-No s#!+ Shirley ‘you’re bi-down with that’...

-Really “understanding” the fantasy of a “common ancestor” instead of “direct descendence” from chimpanzees really sets you and your theory up as truth...Nice desperate (yet quite superficial) loophole...You all do not even believe your lies* And you are still missing a link(s)...Furthermore, LOL, “educate” yourselves and “get your own stupidly lying story straight”**; even your speculated “common ancestor” would have had to have been an “ape”.


** e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_of_Progress#Original_sequence_of_species

-A lie by any other theory is still a lie...but don’t let the debunking facts get in the way of your desperate fantasy.


-‘Gen 4:19, 23-24--Luke 10:37b--John 13:27b’

-‘Gays (B.k.a. “dogs”* (Rev 22:15)) need to “non-hypocritically” be deferential to bestiality’...no kidding...

* And, relatedly enough, that is a gross insult to dogs, or any other “actual” animals, because they know better than to engage in gay sex, and thus are more rational than gay humans.


-LOL, Cenk apologizes for cursing on air...What is this world coming to...It manifestly/probably was because of some unexpecting person in the studio....Wouldn’t want his Rev 19:20 “Bush Mountains” Hell date to (literally) “freeze over” (or: remain frozen)....(Rev 22:11)

-Contrary to their deceived and wishful thinking, (the typical) unbelievers never actually love each other/anyone, but, and inherently/incontrovertibly to their evolutionary|anomial  nihilism, they instead just basely, present-state-relatedly, sequentially use each other/others: from their societal peers-statusing boy/girl-friend(s) to their passing flings to their disposable one-night stands to their sex-steadying escorting to their over-the-hill<–>bab-y|ies mama era. What a dishonarable & indeed “animalistic” excuse of for existence!

-Ignoring the patent indifferently mindless double-talking: i.e, from ‘TMI/Too Much Sexual freedom’ to ‘not similarly much’...it’s rather the Westernized-Asia’s “land-god” who has some problem with genitalia...hence all the porn post-production blurring...Evidently that (Fantasy) Genitalia Sculptures Theme Park is its “overcompensation”....

-(a) given that death was the other option for the judicial treatment of the 7 nations+warring losers overtaken by God’s Israel (Deut 20:10-19) then them being slaves instead was a much better sentence.

(b) as with penalties, additional charges and fees by lenders to terms violating and/or delinquent borrowers, then the Bible’s instructions for non-productive slaves, who thus merely used up Israel’s resources while having had their lives spared, were more than fair.

(c) there were laws against having sex with anyone outside of marriage, and biologically unnecessarily bi-gamy, so the “first” suspicion of how a non-Israelite female slave would “please” her master is not sexual favors, but most likely rather in regards to their homemaking abilities. (It does “take one to know one” though...)

(d) Paul counsels to/about Philemon were in that case of Romans having Christians as slaves, most likely through an indentured obligation, as was the principle case of Israel’s domestic slavery permissions. So Paul not telling Philemon and other Christians slaves to rebel against their Roman masters was certainly most wise, and in fact lawful.

(e) most slaves survived a “routine” disciplinary physical punishment while other “accidently” died from a similar one
-just from the fact that no Scriptural references were given, it could easily be seen that this was going to be another typical atheist pre-texting prooftext job.

-...“yes”, and you all are a bunch of psychotic sick f#@<}s fiends...

-It is only ego-drunk, desperate guileful charlatan smug morons like you who are afraid of ‘exhaustively confronting/litigating all of the pertinent facts, and should sneakily hide them, and moreover, think that people should be gratefully patronized by your ‘great mercifulness’, just do the world a great favor already and just off your useless hot-aired-inflatulenced self!!! “Morons”, B.k.a “fools”, and their moronic/foolish ways don’t win in this, God’s Universe!!! (e.g. Luke 18:18-27|DA 518-523; John 19:8-11|DA 736.4-6)
            The funniest of things is you thinking you are so smart, -in fact to the tellingly aware point where you have to try to reverse-physchely hoodwink your moronic and gullible audience by caricaturizing this, when all that you are is a raging idiot. As they say, in the land of moronic idiots, the one who thought to buy a bullhorn is thus ‘clearly  supposed to be king’.

-Really, you want people, other than your (exclusively) “significant” other, to arousedly look at, onto and/or “into” your (willfully) sensually exposed curves, “bits” and coutours/definition just “move on”, i.e. without also naturally dropping everything, and I mean literally everything, and doing what then naturally should be done, which at the very least, is saluting you by: erecting a flagpole and then feverishly, rushingly endeavoring to (in time) hoist to its tip-top a wavy white flag of unconditioned surrendering tribute to your irresistible sensual&sexual allure, attractiveness and beauty*...(indeed expanding on what they presently openly/publicly “naturally” do in Cape d’Agde France)....or is that not/no longer “natural”....
            As per the philosophical conundrum of “if a tree falls in an empty forest...”: How do you know if you actually look sexy in that dress/outfit if/when everyone follows your mindset and become indifferently immune to human sexuality, indeed to the point, as you incontrovertibly want where e.g. a woman walking by topless, or butt naked should have no effect at all. Really your inherent goal is to increasingly erode human sexuality until we all are like witless toddlers. Now there is an attempt to impose an unnatural and inhuman “morality” on people. Unbeknownst to you of course, it is all according to Satan’s sly, jealously-sabotaging, plans (Rev 12:12) as he himself is not able to procreate, and probably is not even equipped/able to be “chemically” aroused.
            Now here is an added reason why I don’t want to live in the moronic world/society of unbelievers. No wonder God has given you all ample time to tangibly demonstrate to the other non-sinful humans in this universe just how mindless and bankrupt your sinful/selfish worldview is.

* (Okay, so there are various ‘access/entry forms of Christian Evangelism’ such as: the potentially purely altruistic Centers of Influence-Evangelism, or Friendship-Evangelism, or the preemptingly cautioned Dating-Evangelism, even the proscribed Marital/Spousal-Evangelism (cf. 2 Cor 6:14; -except when purposefully ordained for Samson (Jdg 14:1-4); but which Solomon took to a forbidden (Deut 17:17) detrimental extreme (1 Kgs 11:1-4ff)); but clearly no one has tried (esp. when exclusive/monogamus, “of course”) Sexual-Evangelism, which is just as it sounds.: Since, as Biblically presented here# at Issue #20, it is lawful to violate any of God’s 10 Commandments in a vital/life/self-defense situation, then how much more for just the potential/otherwise “wrathful” (e.g. Rev 19:20) lost of Eternal life of the unbeliever...But, to be valid, it would have to involve a genuine, knowingly possible, self-sacrificing of Eternal Life of the believer. (John 15:13-14|Rom 5:6-11; 2 Cor 5:21; Rom 9:1, 2, 3; James 5:19-20|1 Pet 4:8|1 Cor 13:6; cf. 1 Cor 9:19-23)...Talk about “entry/access”...Now the really tricky thing here will probably be how to accurately, and that timely so, differentiate between the various “Yes” exclamations: As in: ‘“Yeesss” this is feeling good!’; ‘“Yeesss” I’d love to keep on “seeing” you!!’; and... ‘“Yeesss” I want to Believe##!!!’) 2 Cor 5:11

-More patent mindlessness: You can’t claim to be an agnostic, -which inherently deals with the Spiritual/Theistic, thus Supra-natural, and then implyingly state that to ‘knowingly believe that nothing happens when one dies’. That’s just oxy-moronism 101, -which seems to perfectly/etymologically encapsulate: ‘something which vitally breathes of stupidity’

-...but ‘people are animals’, right!!?....LOL....Oh “sure” only when it comes to sexual behavior....So, again, what was so wrong about the sexual predator “Castro” in Cleveland??!..Or...is it rather that when homo sapiens will have fully evolved from being animals, they will no longer have sex (that should be good for a final ca. 50 years of existence)...or they just will no longer have sexual desires, -which then explains why you all unbelievers now so want to desexualize every sexually arousing body part!!: “Satan’s own/parroted, sly sabotaging (Rev 12:12) “morality” indeed...pointedly given the declenshable critical ‘Earthlings-extincting’ possibility...



-LOL, you all are wishfully stupid...Can’t say I ever encountered that phenomena before!!


-I’ve heard enough (idiocities) from you to know that you (willfully) have no reading/literary competency, let alone comprehension....

-As typical with cowards, keep patently banking on the “easypickings”/low-hanging “religulous” to justify/validate your otherwise useless&losing existence (...Eph 2:15; cf. Acts 15:19-21)...Please, stay stupid!!!

-LOL, your whole moronic belief system and bankrupt worldview is, and that factually/scientifically, a littered trail of unevidenced, pseudo-evidenced and/or counter-evidence junk...but of course, you are by now so entrenchedly damned that you desperately dare not confess this.

-God (Gen 18:20-25ff) critically knew that you would not even be here if He, in those low tech & little science days, had not quasi-preemptively, and also object-lessonly, wiped out those ‘cancerous and perverse nations’, 7 in total, -with likely the 6 beyond Canaan having been neighboringly corrupted by the Canaanites, and that only when they had fully bloomed their vitally detrimental course...but of course, you all, like your inspiring father the Devil (Isa 14:13-14, 15-20), desperately need to know better than God...

-Pro 1:20-32

-...but homosexuality is actually not approved of in Biblical Christianity....so optionable “end of the advocating line” indeed!!


–Gotto love the desperate way that you keep trying to make arguments against believers and their beliefs from merely your humanistic viewpoints...as if that is supposed to trump the belief of believers that what they believe comes from God. E.g., ‘the Pope is trying to tell you how to live your life’; when Catholics actually believe that God is speaking to them through him. And almost half of Christianity have Biblical proof that God is mostly not speaking through the Papacy; -certainly not: ‘vicariously “in the place of” the Son of God’,* indeed especially those who know how to properly interpret Bible Prophecy (as did the Protestant Reformers who separated from the “Antichrist” Catholic Church). Same thing for that Pastor who claimed to have a vision about acceptable sexual positions. He is not ‘trying to tell others how to have sex’, he instead believes that God showed this to him in a vision to share with other believers. Biblical Christians likewise know that they are supposed to test all such claims of prophetic revelation for validity by comparing it with the already revealed Word of God and reject whatever is not in harmony (2 Thess 5:19-21). So your “tangential, merely humanistic counter arguments” certainly mean nothing to Believers, nor is the similar attempt to discredit the Bible because, you, evidently also strongly, believe that, in ca. 1400 B.C., Israelites completely killed off 7 nations in Canaan. Which you need to obliviously assume was completely unjustified. Try to disprove that, contrary to what the Bible also presents/states, it was not actually from the command of an All-Wise, All-Just&Righteous and All-Knowing God, and you’ll actually have proven your point...Clearly you also cannot disprove Intelligent-Divine Creation with your Evolutionary claims, indeed just ignoring all its scientific substantiation and you evidently also cannot even begin to aptly disprove the other proof of Himself given by God: (Historically-Fulfilled) Predictive Prophecies. So you are only fooling yourselves with your irrelevant, sophomoric, arguments thinking that they are capable of defeating Bible-Supporting Evidence....But whatever helps you sleep at night....

-LOL, My children won’t/wouldn’t need your ‘early sex-ed taming’ because they won’t/wouldn’t be raised as if they are animals....btw, fyi: a “19-year old college student” is not a ‘grade school age kid’....

-Yes ignoramus smug fool, keep telling yourself, and others, that Jesus won’t return. (2 Pet 3:3-10) Better expend your energy on learning Bible Prophecy instead....

-Don’t worry, you all will be gone long before Miami’s gone...(Rev 11:18b)

-Oh so now people are not supposed to think and act like “animals”and exercise self-control...make up your ambivalent “minds” already....-Typical circuit of these inherently whimsical unbelievers....after their “trial and error” painings, they come full circle back to the rule of morality...and then they even ‘don’t like: e.g., adultery’...So as patently typical, you’ve again proven that your whole issue against God/Christianity is that it makes you feel guilty...at a stage in your life when you did not want your actions to be gulited...

-Seriously, can you (please) get more neurotically idiotic..you know for your propa-grandizing case: people who are give the capital judgement of an “honour killing” thus for ‘dishonouring God and His Religion (The One and Only True God on OT circumstances): Don’t/Wouldn’t go to Heaven....neither (as falsely supposed by many), immediately, not later....Seriously what’s so hard to, indeed “stupidly”, confuse here!???? Talk about being incapable of justifying your view without having to engage in such patent BS. But of course, your right...because you said it....and Ana “sheeplely” agreed. So no need to even go to “court”...Telling that your typical and only recourse is to: get more stupid....
            ...But there is indeed a crowd of increasingly carefully sheltered moronic idiots out there to gullibly by into your vacuous claims....

-Nah, you all aren’t “merciful”, you Satanically drunk jackals just desperately need to keep hiding (John 3:20)...and like I said (elsewhere): (do) “bring it on bitches.... ” no laws or (supposed) laws.....

-Yep Biblical illiteracy really prove your points and claims....But at least your blabberingly loud about it...loudly wrong of course....

-try being “autotheists” instead because clearly you all comically believe you are God....

-Nice try, which could only fool Biblically illiterate people like you: only Solomon had ‘hundreds of wives’ in the Bible, and clearly against God’s express will in regards to “multiplying wives’ (Deut 17:17) and, as God predicted, it led to his, and the nations downfall (1 Kgs 11:1-4ff) which God quite severely, and effectually enduringly, punished him/them for. (1 Kgs 11:9-11ff) So the only fault here is that God has given men Free, though not without Consequences, Will....But, as usually, don’t, even preemptively so, let the facts get in the way of your hot air propaganda...

-LOL...who’s having any “discussion”..just ‘writing out your “rights”’.... as in your granted right to remain WRONG!!! (Rev 22:11)

-Speaking of ‘acting like’ and “being” children: it is those unbeliever who don’t/conditionedly won’t think through their vacuous&myopic claims...until it inevitably (variously) smashes them in the face...
-Clearly you’re still sucking air, so I must be still just “kicking your foot out of my path”....

-Applicably speaking: bringing down that “West” through its own unclean, preying, “birds” is all according to prophetic justice (Rev 18:1-6ff; 19:17-21)

-Why doesn’t God, or in this case “Allah” ‘create a Twitter for ISIS’??! -because, and merely as a general, would be also applicable, (i.e. if Islam was God’s True Religion), rule; the Theologically fundamental self-sustaining (cf. DA 20.3-21.1ff), and thus viable, necessity involved in creating planets/worlds and humans/creatures is that they are to do all that they can do (DA 535.3),* and then if still in genuine need, God then would intervene to Super-naturally assist them. (E.g., 1 Sam 17 - God did not have to intervene in David slaying Goliath. David had the adequate skills and got the righteous job done through these)....

            ...So “sorry”, the attempted amateurish and cartoonish counter-arguments are still grossly/woefully ignoramus and incompetent here!!! Just the facts of the matter....Leave such religious issues to the educated, scholarly & exegetical professionals a.k.a. theologians...(actually even just to the Biblically literate)...But of course, your audience is, between puffs, so gullible to whatever you all novicely claim....

-...Oh...Okay... Ayatollah Uygur has issued a ““Final” Judgement”.....and, despite the “confirming” graphics,  the just world keeps on turning....

-Bluffing eh??!! There is one proven way to ‘successfully invade Nazi-fortressed Normandy’....You are just not individually that important....And yeah.. Do pass that/those (“C-51”) Bill....Bitches!!! In whatever we do, we are way above your “face-dredging”, “knuckle-dragging”, level....

-...and you all can spare me the laughable poker faces because you all impish pawns are the only ones at the table...swindling yourselves...

-LOL, What a fool (Psa 14:1ff)...Doesn’t take much to get you drunk....Yes, keep self-reassuredly thinking that everything must pass through your idiocracy to become validated...In fact, we are actually banking on this smug self-con-fidence of yours....As God says to you: “You didn’t create that, nor anything”....From the very first instance that you all started to cheat in order to try to win, you clearly proved yourselves to knowingly be LOSERS!!! And even your dispatching is fully warranted in matching self-defense....(And FYI, the Bible clearly shows that even a donkey can speak something true (Num 22:28-30)...so possibly, even an “ass”...)

-Can’t wait till you all use the, likewise self-serving, “animal” justification again....as e.g. for your Tinder-strangers hook up flings...


-nah...it’s a fact that you, indeed “religiously”, mean: ‘selective and/or distorted “facts”’ & pseudo-/junk-/whimsical-“science”..and re-emphatically claiming so, just does not make it so....


-Nah retard, Freedom of Truth even trumps your “Freedom of Speech”... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZjpnXcGZ9w


-right, except the perspective that’s decking you....

-It just doesn’t get more illogical , and fundamentally so, than believing that: “everything, including intelligence, came from nothing, including nothing intelligent”!!! Or even more ludicrous: that a particle smaller than a hairpin, containing the full quantity and specivity of all natural “periodic” elements, had always existed, even had gathered and self-compacted all these elements, only to later massively explode, but not in a destruction atomic conflagration; -and from that came “everything”...
            Believing instead, from the weight of evidence of both Creation and Prophecy, in that Intelligence, All-Powerful and Will-Freedom Granting Eternal Existing God who has invented the scientific know-how, power and substantiating means to (Renewably) Create and (Scientifically*) Order everything, including chiefly humans who are miniature, -but keyly “depleted” (i.e., conditional living-wise, should they become a threat to His Establishment), replicas of Himself, is indeed much more logical...
            ...And since you patently variously just return, after your smarting pain vs. pleasure mishaps, to the (presently effective) standards set forth in the Bible: e.g. exclusive/monogamus, eventually marital, relationships; non-YOLO living; self-sacrificing for others; etc, then why just not take that “Pascal’s Wager” [Issue #5]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZUJlaPMPrw 

* And yes, God did establish the forces/laws involved in what we have called “Physics” but no, God just couldn’t create the fiction and fantasy which is “Evolution”#...Rev 11:18; Jer 2:7 Great ‘ecological’ texts indeed, and you missed 2 Chr 36:21 where God, as long warned (Lev 26:34-35), deported/exiled the whole southern Kingdom of Judah to Babylon for 70 years because they had been violating his agricultural and socio-economic (cf. Lev 25:6-7) law for then ca. 490 years, still practiced today, that they were to let their farmlands lie fallow every 7 years (thus called “sabbaths” Exod 23:10-11; Lev 25:1-5) so that it can naturally nutrients-wise replenish itself.

# And, as (more detailedly) stated elsewhere, theologically, actually judiciously, speaking, there was no justification for God involves conflict, suffering and death before sin (Rev 12:7-9; Gen 3:22-24)

-Those without self-control “do-it”, -typically with anything that spreads’em; those with self-control, at the most, write it out in their private diaries; ...-and then you all p@wned-possessed “hateful” (Rev 18:2) $#!+|@$$ jackals without decency, scruples, civility nor self-control, as usual, barge in to prey on it...Were you all collectively, repeatedly, ritualistically dropped on your heads??!! Oh right, you’re professional psychopaths....

-Okay, LOL...I sanely “give up” (Pro 26:4)....You’re clinically c-r-a-z-y..clearly most seriously believing you, let alone also your idiotic and moronic self, are to think and speak for everybody, let alone me....

-...and like I had said, your whole “agnosticism” claim/stance m is c-r-a-z-y, on many levels, but there too, don’t put any thought into it...Indeed your “god” is nothing more than whatever you need it to be, and thus is nothing different/more than those man-invented and worshipped statuette figurines of ancient times...


-I myself didn’t begin to get “greedy”, Workgirl; you all got unlawful and criminal...just (judiciously) exacting what is owed to me...or, evidently/as I recall, as you would express it:
"Gettin' it" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJGGzunxHmE  ..and “Home” is literalistically perfect...with 3 bedrooms+ to spare...and that planned other/next (patriated) Home-HQ-Office will indeed be exponentially more grand...so, as simply, straightly & substantively, -though also perhaps (partly) subjectively, said:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwZ2ueYrrP4


-I am just not seeing that often claimed claim by Sheik Uygur that ‘people will be burned in Hell because they ate shellfish’. I rather, and exegetically, see, moreover in Deuteronomy, -so also not ‘next to the Lev 18 abominations’, that: shellfish is amongst the things which are abominable, i.e. foods wise, (Deut 14:3, 9-10) and that God’s true/set apart followers will not be eating this (Deut 14:1-2), thus ergo the correlation that: those who will burn in Hell will not be God’s people, and thus will, most naturally/likely (as there are of course, particular these days, vegetarian/vegan non-believers) also be eating such detestable things such as swine’s flesh, mice (Deut 14:8; Isa 65:4; 66:17).



-huhh, wolf-quack&wolf-hack (Matt 7:15-19; 24:24), the Capitols are not God’s house/temple. So, nice try...Your (existential) raison d’être is indeed surely not substantiated in the Bible, indeed quite to this Scripture-twisting, self-serving, contrary (=Rev 16:13-14)!!!

-Genesis is not the (Covenantal) “Law of Moses”..and most no-braineredly enough, just because God ended certain parts of the Old Covenant...it does not mean that ‘they had never occurred’ nor ‘been in effect’. So the accounts of Adam and Eve and the Genesis Creation, as well as Noah’s Global Flood, all remain unaffected...just as Jesus Himself knew/believed...

-Uygur Unreal: ...your viewers don’t have kids...


-I’m repeatedly shocked by how prudish Ana (manifestly) is, even bordering on, (still) conservative -(and I could rattle off a substantiating list of examples here)...Literally “cognitively dissonant” to me...

-Ohhh Pansy-Panda, just worry about the “work” at your moronic and slavish level, which you still can’t begin to get right...

-When, actually we both, run out of observable (straight) facts, we, as the most informed and educated on you all’s side responsibly admit, turn to faith. It is just that our “faith” is much more corroborated and tangibly circumstanced, as well as being fundamentally most logical and rational, -indeed to the point where some of you “agnostically” leave the option for such a reality, (as if that would disculpate you, unless of course that ‘god-possibility’ is nothing more than you), that it makes more sense to wage one’s life on it. (Heb 11:1ff)

-There’s the Baby Boomer Generation, the X Generation, the Y Generation, the Millennial Generation...I don’t want to be around when it’s the “Reefer (Ana.k.a:  “Splooge”...oh wait, that’s the present “Money Shot” Generation) Generation”s turn, i.e. the generation which matured and developed when marijuana smoking/consuming is (legally) a rampant as tobacco, because it then will not only be the most (clinically) braindead generation in the history of mankind, but it will then, most dangerously enough, also have the most power at its fingertips and in its hands.

-oh we Canadians (amongst many others), don’t have ‘money in politics’ issues in our Parliament, that’s also why our General Election takes up a total of ca. one month.

-“Animal House”..hey look, I too vacuously injected that term “animal” in the discussion....Mind the smoke....

-Ana, I really hate to agree with Cenk, but, none of the stories you did on a black person being wrongly shot by cops...involved the same officers...all different...same result. In fact, you probably don’t have a similar story involving a black person as that “Protecting Gun Whites”* one, but I have now seen several similar stories by you all of white people getting away with the same taunting and/or totting things from (also different) white cops**....“think about it”...

** Only exception I can recall off the top of my head was that white, mentally unbalanced, guy in the wilderness in (I think) New Mexico who was shot in the back and only had a hunting knife.

-No kidding the Pope and You/TYT think alike...It’s all prophetically destined, as in two of the three ends of the same lighted “Eighth Head” “(covert-)spiritualistic” confederacy!! (Rev 16:12-14ff; GC 553.2-3; GC 588.2-589.2ff)


-Why so vehemently vitriolic against Mika, Ana? She does not have to share in your cultural view. And myself don’t, seeing it as reversedly demeaning and low-balling of/for black people, and I agree with her actual parallel take on this issue. (See my comments elsewhere).

-Not surprising at all that you all desperately, defensive sound like the demonic spirits which are most naturally inspiring, actuating and controlling you all (=Matt 8:29 - Rev 11:10 - GC 638.2)

-(Ignoramusly)Assault-Get Clocked-Play/Stay Dumb-Repeat...What else would you desperate hot-helium-air-head, retard, oozingly-legion-demons-infested, loser-coward, witless/clueless, moronic&idiotic pawned-imps do...


-On the indeed absurd Dave Ramsey “defenses” segments...you all missed Luke 12:15-21ff, 33-34; 16:13.
-It (technically) was Paul, and not Jesus who spoke(&penned) 1 Tim 6:10...

TYT = The Lorel & Hardy Show remake

You stupid neo-hippies are a bunch of self-preserving pinko-cowards who rather run you vacuous mouths than actually “get dirty” to actually help someone(s) in immediate need. It is because of cowards like, (which you of course desperately need to be since you believe that this life is the only one you’ll have and you also believe that there is no Righteous God who will reward you in the case that you would lay down your life to help/save someone else), that the evil strong run unimpede over the righteous/innocent weaker one.

And by the way, just quit your idiotic, self-righteous defense of abortion because of rape cases. Out of the yearly 1-1.3 million abortion in the U.S. only 32,000 involve an impregnation due to rape.

-Hey, stupid seamless-“Satan-spawned-sock-puppets”: Matt 16:23!!...but what else can you Hell-bound infested selves do....

-(hormonal) birth control pill affects the brain...well that explains things....

-LOL...and what else (Rev 11:10) are you going to do when I surely won’t “lay off your backs”... “tormentingly hurts enough”...poor (born) babies....”Let me live my life”....Moronic, Retard, -clearly you’ve killed off many brain cells over your useless self-ish/-serving/-preserving existence: that’s what those ca. 65,000,000 murder infants, the annual ca. 100,000 mostly killed by drunks are, -(and also what I, for now over 13 (aware) years have been), saying..but do go get pissed “drunk” and stick your head in a meat grinder....or stick yourself in an AIDS-infected hooker....Oooorrrr...Just as effectively: snort some “legalizable” cocaine, dress up as your true calling: a man-looking-woman, and go ram the NSA, or ‘wolve’ (or now, also gyro-copter) the U.S. Congress to ‘get money out of politics’.

-The folly of (here also naturalism-evolutional) neo-idolaters (Rom 1:22-23; Isa 44:9-20), True Believers know to worth-ship the God who create science and set its laws, also as He has super-natural, All Mighty Power above/over it!! (e.g. Prov 8:29; Job 38; Isa 46:9-11; 48:3-5ff)

-It’s not “BS”...you just can’t dare handle the (substantive) Truth....

-Oh just shut up you helplessly stupid & clueless moron...this all is way above your level of “intelligence”...

=As usual, necessarily in matter of religion: deliberately/guilefully, for obfuscating&hoodwinking purposes, -as a good cult leader, (indifferently) completely idiotic:
+Not all World Religions believe in the same, True and only God (Isa 46:9-11)

+The Christian’s “Third Heaven” (2 Cor 12:1-4) God came down to live in this Earth (e.g. Luke 3:21-22; John 3:15-21; 12:27-36ff)

+Apocalyptic Bible Visions/Prophecies are symbolized (Rev 1:1; e.g. Rev 17:15; Dan 7:17); -for the same strategic reason why U.S. military communications are encrypted, i.e. so that faithless (Luke 18:8) and unrighteous (Dan 12:4, 10) idiots like you [or any Christian apostate] can “freely” remain idiots (Matt 13:10-17|Isa 6-8-13; Rev 22:11)

...clearly, you can’t dare handle the Truth...It’s indeed obvious from this stupid approach that you are not willing to/capable of engaging intelligent people, but only dupe your (stoned) sheeple...LOL, Stay Stupid!!!..And if your helpless sheep audience really, as low-barly expected, can’t see through all your clashing dissonance and non-sequitur reasoning...then they do deserve you!!! Quite telling of the desperate weakness of your (inherently) atheism* that you (all) patently need to resort to such lying to try to disprove Christianity!!!

* -Believe you me, you do not want to moronically, “agnostically” claim to believe that ((incontrovertibly): the one and only True) God “may” exist; -the more ignorant you are, the potentially better, either way, i.e., for Heaven (Matt 25:31-33, 34-440ff) or for Hell (Luke 12:47-48)#)...but in your case, you would have had a much better chance of so qualifying if you had remained in Turkey.

-LOL, more ‘helpless or desperate ignoramusness”: (Yet once again): The Biblical Truth in regards to (Militant) Islam: God Himself indirect gave them that (limited) checking-militancy agenda against (actually), as Islamic history bears out, unBiblical people (Rev 9:1-5ff) which certainly is the (Babylonian) Old & Neo West...so that He Himself would not have to (Supernaturally) intervene at all, or at least prematurely, especially with another necessary Global Flooding (=Isa 24:5-6ff) or an unchecked 9/11-style judgement. (Isa 30:8-15|Rev 18:5ff). Thinking to engage, let alone resolve: ‘as a “Final Judgement”’, Religious Matters through an atheistic mindset is a whole distinct level of moronic stupidity, (like a brat barely knowing Third-Grade Math* thinking to thus be able to authoritatively pronounce themselves on College Calculus), -particularly if you are claiming to actually believe that: ‘God could exist’... That “agnosticism” claim in itself is a prime example of moronicity (which is Biblically defined as ‘opting for the (shallowly deemed) easiest way out of something’: It is the uber fool (contra the simple fool Psa 14/53) who says in his heart that “God may exist” (but I’ll still act and live like He does not)....

* E.g., Islam, as per the True Biblical teaching (e.g., Dan 12:2|John 5:28-29|Rev 20:4-6, 11-15), does not believe in a present (thus pre final day resurrection) Hell (upon death) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam#Resurrection_and_judgment

-For Biblical Archeology and History Research purposes, I am ticked that ISIS is destroying any ancient sites (including the prophet Jonah’s claimed burial site)...but hasn’t Americans done just the same to Native Indian culture and property which they just didn’t value as these people did!??

...keep naturally (1 Cor 2:6-16), desperately, clingingly/recursively, “terrorizedly” (Rev 6:15-17), hiding little satans (John 8:44)...You’re still going to “make my day”...

-Darren Sharper :: 9 distinct victims rape convictions :: 8.5 years per case :: should actually be in prison for up to the next 77 years....with perhaps parole only in (2-3x9 18-27) years....It’s...duhhh... Justly that simple...unless he has mental issues...then he should be confined to a psyche ward.


-How childishly naive. The victim in the Suge Knight case just testified against him by effectively stating that
-he’s afraid for his life to testify
-he only (at worst) punched Suge Knight
-Suge Knight was thus only reacting to that level of “threat”
ergo Suge Knight’s “Self-Defensive” reaction was completely unjustified
-if he was actually scared, he would just have kept his mouth completely shut.

-At least they used their “Fundamentalist” belief to try to bring the child back to life, instead of, as for actual or effective, inherently Satanic (John 10:10a), atheists “religiously” engaging in the pseduo-science “it’s my body/my choice” fundamentalism ritual of annually, “disastrously”, abortions slaughtering of 65,000,000 unwanted infants who ‘cramp their selfishness lifestyle and existence.’

-LOL, the patent subjective/whimsical ambivalence of the secularist: (Blind) “Be Damned” when a religious group does it;* (Jealous) “Damned” when your ethnic people don’t**...

-you can only wish that you would get off so easily as being vacuously called an “a-hole”...nah your problems are in the area of the other end....although the same “animalistic”  “pain vs. pleasure” means of determination is just the same in effect there...

-More infantile self-assuaging ignoramus lies which you have to be mentally-challenged/deficient and delusional to believe is the Truth....all speaks to the unimpeachableness of the Actual/Truthful Christian belief...Clearly all beyond your grown up toddler capability of both evaluating and comprehending.
            By the way, just for the factual record, Moses did not speak to a bush. Exod 3:1-7|Acts 7:30-34|PP 251.2-254.4ff God had set the bush on Fire and miraculously preserved it from burning as a sign, and Moses spoke to the Angel of the Lord (=Michael =the pre-incarnate Christ) standing in its midst. And I guess you are also ignorant, Biblically illiterate and uniformed to know that all the Laws that you keep objecting to were actually given to Moses some months later, starting first from the top of a burning mountain (Exod 19:18-20:17ff; 21:1ff), evidence of which, among other instances in the Exodus story, is still observable today....but “no”...keeping self-assuagingly lying to yourselves to maintain the Lorel & Hardy, “cursing-proves-that-I-am-right”, show schtick ratings.
            Oh yeah: Christians don’t believe in Jesus ‘because He walked on water”. They believe everything in the Gospels about Him, -indeed way beyond being a Great Prophet as Muslim say, because He rose from the dead!!! (John 20:26-29; Acts 2:32ff, 37; 1 Cor 15:17) Deal, also, “head on,” with that ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=839KFEgPwzU  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZxa7Iz7wig  It indeed has much more credible (testimonial) evidence going for it than your evolutionary belief that “something=everything came from nothing” and “humans came from apes”.
            Claiming “I don’t believe it” does nothing to disprove what the Bible and its Worldview fully presents (e.g. http://www.3abn.com/Series/CFTF/index.html), which is why, especially with prophecy, you all patently have to bury those “heads” of yours in the sand. Case in point, no valid court procedure wins by falsifying what the actual claims and position of the opposite side actually is, but by engaging those claims, exactly as is, head-on, and then trying to disprove them. If you don’t, or can’t, you easily lose. E.g. the prosecution did not win their case against Aaron Hernandez by whimsically and fancifully claiming that he said that ‘he was in Disney World at the time of the crime’ and so “that clearly is a lie”. They instead accepted his defense claim head on that ‘he was at a club’ and then proceeded to show how that was not probable unless he specially/uniquely, first-handly, knew of the exact time the murder took place.
            Going against, especially “violently” so, evident nature/natural use, such as in same gender “sexuality” (Rom 1:26-27),  is what is “irrational”. Keep unscientifically ignoring the psychologically causative/skewing factors such as neuro-plasticity; early childhood quasi-hypnotic, bank slate, developmental years; etc. LOL, you probably likewise a-psychologically believe that pedophiles were “born this way”... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9PyXN8-fHI
            -And speaking of having rational judgement: for someone/“the founding people” who would want you to believe that they heard from God in a burning bush and a burning mountain, he and they sure did a good job of, even secretively, relating and recording how they themselves always, most trustingly believed in, and most faithfully obeyed, that God (e.g. Exod 4:1-2, 12-17; 14:10-12; 17:3-4...Num 14:9-12, 22-23). Ditto for the New Covenant (e.g. Matt 16:21-23; Luke 22:24; Mark 14:50; John 18:17).

-Getting circumcised at a later age (e.g, 21) is no more riskier/dangerous/traumatic procedure, indeed much much less, than any other time of cosmetic alteration, e.g., breasts enlargement....it all depend on the advancement and skill of those doing the procedure...and telling enough, the botch cases you cite are all in Africa where medical procedures are not as advanced as in the the Western world (including the most Westerned nation in Africa: (Urban) South Africa).
            So here also, no need to be idiotically/air-headedly “TYT-cultishly persuaded” by more a-scientific thinking/opinions, just get a good (Western) surgeon/medical facility.
....Of course the donor was deceased.... ...but nice try faggot...

-are you kidding, Cenk, of course you and that “girl” in that cab was not a lesbian situation...that’s a no-brainer....you had first made sure he was a tranny....

- I am sure that Turk Uygur’s Babies Mama is also “cooly” thrilled to know that he is using his show to “advertise” for some (non-polygamous, since ‘he’s not religious’) side-action...but of course it’s false advertising since he is measuring from where he is still feeling the starting point is from his shemale side-action the night before.

-....Relax and go find another Miss Jamaica and cheat on your Babies-Mama already, and “enjoy it”....Whatever happened to your “YOLO”!!?...

-to be constructively accurate, Cara & Desi, Conservative (Christians) do not ‘hate the poor’, they just have been utterly deluded, indeed by ignoring the Bible, to believe that it is their (Pure) Capitalist approach which will remedy the problem....and (“Godless”) socialists are cruelly standing in the way of this “realizability”...

-Desperate, ignorant wishful thinkers...why don’t you avoid speaking on what you are totally clueless about: amongst other persistent sinners, Jesus is going to burn practicising homosexuals in Hell’s Fire for days (Rev 22:12-16); just like He had object-lessonly burned gays in Sodom and Gomorrah. (Gen 19:24) Kudos to those who weren’t ashamed of the Gospel/Cross of Christ. (Mark 8:34-38). Do your idiotic selves a favor and just stop blaspheming Jesus with your Satanic reasonings!! (Exod 20:7) It may, if you actually cooperate, make your Hell judgement a little shorter.


-LOL, spoken like you know what your talking about. The whole of your animalistic existence and whatever “relationships” you have had, to this day, has clearly been on grabbing at the lowest hanging, at best 3's, “fruits”....Whichever low self-esteem+wasted girl you could swindle out of her “pants”...Which clearly explains why Becca Frucht Freudianly got you so, LOL, peeved by her “fan-girling”....Clearly just not your reality....

-Clearly you can’t let me live my life out because you likewise are so threatened by what that will entail. Hence your tortfeasing resort....

-Of course Allan West said nothing about ‘praying to win’ a game....(but since that is what you all juvenile amateurs believe).... just for all to make it through without serious injury. Nothing wrong with having a pastor (not here “priest” -you lingering Catholic) do the prayer since letting a “man of God” pray for them is actually preferred by many believers, especially younger ones. (=James 5:13-16) “....That’s not allowable” Ohhh Okay Popey Iadarola III....Please you incompetent smug amateurs, don’t quote/allude to Jesus if you can’t properly state what He actually meant. Public/group prayer is not even “proselytizing”...Just look away... no one is talking to you....That is certainly not what Jesus was condemning at all. He was condemning purely ostentatious, hypocritical, moreover for personal, prayers. (Matt 6:5-6 vs. Matt 11:25-27, 28-30)

-The (310,000,000-people) U.S. builds over 1,000,000 new houses per year...why can’t 1,000,000,000+ South East Asians do the same thing and improve or replace its non-earthquake-code constructions...Oh yeah, you all alike, “whether rich or poor” (Rev 13:16-18) selfishly worship the capitalistic economy and idolatrously allow it to decide who lives and who dies....But boy do you self-serving/preserving cowards feel good about yourselves if you’ve bapped your gums and flapped your lips about a problem....

-LOL, you clear emotional “morons”: Because Bruce Jenner said that ‘God-inflicted-him-this-way’, you are now, and that tearfully, ready to accept this belief that there is a Creator God, and who directly inflicts people with such burdens, as “rational and sensical”..But he gets a pass, because he validates your (Satan/Sin-)confused worldview....You all are just the demonstrative evidence of God not longer striving with fallen sinful men. (Cf. Gen 6:3)

-Clearly you can’t even realize that you can’t, indeed dare not, handle the Truth....

-Oh no, you’ve exposed me, you 2-bit memory capacity & span grown-up child stoner cretin.....

-If a woman gets injured, or worse, dies, while she is trying to murder an innocent life (through an illegal abortion), then that just justice....

-Telling how you love the Pope if/when/as he becomes unbiblical like you all. (Luke 6:26; John 15:19)

-LOL, it’s always an exercise in futility to try to have a discussion with an unbeliever because they are whimsically and subjectively all over the short-memory-span, place, even self-contradictorily so: I.e., It is not that ‘I wouldn’t inherently be a good person without my religious belief’, it is rather that, unlike you piggy backing* off of the morality of, especially, Christianity,** I would be much more faithful to my atheistic-evolutionist-natural selection “belief” than you all are, yet pompously, hypocritically claim to be. So then not only will I not let anything or anyone stand in my way of getting all out of my one time life (=survival of the fittest), but I certainly wouldn’t be sacrificially help any inferior ones, starting, as with you all, with abortion/pro-choice advocating. -Own your claims and stop “sinning against your Naturalism Laws, or just admit they are fundamentally bankrupt,*** you feeble-minded air heads!!!

** and as already long seen in “responses to EvilBible.com” nothing unwarranted or unjustified in God’s Old Testament dealings

-Yes keep assuagingly thinking that you all and your moronic existences can give me any counsel...you neurotic “sock-puppets”.....Keep squealing...It will make the day you’ll regret it even more anguishing!!! Any quack shrink would easily diagnose that your innate neuroticism lie in the fact that you so desperately need to feel important in order to validate your occupation.

-Ha, don’t you indeed “find” mates like the “animals” you believe you are...

-LOL, You all are bat-$#!+ psycho....

-Make sure to hold that fiend’s face as I make a momento out of your head, -ISIS David (1 Sam 17:45-47, 50-51, 54|2 Sam 5:6) -style (16MR 34.1)...

-So get back to your busyboding prisoning useless sweat-shop work (Gen 3:17b-19|PP 60.1) already, you faggot-capitalist-striving-slave....and go give your Babies-Mama a ‘solo-German-DP or even TP’, -or even a 4P if you can get a foot (or a buddy) in there, in whatever spare time you can manage....Be sure to not use any lubrication!!!


-Your whole rail and PAC against ‘money in politics’ and vs. Citizens United is totally insubstantive/vacuous:

(a) The Koch brothers don’t tell candidates what to have on their platform, they back people who have the same platform as them. No “bribery” involved here. The Koch Brothers don’t get an additional vote for every $10,000 they give to a candidate. If the voting public is, pointedly in this way advanced internet/social media & DVR age (i.e. where I myself can create and post an ad for billions to access online and where most people just skip clean through commercials) “still” dumb enough to vote only because they see a candidate more time on TV commercials instead of by the values and policies they are proposing, then they deserve to be so superficially duped. Even Hilary Clinton’s “unaccountable” money spiel is similarly irrelevant. Deal with the substance of the actual issues instead of advertising funding. What a moronic electorate!!!

(b) If the ‘millions of people’ who could not contribute as much as the 10, even out of district campaign donors do like either the candidate or his policies/actions, then (1) just don’t vote for him or her, or (2) recall them if, upon a formal meeting with them, they still refuse to actually represent the will of the ‘millions of people’ who elected him or her into office. As typical with you morons, you franctically endeavor to cure the symptoms and ignore the root problem....and its just not “the money”...it’s the lazy and stupid pop-electorate....The founding fathers gave this mindless generation a political system which they can, or really: want to, no longer mentally handle/involve themselves in. No “bribery” involved here either, just uncaring voters/constituents.

(c) one lying political campaign ad, 50 lying political campaign ads, same difference, (even equivalently so depending on how deceptive that lone ad is)... campaign money is still not the issue....

-Clearly you airheaded jackals have no idea of how much “I get you’ (Isa 59:4; Rev 16:13): I.e.....to prove you wrong and ineffective, I have to be what you so “sanctimoniously-righteously” desperately do not want me to become.....FYI: your spawned “horns” (Rev 13:11) and tail (Isa 9:15; Rev 12:4) are showing....

-(Deep) undercover cops don’t get charged, especially by criminals, for their undercover sting operations (Isa 6:10ff)....So dream on....

-“Normal reaction is God Bless...”...you innately just can’t escape the fact that you cannot denying the reality of God...hence your looming Hell doom (=Rom 1:18-19ff)

-No kidding: ‘you are an a-hole’....

-You’re as guilty as you need to hide (John 3:20)

-LOL, I don’t trust someone who cannot think while their having sex..I.e the typical ones on TV and in Movies who have to hurry and rip their clothes off before they think that they are about to have sex with someone else...Seriously what are you: (mindless) “animals”...oh right...that’s what you believe. Oh the meaninglessness....All telling incontrovertible mens rea of a guilty (i.e. acting and/or living in sin) conscience..Way too “neurotic” for me....So, Ana, you can stop being “nice”...

-You believe e.g., ‘that something/everything came from nothing’ and humans evolved from eventually, apes...now that’s irrational, illogical and crazy....It didn’t even take “five” seconds to figure that out... 

-...Indeed you all were purposefully recruited from an unwalled insane asylum....

-1 Cor 13:6; 6:9 -Don’t impose your (especially whimsical/subjective/ignoramus) unbelief on me...

-It must be nice to invade someone’s privacy, got to retributively do it sometime....but, right now, some other ways are some much better and more important...

-Why do you morons bother to talk.....

-Nah, you just might get it...

-Haven’t you ignorant unbelievers read your mid-19th century “Origins of the Species”/Naturalism “text”: you “progress” and “achieve a better and best world” by eliminating/letting die all of the weak: ‘survival of the fittest=richest=strongest’: you Evolutionist “Sinners”...If you were really honest: (the ‘politically opportunist “Christian”’, but actually “anti-Christian”*) Adolf Hitler would be Darwin’s=your messiah, -showing you all how to rightly apply and live out that “Naturalistic Law”;** and Joseph Stalin and his Atheistic Soviet-Communism, Hitler’s vicar=your pope, preserving you all from any Religious/Christian influence...

-Helpless moronic idiot: Jesus (Rev 22:12) is the one who is speaking in Rev 22:15, and that quite strongly (euphemistically) so, about/against homosexuals as “dogs” (=Deut 23:17, 18). And term was specifically for “male prostitutes” because back then there was no notion of further abominably also having gay marriage as today.

-And you “preaching” that Jesus and Paul were at theological and doctrinal odds would  only impress Biblically-incompetent idiot & moronic reprobates becoming like yourself. (=Isa 28:9-13). So do keep, indeed: “gagagooing” over that...
            But as per Pro 26:5: Bible Christians know that Paul was inspired by God/Christ’s Spirit (Gal 1:11-12 = John 16:12-14). Hence passages against homosexuality like Rom 1:25-26 & 1 Cor 6:9; 13:6 etc all stand as Christian doctrine, even building on what Jesus did not have to further elaborate on (Matt 19:4-5 = Gen 1:27-28; 2:24) pointedly to the Jewish audience He was speaking to who knew and followed these things being not a sexually immoral as the Gentiles to whom Jesus later directly commissioned Paul to minister to (Acts 9:15; 1 Cor 6:11; Rev 22:14)

-Yes Ana, soon you’ll be necessarily expanding your vacuously circular hypothesis to also claim that: ‘people who speak against homosexuality are trying to hide the fact that they hate green peas’...

-Quite telling that you need to editorially hide your also Christian-idiotic vitriol from non-members (John 3:20-21)

-Your “fear of atheism[sic]” defense is exactly why Believers don’t trust atheists: just as with your spiel, your worldview and “thinking” is completely, and indifferently so, vacuous. You all don’t (dare) engage all of what life has presented as logical realities. And (a) you all have already demonstrated and proven what True Atheism brings, really starting from the French Revolution, in the 20th centuries Soviet-style communism which you all now need to “sinfully” dissociate from (b) True Christians have been hated and suffered, even death, much more than you atheists, starting with the persecutions of self-idolizing pagans like yourselves in the Roman Empire. So spare True Believers your vacuous pity party.

-Nah, everything I’ve stated about you is true...and everything about you all’s snitches and b!tches can’t but be true...

-Funny..you can’t keep track of your lying fantasies...you desperately need to still profess that you believe Evolution...eventhough you clearly don’t actually believe it....


-Still a beguiling cult leader....So desperately afraid to even mention a distinction between “good and evil”  =Satan’s mouthpiece for his neo- version of Gen 3:1-5...No need to possess a flying snake now....

-Violate your “golden rule” no longer by likewise aborting yourselves already -so as to you yourselves not being an inherent burden on the world....That would surely solved world hunger if all you abortionists would indeed do the same to yourselves....”Abortion”-by-self-immolation on a pile of dry branches, Molech-style (2 Kgs 23:10; Jer 32:35), floating in water will be most economical and less burdensome...of better yet, cuff a cinder block to your feet and feed the sea creatures....

-The reason why atheists like yourselves need the actual, all-knowing and all-wise authoritative voice of the one and only True and Creator God dictating to you precisely what is right and wrong (e.g. Exod 20:1-17) is pointedly because of your moronic whimsicalness in your ignorant and unwise right and wrong claims. You all neo-hippies are nothing better than amply exposed trialing and erroring guinea pigs. E.g. in the 60's your predecessors preached Free Love till the rash of STD’s and AIDS exploded in their face. Now you want to freely mix money and sex (=Legalized prostitution) along with a free-flowing stream of all drugs. You all are so air-headedly stupid that I myself greatly wish that you do get what you’re pining for...As one article rightly said,* you and your energetic and/or inherent (abortion, homosexuality, low (>2.1) birth rate) death culture are already doing a great job of impeding your growth, so do add “Sex&Money&Drugs” to that square rooting (out) equation. That will be proof enough indeed (Isa 66:24; Rev 21:27; 22:15 = Isa 14:16ff; Ezek 28:18-19)

-“What Now”....nothing different...You’re still a “dog” helplessly pining to be slaughtered out of your misery...and I will grant you your death wish, (beyond suing you and your Turk cabal out of existence and (necessarily personal) possessions), and it won’t even be personally so....The world can do without an incarnate demon....(cf. GC 638.2) -Nah you warrant the extra-ordinary measure....
            ....I certainly am not...the rules of engagement of this Great Controversy allows for Satan to also do whatever God does, and vice-versa, and so, as long perceived btw, -just look it up, as you are acting in such a leading way to indeed fulfill those Rev 16:12ff Neo-Pagan prophecies, you clearly are Satan’s responding act, (and all by the permission of God), of an incarnate demon (=a fallen angel), -or at the very least, most intrinsically/inhabitedly possessed by that demon, ironically enough, along the same template as what led to the founding of Islam (Rev 9:1-2ff) and likewise, to oppose also actually Apostate|Mark of the Beast Christianity =Babylon; all leading to the Millennial atheistic opposition. (Rev 11:7; Rev 20:1-3)...(All actually Satan’s revenge ploy for having been played/duped by God with that permission to create Islam...all as God actually also ensuingly expected from him)...So, when the time comes, you will find a way to warrant your judicious execution (Rev 19:19-20), even by covert assassination if necessary...and a good riddance it will be!!! The Heavenly Intelligence is always “7 steps” ahead of you heathens....
            -If it reacts like a demon (Matt 8:29|Luke 8:28 ; Rev 11:10); thinks like a demon (Isa 14:13-14); speaks like a demon (Rev 13:11); lies like a demon (Gen 3:1-5|John 8:44) and acts like a demon (Matt 26:67-68; 27:39-44|DA 746.4); then, at the very least, it indeed is demon-possessed (John 13:26-27)-
            Just as Clifford Goldstein put it in retrospect about his conversion experience (p.90):

“The Lord used those occult experiences too. Though they were not from Him, He allowed me to have them in order that I would know beyond question that when the Bible talks about evil, it’s not talking allegory, poetry, or theology–but about powerful supernatural entities that control human minds. Fortunately, Jesus can break their hold on the human mind. He did for me.” (=Eph 6:12)

-What a shock....You all can’t deal in righteousness and truth.....

-Keep hiding you full of _ _it coward.....

-The mindless whims of the latest crop of the confused generation of unbelievers: more concerned about “cleavage on “Modern Family” than a homosexual couple....

-Keep eating up you own BS...what else can you do to maintain your insanity...

-Yeah right: “when you were less liberal”. Clearly you instead mean: ‘when you were ‘cavemen-with-clubs-in-doggish-heat-rapey’, thus ‘before you got wedlocked w/kids’....For you a “she looks/is beautiful” compliment would intend: “I’d do her”!!! You do make a good case for (so-imagined) “(roofies-totting) Neanderthals”


-As always, classic: delusional, blind and ignorant “foolishness” (Psa 14)...keep inevitably being God’s pawns in fulfilling Bible prophecy (Dan 12:4, 10; Rev 16:12ff, 22:10-11)...

-Yeah and your own moronic “hell-bound good intention” has been ‘having “fun”’...

-Keep nailing your coffin with your every self-indicting blasphemous “God.....” expression. Of course you are conditioned to being way too airheaded and moronic to ever admit it so, but you clearly actually do believe in God....You just self-idolatrously, thus futilely (Isa 44:9-20), want/need Him to be just like you...
            ...It’s actually all not your “fault”....because, initiatingly, Satan cheated and used a half lie, as you likewise do (John 8:44), to deceived humans into a life of sin (Gen 3:1-5), i.e., not telling Adam and Eve that ‘not knowing evil like God’ was not actually a good, let alone viable, thing, God was then authorized to place in the psyche of every man a degree of awareness and understanding of Himself, which is why man, including heathens like yourself, especially when a child, know that you should be doing good (Gen 3:15; Rom 1:18-19ff) (but of course then actively sear that Holy Spirit conscience as you get older)
            As Clifford Goldstein relates after his conversion, when now, -about a year and half later, preaching along side Jed Smock who he used to epically harangue and heckle:

“I might not agree with everything Jed preaches,” I say to the crowd, “or even the way Jed says it, but the truth is, each one of you knows deep inside that God exists.”
            Of course, it’s only justice–they heckle me!
I take the abuse. For God alone knows how many more Clifford Goldsteins stand in the crowd, their curses covering the cries within. (p. 92)

-It’s official, you’ve yet again easily and clearly demonstrated it: the spirit of (blissful) stupidity (=moronicity & foolishness) is Satan’s greatest means of delusion and possession. (E.g. Matt 23:17). Seriously do you guys get a lobotomy right after doing your show. You so easily contradict your own claims and self it’s clearly is indeed a mental sickness....And that is just what it takes to qualify for your (wishful) ‘atheistic “army”’...Nah...You’re all up in my business...so keep “track” and keep up....I couldn’t care less that you stay stupid....

-Typical desperate resort of the atheist: they need to build their “forts” out of sandish beguiling lies....

-Since perhaps someone younger than a toddler would believe that ‘nothing can create something, then everything, including most complexly intelligently so’ and even you all mindless/hypocritical evolutionist clearly don’t even believe in your “natural/fittest selection” tenet; then Theistic Creationism/Intelligent Design (=Gen 1&2) is the most rational and logical “default”!!!!...But do stay stupid...clearly your whole blissful “sanity” depends on it....All you are doing is banking up your psychological anguish for Hell’s own torment (Rom 1:18-19ff; e.g. Matt 13:42, 50|GC 668.2-4)

-...It was for “stem-cells”... (Gen 2:22-24)

-You all already long (“unwittingly”, but tacitly) drafted & signed your “pact with the Devil’ (cf. Luke 12:47-48)....he is just cashing in on it lately....and you all are now finding out....Quite the Devil’s key point man and apostle in, emulatingly (=Gen 3:1-5|John 8:44), deliberately beguilingly, leading others away from properly engaging the Bible.

-...also don’t suggest/prescribe, let alone impose/wield, your (clinical and conditioned) moronic stupidity on/at me....

-no kidding...your whole “post-modern schtick is to give up and believe that there is no absolute truth (as if that was not an absolute claim in itself). As Clifford Goldstein inceptive and drivingly, awakeningly put it when sitting in a pizza parlor...’There was a pizza so there has to be a pizza maker’ and that was an absolute truth...and the evolutionary claims just did not float against such a standard.

-LOL, Bubbled and blatant idiot: look up what “apologetics” actually means: ‘giving a defense, “from logic” for what you have done or believe’ = against “moronic” objections; -such as you all’s patent ones...

-That’s right perditionedly-possessed-pawn (John 17:12b; 6:70-71; 13:21-27): recalibrate for your true and full, object-lessoning, Satanic calling: ‘Atheistic “Altruism and Benevolence”’ vs. ‘Theistic Altruism & Benevolence’, where you are indeed destined to explicitly unite with those Christians you so love who disregard the Bible and go after any fable that externally “works” (e.g. Catholics & “Bob Perry”s culture-gullible/fearing “Christians”) (Rev 16:12-16; 2 Thess 2:9-12; GC 624.1-2|LDE LDE 169.1-3 “Miracles Prove Nothing”) You and your bankrupt ideology and cause is so “prophetically predictable”, indeed predicted,  is just hysterical!!!
            And what’s actually funny is that, unlike aware Christians like Pat Robertson, you easily fall for subtle Satan gateway deceptions like Harry Potter; Dungeons & Dragons and Yoga’s spiritualism!!! https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=steven+wohlberg+harry+potter

“Born-again” is not an appellation or a “water-dunking”. It seen in true Spiritual discernment.
 John 3:5-13. E.g. ‘In the Bible, Satan spoke (seemingly harmless words) through a serpent, and look at the present results (Gen 3:1-5; Matt 4:4ff; cf. Matt 16:23)

            Btw moron, as helplessly usual, that “Abundant Living” Church in Las Vegas is likely so named so as to provide a balm for those who go to Sin City in hopes of finding abundant life and just end up psychologically and financially ruining  themselves (John 10:10)
            And you thinking that you are a Biblical expert just because you can paraphrase some Bible verses stories, only fool the desperate unbelievers like yourself. The Devil knows the Bible much better than you, and he too I can’t help but be God’s pawn (a.k.a. b!tch)!!
-Huuuh “Sherlock”, keep wishfully/desperately “Theo-ridding” away: I’m long done arguing, how much more, not reasoning, with you all stoners....Clearly you’ve long drugs-shot the area of your brain-mind which would you cognizant/aware, let alone ashamed, of your patent vacuous moronic stupidity...

Oh look “Reverend” Matthew Makela’s name is not Jesus Christ (cf. Matt 16:18)...nor did Jesus Christ only say all that He had to say for the New Covenant in the 4 Gospels (e.g Rev 22:12-16)

-alright...committing suicide will also result in you burning in Hell...There, that should counter things.

-The “Lorel and Hardy” show goes on. Pro 26:4,5: Of course you love the air-headed “theo-illogical” brain farts of Jimmy Dore, Ana, because your more Biblically illiterate than he is....Oh look Jesus also said/meant that, ‘once you’ve removed that log in your eye’, -which unlike in the Old Covenant, which was after the daily sacrifices, which is why stoning for capital sins was permissible (contra the unrighteous/sinning accusers in John 8:1-11) is even more instantaneous in the New Covenant: i.e., right upon a prayer for forgiveness, to then “judge righteously” (John 7:24) and remove that/any even “speck” in other person’s eye!! But of course, you opportunistic heathens just need to try to prevent people from rebuking you and your then (obviously) smarting conscience for your lives of unadulterated sin..indeed that is your whole issue against Biblical Christianity. And look, Jesus also said to, in His name and for His sake, and at the risk of one’s Eternal Life: ‘not be ashamed to berate a sinful and adulterous generation’ (Mark 8:34-38)..One day you’ll anguishly thank those Christians who ever bothered to overcome their own falleness to give a damn about yours (Acts 5:29; Ezek 3)...all the while as you are futilely trying to commit suicide in Hell’s Fire. (Rev 14:11)...but of course, don’t care about that fact until you have the “evidence”...Good Luck with that....Your Salvation was so simple: “Believe”..but no, you much more wanted to e.g., screw anything (on two, surely later, when you all democratically agree, -as your “science” protects your from), once again, as your heathen predecessors, also four, feet), that moved, and, of course, in any a-hole which you could fit in; murder the unborn whenever necessary (cf. Lev 18:20-25); and/then fry your brain on drugs and alcohol (John 10:10)

-Keep necessarily, variously, lying to yourselves, you psycho-logically desperate cowards. Those lies only begin to make sense to pot heads like yourselves all indeed under the spell of demonic possession indeed culminating in your culture of murder and death (=John 8:44)

-Oh Yes, you the, worst-than-any-“animal”, baby-murder (advocate)...because you could not control your sexual appetite...is ‘God gift to/for humanity’...How epicly & “w.o.e.fully” Satanically-deluded indeed  (Isa 5:20)!!!

-Clearly your “so enlightening education” is deliberately deficient....fuller research and experimentation has long revealed, as Edgar Nernberg went on to point out, that carbon dating in neither a definitive, nor exact dating method, pointedly when its results cannot be calibrated by an independently ascertained/dated element....which, LOL, your blissfully circular Evolutional Species claims certainly are not.*

            -So there too, you don’t have a (psychologically/“emotionally” desperate) ‘“license” to be verbally/vulgarly dismissively insulting’ to, or whatever irrelevant smearing tactic you need to resort to against, Creationists. Grow up already.....but of course not...And spare me the “self-awareness/introspection” psycho-magnanimity...it just proved how oblivious you desperately are....You all potheads clearly just can’t make any sustained/sequitur sense...indeed not even from the beginning of a sentence to its “sensical” end...

Newsflash: Biblical Creationists believe that large mammals created by God and the genetically manipulated Dinosaur concocted by men were both left out of Noah’s Ark and thus destroyed by the Global Flood.. (4aSG 121.2 & 1SP 78.2a) Therefore it is not at all implausible that man (who was up to 15ft tall then) and those large animals lived together for ca. 1700 years before the (resetting) Flood Judgement. You all are so complacently, smugly ignoramus, especially of those who you endeavor to condemn...How telling that Bible Christians don’t run away from fully studying out and properly engaging your false claims and theories: e.g., answersingenesis.com (John 3:20-21)

-According to the canon of the Bible...Mormons, as with their heretical grand cousin Catholics (the Bible’s “antiChrist” manifestation (Dan 7+8; Rev 13:1-10, 17)), are indeed not True/Biblical Christians. They have variously been led to usurp the authority and supremacy of Jesus Christ and replaced it with some man-made, man-elevating “theology”. (Isa 8:20; Gal 1:6-9)

-Nahhh moronic fat-tub-of-$#!+, you’re the criminal...and you ain’t “read”, let alone seen/felt, nothin’ yet!!!! So save your vacuous sanctimonious “outrage”....

-Or just stop voyeuring in (also) my “back yard at night”...since, now 15+ years on, you clearly have no “balls” (for this either*) to do anything about it: but watch & desperately “vigilantismly”, assuagingly try to self-justify your loser selves....Predictable and prophetic indeed...Carry on...you helpless pawns....

* By the way John, any interest from AKT yet?!!

-Right, spare your Babies-Mama the furthering beach embarrassment with your fatdad-bod....

-...why you are the loony-toony-crazy one of course, with your evolution BS which happened however millions of years ago best fits your scheme and no one saw happen and nothing remotely of the sort has happened “since”. -2000 years ago - undisputed miracle claims even by enemies (i.e., no Gospel-refuting book by unbelieving Jews) - millions of people sealed the testimony with their lives = Bible easily wins again.

-as already long debunked, the Bible does not prescribe or/nor say that (e.g. Deut 17:17): you’re an indifferently willful ignorant moronic-idiotic, legion-invested (Mark 5:9), cult-leading buffoon....It’s all the same Free Will and Freedom you have to ignore and disobey God...likewise at your own peril and consequences (1 Kgs 11:9-14ff)....

-it wasn’t/isn’t “hush money”...it qualifies as a pre/extra-judicial settlement agreement/payment which would have kept the matter, its victim’s identity, and its details, private and “sealed”.

- “forever” in the Biblical sense of course, as in: “ however long your peer-Jury-meted out Hell judgement will last...

-given how Ana (ignoramusly at best) sheeplely agrees with every idiotic thing that her likewise Luciferian, Caligulic-faggot, cult leader Cenk lyingly (=John 8:44) claims about the Bible, she clearly also believes that her parents are irrational gullible stupid idiots for still believing the Bible, in God and being Christians...

-Ana has expedited her soul via Lucifer Redux.

-It’s confirmed, Cenk can’t (understand what he) reads...(in the Bible)...It’s the case of a demonicly stupefied mind over clearly expressed matter....LOL you still can’t read, let alone comprehend, you “pea-brained” idiot buffoon blowhard!!! Hurry screech another anguishing scared-$#!+less stupid respond before I come and get you, you Satan*-possessed zombie.
* not “Shatan”, LOL...know your masters name.....

Sighhhh....Why does Pro 26:4-5 have to be in the Bible:
-ROTF-LOL!!!...Yes Ana....Spoken like a true, docilely receptive/gullible sheeple....and Cenk I would have mindlessly said that Cenk learned to give such “Bible Studies” straight from ‘his father, Satan, the Devil’, as in Gen 3:1-5; Matt 4:3, 5-6, 8-9|Luke 4:3, 5-6, 9-11; but the Devil is actually able to fool not only nominal Christians who “read their Bible”, but also sincerely serious Bible Christians, whereas with Cenk, once he’s finished his spit-frothing spiels, you are baffledly not sure if he is really that idiotic or if he, and/or his possessing demon, actually has clinical mental retardation, and thus “special needs”, issues....
            Really, E.g.: “Abraham had 4 wives”....and ‘Gen 38:6-10’ is the reason why masturbation is morally wrong’....Where did you learn that Cenk...in a Turkish-Muslim (collegiate) madrasa and/or just your wishful thinking!???
            Here is some counsel in order to spare you all desperate atheist high blood pressure and heart disease issues, if you expend as much time and energy in first truly figuring out what the Bible actually says, let alone what it prescribes and teaches (i.e versus what it also candidly/journalistically describes, -and certainly has never left severely unpunished), -which will require to stop limiting your Biblical knowledge and understanding to what another twit like you brain-farted onto a web page on the internet, you’d not only arrive at a much more convincing and convicting case against the “Religious Right Wing Fundamentalists”, but then it would not only take you stating your case only once, but you’d actually end up just convincing and convicting yourselves of the Bible’s actual truthfulness/validity.... #justrecognize it-youalljustcan’thandletheTruth

-Cenk Uygur is well accomplishing his false prophet role: going one/before a nationalized TV stage/audience and telling his followers and anybody else how: ‘it’s okay to love the Pope, as long as he is against conservative/fundamentalists’...as if God did not also bank on that moronic “the enemy of my enemy” potentiality in order to fulfill the 6th Plague Scenario (Rev 16:12-16)....Some spurious righteousness works and/or some seemingly supernatural miracles/signs from the Pope and you’ll indeed be fully in love....Like I said: how does it feel to be God’s (prime) b!tch!!? !! (cf. 1 Kgs 22:19-23; John 6:70-71; Luke 22:22|Matt 26:24-25; John 13:21-30)...

-It is not at all surprising that all women (enjoined by sexually-confused/vapid men) who are in favor of the diversionary “free the nipple” campaign have underdeveloped and/or non-shapedly developed chests, and therefore themselves cannot capitalize on their breasts. More Atheistic/Evolutionalist subjective circular deeming: I.e. my breasts are not sexy therefore a women breasts are not meant to be considered sexy.

-It’s 1 Corinthinas 6:9-10 idiotic moron!!!! And Rev 22:15 is based on a Deut 23:18 “dog” = male-male prostitute...and then there also is in the NT: Rom 1:18-19, 26-27; 1 Tim 1:9-10; among others, raging guileful liar !!! The abominable sin is so naturally obvious it didn’t need to be mentioned many times in the Bible*...In fact, as it was in Early Bible times, heterosexually marrying a sibling or cousin (as was the case for Adam&Eve’s, then Noah and families offspring), is way more natural than gay marriage.

BTW, by your own cult leader’s “logic”, don’t you illegally smoke weed...then go ahead and advocate for, and/or also commit murder.....

-And FYI, you ignorant blowhard, Christians generally and widely believe that whatever OT Laws are still binding in the New Testament, are those which are, like the laws against homosexuality, in some ways/parts didactively and/or prescriptively restated in the NT...(E.g. the laws about sacrifices and circumcision are (tangibly) annulled in the New Covenant (however their principle, antitypical teaching and Spirit still remains). And they’ll cite e.g. Mar 7:18-20; Acts 10:12-16; 1 Cor 10:25, Rom 14:1-4, 22-23; 1 Tim 4:3  against your claims about shrimp eating...So to “gotcha” Christians as to why they do not observe OT dietary laws, you rather need to show in the NT that these laws are said to still be implicated in NT theology and practice...So Stay Sleazily $#!+lessly Stupid!!!!.

-LOL!!!! How smugly self-deluded!!!! The reason why you ‘keep arguing with the Si or Phil Robertson’s and Pastor Mannings of the Christian world’ is because that’s all you desperate idiotic morons dare engage....any low hanging fruit in order to avoid the Scholars and Thinkers in Christianity...And worst are your gullible minions out there who believe you...Try, just try, doing a book/presentation critic of e.g. Eric Metaxas’ Miracles book, or Lee Strobel’s Case for Christ, Case for a Creator, or Michael Behe’s Darwin’s Black Box, or interview, CNN-(relatively)-regular, Pastor John MacArthur instead....That’s the patent difference between Christians and you Atheists...We are not afraid to engage head on, and first hand, whatever best argument you have come up with.

-Risking one job in order to help two misguided people avoid the “wrath of God” (Rom 1:19-19, 26-27) is the most loving thing that a Christian can do. (1 Cor 13:6)

-“Halalu-yah” indeed!!! You’ve “managed” to find a [‘probably TYT-in-sheep-clothing’] (= Matt 7:15-20; Acts 20:28-30) “Christian” “pastor” who is just as, if not deceptively more, (basely) Biblically ambivalent, -even effectively illiterate (2 Cor 3:14-18; cf. Isa 29:9-14), and Theologically  incompetent as you are. (2 Tim 4:1-5; Matt 7:21-23) E.g. ‘Since we love to engage in abominations...then let’s first just ignore the “confusing Bible” in order to let and condone others doing the same and other abominations’. (Contra Matt 5:17-20) FYI to the both of you all: That’s what Satan would say through his “Man of Sin/Lawlessness” (2 Thess 2:9-12), not Jesus (John 8:11).
            The only love and hope for ‘abominable sinners” is not ‘a license for more abominable sin’, but the sobering Biblical Truth (John 17:17; 2 Tim 4:2, 5*; e.g. Rom 1:16-18, 26-27), in love (1 Cor 13:6) of the (abominable) sinner’ ....So “Congratulations” indeed {S-l-o-w Clap}...

-“Yahweh” is the personal name of “God” (e.g. Exod 6:3) and has been simply translated as “theos” in Greek for the LXX and NT.

-If (as actually prophesied GC 671.2ff) when Jesus Himself in the end kills all those who rejected God’s Word (the Bible) and His Gospel you still have a problem with the Bible and Jesus...then you do deserve to be eternally killed off

-You’re “disgusting”, you twit-brain.....Just refuse the “ass-ignment”...What makes you/them think that I’ll “listen” to a shrilling brunette!!....Oh right, that’s exactly what they’re banking on...Just worry instead about well gobbling everything your prophetic moronic+idiotic egomaniac anti-Christic guru-cult leader is chewing up, then spoon-feeding, you....

-Ahhhh, No truer-to-Satan words have ever been spoke: ‘Being “born-from-above” = being brainwashed’...Yeah brainwashed indeed of Demonic influence....

-Yes that’s the, naturally enough, lying (John 8:44) “(wishful) meaning” of Num 5:11-31 that you get when reading your Satanic Bible (and/or the mistranslating NIV)....Get it through your fat-thick head: It’s a basic adultery test, not a post pregnancy paternity test...and when it later turns out that the woman had guiltily become cursed and cannot conceive, then the husband would be free to divorce her or take an additional wife. And that’s all quite merciful by God (for some reason) in this “no witnesses” (Num 5:11-13) situation, because a person shown/proven to have committed adultery was supposed to be put to death.
            You’re really going to (or at least you should) feel stupid when you find out how stupid you chose to be....

-At least almost half of Christianity does not have to care if the Pope was again, as in 1798, disposed of power...Perhaps Presbyterian Trump believes like Protestant Reformers did, that the Pope is the Anti-Christ!!!  Just because you’re moronically enthralled with the Pope, doesn’t mean everyone else is, or has to....

-How did pagans in the First 3 Centuries AD come to murder tens of millions of Christian Believers...by the same way militant Atheism is moving towards today: By thinking themselves competent enough to moronically meddle in the theology, beliefs and teachings of Christians, and, through a deliberate stupidity, lyingly misconstrue their teachings and then accuse them of all kinds of inhumane and barbaric crimes, (e.g. “cannibalism and drinking blood” (perverting John 6:54; Matt 26:26-28) = drumbeatingly claiming today that:

-‘(many) Christians brainwashingly impede their followers to access medical facilities/services for treatment and healing’;
-‘Christians believe that they literally need to do what Jesus said in Matt 5:29-30’;
-‘Christians are hateful’;
-‘Christians are a threat because the believe that Christ is going to disposingly just wantonly murder them all in the end’;
-‘pro-life advocates are just like ISIS’;
-‘the book of Revelation is dangerous wild delusion that, even crazier, people believe is true because it is literalistic’
-Christianity is on the same level as Satanism

            and thus circularly deem them ‘an imminent threat to society for “believing” in and/or practicing such things, resulting in the ultimate heathen-assuaging spectacle of Christians being murdered for sport in their public arenas/venues and forums...and all vexatiously and vindictively because the Gospel of Christ and Christian evangelism had struck at the root of the animalistic and humanism idols (=Rom 1:18-20, 21-32) of these pagans. (Eccl 1:9-10)

LOL...Just because you (psychologically and Ideologically) “need spontaneity”, doesn’t mean that everyone else needs to be/become ‘mindless and animalistic’ when have sex in order to enjoy it...

Deut 17:11 - ...The United States is not (God’s) “Israel”...you desperate idiotic/novice moron....

-“you came from apes” -well you are making a real good case...

-(Making sure that) you (resolutely) report{ing} to (your prophetic) “duty”, is my mission accomplished!!!

-LOL a dowery has been tacitly replaced by the expensiveness of weddings in Western Countries which the bride’s family typically is expected to incur the costs

-And no, since Christians don’t live in their own Christian Theocratic Country as Israel did then there are many Civil Laws that, along with Ceremonial Laws for New Covenant reasons, no longer apply...

-You guys are really good at, as typical, and just like ‘your lying murderous father the Devil’ (John 8:44): desperately, lyingly pretending that you really have no clue that Kim Davis has never married again nor divorces since she became converted in 2011 and then began living as a Christian and attending Church....and the juveniles and/or juvenile-minded that you seek to manipulate and brainwash are lazy enough to just gobble every load of BS you shovel to them... So good on her for no longer living unBiblically as she used to (1 Cor 6:11), when she, like you, was, at best/effectively, a rank heathen...

-Nothing wrong with the Apostolic Tongues speaking because it (practically) is ‘the sudden, miraculous ability to speak in a previously unlearned known other language (Acts 2:4-13ff; 1 Cor 14)

-You claim to be about Science, Logic and Reason...but of course your not for either Truth or Righteousness...and that’s why your nothing better than stooges of the Devil trained to worship only whatever you are subjectively willing to believe, such as Lies and deliberate stupidity...do keep marching on to your prophetic destiny, which, the Bible&SOP says: when it will be Satanically Overwhelmed by an “Overmastering Delusion” will have sheepishly led you right into the arms of the most violent and murderous power that has ever existed (Rev 13:3-8), -which you spineless-pinko-commis will surely side with to, as usual, self-servingly save your own skin and hide of course: the AntiChrist power led by your revered aBiblical Papacy since you both commonly strongly do hate what the Bible has to say: (Rev 13:15-18).

-You are so against violence, that you think it is then acceptable to snuff out the lives of at least 137,000 infants per day as long as, if even that, they have not taken a breath of their own out the womb...yeah really “non-violent”...just as, actually even more murderous....
-God did not come down in person to have destroyed divorcing or even heterosexuallly adulterating people, but rather homosexuals (e.g. Jude 1:7) and uber-selfish people (Exod 16:48-50) so that is the clear Biblical precedence and reason why Bible believers do not tolerate, as in not grant “probation” to,  homosexuality above other sins, eventhough the all will be similarly judged in the end 1 Cor 6:9-10. Like murder/abortion, homosexuality, and (uber-)selfishness, fosters a culture of death....

-“Good Samaritan” is from the Bible (Luke 10:25-30-37)...invent your own socio-theological terms...such as “Good Abortionist” since they ‘greatly relieve and assure your adulterous&selfish lives/existence/pursuits right....

-LOL!!! How did “God/Jesus” ever even begin to get into this scene....It doesn’t take much...A Satanically-Miracle-Working Pope (=now ascribing to Capitalism to do “good works”) is definitely going to be “Deludingly Overmastering”...(GC 624.2)

-Real=Bible Christians care for “the least of these” (Matt 25:45): and that includes infants when they are zygotes!!!

-LOL!!! Talk about wildly hysterical lying propaganda...Whoever ever said, even thinks, that: “people won’t be able to masturbate without porn”....

-LOL!!!...Read the response to “SkepticMon[k]ey” and find out what happens when “God Almighty” shows up and proves himself (1 Kgs 18:36-40; 19:15-18ff; 22:19-23ff; 2 Kgs 9:27-10:28)...Search for “Elijah”:
You all Skeptics and “Agnostics” are so smugly convinced that a God can only exist if He is perfectly in harmony with whatever terms you want Him to go by. It just will never be so (Heb 11:1-2, 6ff)

-...it is not “sects”, (nor is the SDA Church one),  it’s (Christian) “Denominations”....

-It’s evident that your long-cultivated, self-important egomanaicalism can’t compute that, but “losing you” has always been (Matt 13:10-17|Isa 6:10) the end of probation/ultimate part of God’s master plan (John 3:16-21|12:37-50; Rev 15:1, 5-8; 22:10-11)

-Actual Christian Theology on Forgiveness calls to, as much as possible, first make things right with an offended other person and then seek forgiveness. (Matt 5:23-24; 6:14-15)

-God revealed enough, basic, science and medicine info in the Bible which Human Science only confirmed in much later times...but don’t let such facts get in the way of your wishful/assuaging propaganda...

By the way: name one U.S. President that did not believe in “the Adversary”....Even the present one does....(and “Gog nor Magog” are not individuals)....You’re the juvenile ones who need to grow up...out of your carefully-insulated, vacuous gums-flapping, denial fantasy land which wants to think that “there are/were no Christian Scientists”* or Christian Presidents/Presidential Candidates...At best, you’re all a bunch of spineless yellow ameba cowards, who fall for anything that won’t require much mental/moral strength...

And, FYI, your father the Devil is like the mafia, he now, in the Christian Era (Rev 12:10-12), works best when you don’t believe he exists...‘cause then you’d surely believe, and side with, God.

-(a) Islam is a false Religion; (b) inaccurate, faulty/bad, inchoate and/or deficient knowledge of Christian Theology by professing unstudying Christians is not “the text’s” fault (e.g. Hos 4:6). It is all the “free results” from freely exercised “free will and choice” (e.g. Hos 8:7); and (c) Proper/Full Biblical Christian Theology: Jesus on the Cross candidly demonstrated the stark reality of sin: it will result in the shunning of God and death;* and yet those who are faithful to the Real God (not “Allah”), as Jesus’s resurrection also demonstrated: their (object lesson) suffering and death (GC 46-48) is not in vain:** e.g. the hundreds of millions of martyrs at the hands of pagans and then papists;

-Only (Rom 7:21-8:1ff) the unrighteous/unforgiven are “in trouble” before God (e.g. Matt 7:21-23; 25:40-46; Rev 6:15-17; cf. Isa 25:9)

-“STFU and get out of my life” = (a) classic and patent vexatious projectionism; (b) of all people, you (all) should know it just won’t be that easy; (c) it then, is (still) just not “your life”: Ergo: “ST{even literal}FU and{/or} get out of your (so-called) life”* still applies.....It’s called “life for life!!!”

* Which is likely to occur as you then illegally try to get an ad hoc/amateur abortion!!!

-“The Oregon College Shooter”, yet another example that unbelievers/atheists/“anti-religionists” and their bankrupt and dead end philosophies are the most vitally dangerous people in Western Societies as they, being under the most extreme influence and inspiration of their god the Devil, typically via his bible Hollywood, by far, commit violent and deadly crimes the most. (E.g. it would only take 2.7% of the ca. 25% non-Religious Americans out there to make up America’s 2.1 million prison population.)

Factually speaking in regards to crime in general and not about violent crime (and religious affiliation is entirely distinct from actual religious adherence (i.e. people who actually practice their faith): “prisoners are far less likely to be Protestant than the rest of the country”; and  non-Christians (e.g. Buddhist, Pagans, Muslim, Native American, Sikhs, Jews, (Churches of Christ) Catholic, -and the licentiousness of Roman Catholicism is likely to be as vacuous, and good as, being pagan) are found more, percentage wise, in the prison population than in the general public.

+Also significant here: such data is gathered by Prison Chaplains: which from Prison Ministry experience, involves information from inmates who have even bothered to meet with a chaplain, which by definition would preclude atheists and non-theists, which could explain why they factor so low in the results and why theists are so high.

+Self-Reporting is not hard facts, unless it can or is verified, which easily could be done in regards to Church attendance/participation, but it wouldn’t surprise me that in this age close remove to the rise of the Religious “none” that incoming inmates simply stated the religion they grew up on, especially if it facilitated certain activity thing such as time for chapels. So in that case, why not false report.

+And again, someone claiming they are a certain religion may simply be according to how they were raised and not what they lately had been, i.e if they attended Church regularly or recently before being incarcerated.

+as it says in #4, many people go into prison as unbelievers and either convert or return to their root faith while in the reflection circumstances serving a prison sentence, so when they are surveyed about their religious affiliation, they may be expressing their present converted or reverted faith.

=It is easy for me to see that an actually verified and true (in terms of actual religious adherence/faithfulness in the proximate period when the crime was committed), and of all inmates (so no chaplain survey of some)  would produce many more actual and effective atheists/nontheists. I.e. non-practicising Christians and many, at best, merely nominal ones.

Ergo: My Working Thesis still stands: non-believers commit the most crimes, including violent crimes. E.g. a simple examination of prominent criminals such as the many U.S. mass shooters would reveal that they did (actually or effectively) not believe in God or practice Christianity. So when their selfish atheistic “licentiously get whatever you want” worldview failed them, the lashed out in how their Hollywoodian Bible told them to: crash&burn and take down as many with you as possible.

-ROTF-LOL!!!....You guys are so comically, psyche-desperately gullible:

You are indeed the easily duped people that the Pope is trying to deceive over to his side: FYI,  here’s the real story about the Pope/Papacy* Especially a Jesuit Pope (= “Black Pope”)**

There was an earlier day when the Papacy/Roman Catholic Church itself was leery and afraid of the Jesuit Order...

-“Mighty Christian of them/us” indeed!!!!: (Matt 10:13-15; 11:11-19, 20-24, 25-26; 23:33ff) God/Christianity is not ‘whatever your desperately “sinful” psyche needs it to “non-judgementally & supplicatively ” be’....Only true “agnostics” i.e. those who have not spurned their chance to ‘come to know’, including from the arrived at evidence of their own bankrupt worldview and dead-end failings (e.g. Gen 15:13-16) don’t get or avert (Jonah 3 & 4) this judgement treatment (e.g. Deut 20:10-18)

-Contrary to what your buddy the Pope/Papacy needs you all to believe, no one is burning in Hell right now...because Hell has not occurred yet...because God’s final judgment phase has not yet been completed or done (Rev 20)...and Gandhi will probably be saved (Rom 1:18-32; 2:1-16; Matt 25:31-46)

-Yes surgical “science”...just like what Ben Carson, among other Christian health practioners, many of them working at Christian Hospitals, did over 15,000 in his lifetime....Just drop your vacuous & deceitful propaganda already....You just prove how desperate and stupid you need to be....

-Every time you mention “God” you turn up your Hell’s Fire Temperature another degree....

-Yes desperate lying idiot...Believe your, moreover self-fabricated, fairy tales.....aaaannnnddd, also desperately, revert to trying to find refuge and solace in your moronic claims and ignorantly supposed “understandings”, -all already soundly debunked, about the Bible and Biblical Theology...what else can you “naturally” do (1 Cor 2:6-16).

-You’re delusion-drunk, LOL....You are pro life like a cannibal is pro veganism...‘Oh look he’s not eating animals nor their product’....Survival of the Fittest Darwinism indeed...under its most sophisticated cloak to date. Fetal Tissue research does not save lives, it merely is seeking for cures for health-degenerative, late-life onset diseases. Certainly, as just nothing, warrants the slaughtering of the unborn (at 137,000 per day)

-Yes “legalize all drugs” but “don’t do Meth/Hard Drugs”...spoken like the Crazy Mad Spokespeople for “Babylonian” confusion that Satan needs you to be... (Rev 18:23) Any sane person can easily see right through you guys that, as most patent, you just don’t dare have the convictions of your bankrupt claims and so try to fool other morons like yourselves into thinking that you are championing “freedom”.

-Given the advance of stem cell technology, fetal tissue from dead infants is no longer necessary...So what’s wrong with “science” now??!! It no longer will “justify” your support for the butchering of babies!!!!

-Why does enriched Lamar Odom have to live his life to make you feel better about yours??!...Why are you imposing your “morality” in his free choices/decisions!!? You are the ghouls who believe that it is moral to kill an unborn infant, Lamar or other drug abusers may find nothing wrong with hurting themselves however and with whatever drug they want to, even killing themselves...Why do you get to judge their free will choices!!?

-No, you’re absolute right on: Non-believers do conditioned themselves to not care about trying to figure things out and that is why they don’t make that extra leap into religious faith (of which only Judeo-Christianity makes cogent sense all things factored in): such as, as when Bill Nye admitted that he had nothing in terms of understanding beyond his Big Bang claims (i.e. it’s source and its manifested intelligence) where Ken Ham could point to the Divine Intelligent Creator answer as stated in the Bible.* It is a fact, non-believers are indeed conditioned, grown-up child, morons who indeed can’t deal with sophisticated things, and also don’t care to be truthful. They’ll ascribe to whatever lie gratifies and validates their base fancy. Which is also why they are so big on relativism and “no absolutes”..but of course can’t really live out that tenet as it would be anarchially lived out.

* Cf. Ben Carson’s great response against Evolution on The View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-hFP5DgXHk
Evolution makes no logical sense indeed and is very moronic.

            Relatedly, telling how the smut-peddling money-idolate Kardashian who have sold their souls to the devil all turned to ‘God and Prayer’ for God to heal Lamar Odom of his weekend drugs and sex overdosing binge.

-It’s not a “Fundamentalist” issue, it is rather morons* just like yourself who do not or won’t read nad understand the Bible, its Doctrines and Theology properly.

-hey look Clopey is endeavoring to “buy the cow”..how conservative....-including in (presumingly) requiring your partner to (continue to) be monogamus...Ana looked way more elated and excited when she landed a ‘constant/steady stream of sex’, (aka. a boyfriend with benefits/who also moved in with her)... “clubbing & snatching” cavewoman style....

-Yes you all also haven’t watched the Ben Carson biopic “Gifted Hands”

-So your ‘god” clearly is a porky pig. I.e. Certainly not the God of the Bible (e.g. Deut 14:8)...idolatrously “in your own image” indeed!!!

-SDA’s, through the Spirit of Prophecy, knew why sugar, cigarettes, (red/unclean) meats, fat, alcohol, was bad for the body since as far back as 1863!!! (Deut 28:13)...but of course you pain vs. pleasure, moreover additionally atheistic, guinea (ironically enough) pigs, can’t be preemptively reasoned with until you hit that warn of wall.

-Yeah...it’s only in your Satanic Bible and/or cult leader’s mind, -both desperate liars- that ‘God tells Abraham to have sex with Sarah’s sister...’...and if you ignoramusly meant Jacob...It also wasn’t God who “told” him to also marry Rachel’s sister, or the maid of both of them....And it was only when Rachel, then Leah had seemingly become barren that taking another wife to have children was permissible. Unlike you all and your abortion death culture which justifies and facilitate your sexual escapades, if sex is to actually produce life, then God does allow it is certain structured and formal cases: i.e. marriage or levirate impregnantation.

-Deut 22:23-28 is fair about not crying for help within the confines of a crowded city as others would then surely hear. It is really hard to rape a girl while also physically trying to prevent her from screaming...Manifestly rape at the tip of a weapon was not a thing back then, hence no legal provision addressing such a escalated scenario..
            Today, in your (supposedly) “more civilized society” ...if a woman doesn’t immediately report it thereafter and/or go to a doctor/clinic and get a rape kit done, then she won’t be taken seriously...And commonly, even if she does, many of these fulfilled kits go untested for years, if at all, -because it costs too much to do so...God’s law/approach was more just for those times and for His Israel...

-Those “religious” kids were probably raised in bad Christian homes because the message of Jesus Christ, actually both NT and OT, and which also goes way beyond the abortion loving atheists, is to, as He Himself did: ‘lovingly share until it literally hurts, i.e. sacrificially so’ (e.g. Luke 3:10-11; John 15:12-13)...You atheists and secularists have clearly shown, and indeed said, that you are merely led by self-serving interests and selfish motives...Which is why you have no problem killing the unborn if it will make you “happier”...

-God judges people so that He can then justly decide if they should be forgiven or not. (Cf. John 7:23-24)...And clearly you are not advocating that e.g. murders shouldn’t be judged...so the real issue is that the Christian Moral Code is different and (preempting wiser and better) than you all’s “pain vs. pleasure” trial and error experimentings....

-Jimmy Dore had a moment, however brief, of Theological clarity....

-Beelzelbula are as Beelzebuls do: be (opportunistcally) moronic and illogical in order to love lies, love murder&death and deify themselves...but of course guilefully pretend they don’t: (John 8:44; 10:10)

-The Fat Neck calling the Fat Neck: “Fat Neck”.....

-LOL!!!!....It’s: ‘the road to Jericho (from Jerusalem)’ (Luke 10:30) and not “the road to Damascus” (Acts 9:2; 22:5; 26:12)....desperate, wishfully patronizing, but merely, -as per you all own admission: “self-serving”, ignoramus....
...Haven’t you yourself heard: ‘“‘Merica” is more important than Jesus’....

-“Deuteronomy” only applies to People who had entered into a covenant with the Creator God (Exod 24:3) based on His (post-Antedilluvian debacle (Gen 6:5-13ff) Ten Commandments (Exod 20:1-18)...the rest of the (unbelieving/pagan) world can go, as they have, the “trial & error” way of the “pain vs. pleasure” route and painfully learn why the violation of any of God commands (indeed) results in messed up societies....You all air-headedly/mindlessly double-talking/self-contradicting conditioned morons can “Die & Learn” instead....Those who believed God and obeyed His commands would be spared from such ordeals and (Eternal) fates, and will see how all of God’s Law&Commands are perfectly/fairly/lovingly/justly Righteous, and also will know why God is indeed justified in each and every instance that He has mandated His Followers to purge abominations amongst themselves via Capital Punishment...Quite revelatory/confirming that it pointedly is you all’s sadistic decision to murder over 137,000 infants per day which is managing to keep you all heathens afloat...
-You “agonizingly” want Bible-Believers to live like the “animals” that you believe, i.e without any scientific evidence, that you claim they are, and they “agonizingly” don’t want you to agonize in Hell....You being wrong has an eternal loss; Bible-Believers being wrong wouldn’t make any difference, (=Pascal’s wager) on top of having lived the variously optimal life that you all pain and pleasure “animals”, without failure, -if you actually care about living a good life, ultimately end up, albeit then as either physical and/or psychologically “damaged/baggaged goods”,* trying to also living. (John 10:10)

            +If the Bible did not have and enforce all of those laws in the primitive days of Old Testament times, from which its “Judeo-Christian” principles literally flooded the world during New Testament times, the sustainable development/advancement of the world would have been even more regressed, and even more than what the apostate Christian power, the Roman Catholic Church, did during the “Dark Ages”. Modern Science & Technology was overwhelmingly established by staunch and true Bible-Believers.
            -Related hypothesis: STD/I’s are borne from the petri mixture(s)/transference of bodily fluids of: the banned sexual intercourse during menstrual periods and/or the sinful promiscuousness and/or oral sex and/or the abominable anal intercourse...
            Also, why are you all so “concerned” about adults living their (“short & only earthly”) lives like they think/believe is best for them???!!!! And, BTW/FYI, the reason why Bible-Believers/Students are not impressed by you all’s anti-Bible/Christianity propaganda, it is because, unlike you all naturally tone-impaired morons & idiots, can easily and clearly see right through your desperate efforts to cover the fact that you can’t actually, i.e. truthfully, deal with what the Bible actually/fully says and teaches, and therefore need to constantly and blindly harp back to you all’s long debunked lying claims and straw arguments, including about your own “beliefs” (e.g. about Evolution)...So spare yourself the “agonizing” and “frustration” of trying to get people who actually know and understand what the Bible actually teaches and instead keep focusing on the unstudied teens in hope of the chance that they’ll trust you more than their parents, family, pastors and/or Church friends. In either case, whether under 18 children or over 18 adults, it actually is not you “burden” to ‘get people to live how you want them to live’....and unlike you: we actually have that burdening mandate (Matt 28:19-20). Fact is, all you want is to try to achieve peer reinforcement of many more people than just e.g. ca. 20-25% of the U.S. population being non-theistic like you.
            And speaking of ‘just not hurting anybody else”...why don’t you stop murdering unborn infants because of your mistakes and sins....LOL you can’t even get graciously granted the last gasp provision, -(which is the most basic/natural/humanistic/logical of all, unless you believe that you yourself should have been aborted), that would help you escape from your Hell judgement. (Matt 7:12; 25:45-46; Luke 12:47-48; Rom 2:12-16)

-...so how is murdering unborn infant through abortion “emphatizing/sympathizing” with them....

-Quite telling, actually confirming, that you all “fun” variously fosters a culture of strife, sickness and death...Carri-on (John 10:10)...

-It’s official: Cenk Uygur is a retard....i.e. clinically/pathologically stupid...

-Medical Science has made it possible, actually for decades now, for a “zygote” to be viable outside of the womb from conception = extracted and frozen embryos...but of course this is when you all selectively prefer to live like to stupid animals that you believe you are....LOL even animals don’t abort their unborn...But of course, all of this is way beyond the comprehension of conditioned morons....

-...and the patent, and hypocritical, “selective stupidity and moronism” continues: telling how you all “silently and neutrally didn’t agree” with the Supreme Court when it was ruling against homosexual rights and marriage...but pro-lifers must...we’ll keep reminding you all murderers that you are snuffing (viable) lives....

-Why couldn’t you guys, [if you actually could], correct and save Jayar from his (biasedly) asinine “follow up examination” by telling him that Ted Cruz (a) uses a bathroom and (b) can read a price tag on a vending machine...I once bought a condom from a bathroom vending machine, 13 years ago, (I think it was a Looney ($1 CDN))... and, lo and behold: I’m still a virgin....Just wanted to see if it would fit...and, as expected, it did not even begin to....

-By the way, get through your obtusely ignorant shield/bubble:* Protestants (900M) generally/mainly don’t think, nor believe, that contraception/(pre-conception) birth control is a sin...(probably only) Catholics (1.25B), [or perhaps also some Orthodox (330M)**], do-, and yet that, as I hear in passing from Chris Christie, (amongst other Catholics), American Catholics apparently don’t follow that teaching of the Church. The Bible does not say that preventing conception is a sin....and contrary to Cenk’s Turkish/Muslim “fits all” hobby horse, Gen 38:6-10 does not teach so...In fact, it is rather saying that, in this case, a guy||brother, Onan, taking advantage of the Levirate provision [it would be via artificial insemination today], which were strictly for emergency procreation by not “delivering” is then actually adultery and was capitally punished as such.... Anyone with, unlike Uygur (and Thom Miller unless his (first) wife was clinically infertile...including despite medical fertility treatment), any reading comprehension beyond Muslim Madrasa levels has easily comprehended that.

-If Mohammed had been “inspired” to also teach the New Covenant’s/Testament’s “not standing against an evil (i.e. lawless) person”, but instead “turning the other cheek”’ instead of something derived for “Holy Warring” from the  Old Covenant’s/Testament’s: “Eye for an eye/life for a life measures” (Matt 5:38-41), there (most likely) would (“devotedly”) not be a militant/“radical”/“extremist” waging Jihad...“Hell Fire” “Collateral Damaging” Missiles or not....However (full testimony): (Deut 32:35-36|Rom 12:14-21; e.g. Psa 94:1ff)

-LOL...How novice...True Believers don’t believe in God only when/for when things go bad in their lives....They have instead let you pagans persecute/torture and even put them to death Rev 12:11; Heb 11:35-38 because of their unconditional belief in God. (Cf. Job 13:15)...Because, unlike you all ignoramus heathens, they know in who they have believed.

-As already said before: God Himself does not interveningly/Super-naturally do what humans can, and should, do of/for themselves. (i.e. protesting a blasphemous nativity scene)...That would be a warranted, economical thus justified (re-expending) of Divine Energy...But as always, do not let such Theological Truths get in the way of your ignoramus and moronic/simpleton’s propaganda...

-Yes but those “lovely (quasi-atheistic) Catholic Priests and their (“married to God”) nuns” not only believe that Jesus: walked on water; fed 5000 families/people with 5 pieces of bread and 2 fishes; raised people from the dead, -as He also was, but also that they themselves “create the literal body and body of Christ everytime they do/“sacrifice” a Mass”....So do, supposedly self-servingly let yourselves be  stupid enough to believe&claim that Catholics also “rationally” don’t believe in anything supernatural in the Bible....But I get it: ‘“hateful birds & unclean spirits” (Rev 18:5) flock together’....
            ...Ironically enough, if it hadn’t been for “Fundamentalist” Muslims you guys, pointedly as Westerners (or even merely by being of Turkish (=Constantinopole pre 1453 A.D.) origin and Armenian ancestry), along with at least 3.5 Billion other people, would surely be 3-times a day Church-going, Mass-taking, Roman Catholics...or otherwise long blazingly burnt up at the public square stake..
            ...But of course morons like yourselves conveniently care to know anything about such debunking history....But rather just whatever presently suits your assuaging needs......That pointedly is the frustrating thing about dealing with insincere and dishonest stupid-idiotic liars people like yourselves, you most moronically just latch on to anything, however vacuous and/or self-contradicting, which you assume will provide you that psychological assuaging from Truth that you need to repeatedly turn to in order to maintain your foolish, guilt-evading, mindset....It’s like talking to a bunch of (drunk) children....

-Of course... God would have had to be a promoter and sponsor of a (=Darwinian) culture of sickness/suffering, disease, defeatism and death, just like it was/is done in the heathen nations and cultures of the past and today, to be acceptable to you moronic idiots...who obviously also can’t even read... https://www.audioverse.org/english/sermons/recordings/4672/genocidal-god-or-just-judge-new-material-on-genocide-in-the-old-testament.html

-It was Roman slavery that the New Testament was counseling believers not to rebel against, as it would bring them nothing but hardship from these pagans. And OT slavery was indentured servitude domestically in order to force someone to pay off their outstanding debts, and it was allowed non-domestically to prevent captured alive people from draining Israel’s economy...Get a clue...

-Okay moronic sherlock Hemant Mehta: proposed ‘better design’ another location in the body where you would rather prefer to locate your asshole and shit from.... “smug, idiotic dumb ass”....your armpit; the back of your neck; on your side, as for colostomies even via the appendix, or through an upchucking hole in your neck...sorry you, or other faggots like you can’t resist the waft of an asshole and/or have small enough dicks to think that “it’s all natural”... ...Oh yeah how could I have forgotten: out of your (no longer used) belly button...mind the potential enema....
            ...And, oh yeah, God also designed humans to have to take a dump so that they would contribute their fair share of manure in order to perpetually renew the food production of capability of this planet...and also be able to maintain or gain bulk/mass/weight, as well as have the enjoyment of eating and tasting food and feeling full. Having to sleep one third of one’s life is also for perpetuating renewable purposes....

-ROTF-LOL...Cenk’s ‘least favorite Bible Story is the Tower of Babel’...-(of all Bible stories...Weird)...Just like my “least favorite story” in fantasy land and “which I hate” is...let’s see: How the Grinch Stole Christmas...No wait: anything Harry Potter....No that latter example is actually true, since I believe Satan and magic working demons and evil spirits do exist and Harry Potter is an inspired how to manual inspired by them through J.K. Rollings to subtly mislead children into the path of evil as early as possible. Which leads me back to you and your “hate”....:
            LOL why the “feelings”...of visceral “hate”...instead of (unspoken) indifference...Oh yeah just like you’ve duped yourself to believe that ‘God hates knowledge’....hence that forbidden Tree (Gen 2:15-17)...which also would have prevented man from “knowing good”...(and because eating the fruit of a tree itself (rather than committing the act of disobedience) is where knowledge (‘of also evil’) comes from...), you are also frustratingly bothered that God (who you claim to believe doesn’t exist) prevented man from advancing by confusing their languages and scattering them throughout the Earth....Save your (intense hateful) “emotions” and vitriol for what you things you actually claim to believe to exist....You don’t see Christians getting all “hot & bothered” about stories in e.g. the Koran...because they know it is not real or the T/truth....and therefore most naturally/candidly act accordingly....Keep assuagingly fooling you’re “agnostic” self....
            Good on God for indeed making it more difficult for evilminded men to coalesce to do evil like the corrupted and violently had come to do before the Flood....thus God preeempting another necessary mass judgement on the Earth...

-Prime example of the meaning-gutted charade of a relationship from people who do not believe in moral absolute and base everything on, fundamentally, selfishness: yet try to live according to moral absolutes...cause that’s where the meaning is...You either sear you conscience like Guru Uygur, or you just pretend, with a little wine of course, to hear and feel what you always want to hear....LOL, what a charade!!!

-Cenk is a quasi-rapist, -a Bill Cosby in his own right but who couldn’t afford the quaaludes,  who had to hate-f#%k insecure women, all i.e. through animalistic and demonic violent hate fucking, in order to try to chase away the voice of God’s Spirit which had managed to keep him a virgin until at least 21 and as the hot and confident women didn’t care to be raped by him...and of course, only in a stairwell, so that she won’t have the further embarrassment of being seen in public with this fat porkie “animal” slob.... Then he felt way better about himself and that is why he now black-lights up like an X-Mas Beelzebul whenever he idiotically, duncely thinks that he is scoring another point against God and the Bible....

-Amateur idiots indeed (who don’t dare study Bible prophecy): the reason why the US founding fathers (most of them very religious and few being non-theists) thought to have the Separation of Church and State is because the world was at the tail end of living through 1260 years (538-1798) of what the union of Church and State does, pointedly against people who do not believe in what the Church in charge teaches...-and as opposed to the 100 million (including Biblical Christians) who had not lived through it because they were persecuted and killed by that Apostate AntiChrist Church...all as prophesied (Rev 13).... Learn some history because the world didn’t start when you were born or whenever it seems to reinforce your moronic and bubble-wrapped worldview....

-LOL You really are that idiotic... “(mockingly) telling” people their faith in God and belief that the Bible is not real won’t get the vast majority of them to change because they are not “brainwashed”, they are dealing in knowledge of Biblical/Historical facts and experience of the supernatural. So if you ‘really want to defeat them’ you’ll have to engage them on that level and not your sophomoric one. Start with Christians and their (true) interpretation of Bible Prophecy...if you dare....(Islam has no predictive prophecy...but they are prophesied in the Bible)
            And FYI, nearly all of Jerusalem (cf. John 7:40-44ff) and some from beyond (John 12:20-21ff), believed in Jesus (John 12:12-19; ) and that is why the Jewish leaders sought to put him to death (John 11:45-53), and when they did, that when people turned against Him (Luke 23:13-25). Like Judas, they never loved his message of self-sacrificial love (cf. John 6:26, 60-71), but indeed were only in it for what they could get out of the miracle worker. (Just like most Western (esp. Capitalist) Christians today). They real evidence is how even many more believed the testimony of his closest followers that they had seen Him alive and ascended to Heaven after His death....most likely because their life and martyr’s death proved that what they were saying was indeed the Truth. And the Gospel are honest and confident enough to not have to hide the fact that many who saw the resurrected Jesus they were doubtful at first (Matt 28:17) probably thinking that it was merely a ghost = evil spirit. (Luke 24:36-43ff)
            Christians themselves are not “brainwashed”...they just (from ample circumstantial and experimental evidence**: believe in God [who you “agnostically” can’t actually say doesn’t exist*]...and the Son that He sent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0iqWafKHT8

* Seriously, why be agnostic..as typical with you unbelievers nothing you say means anything

- ‘What other people do in their bedrooms is none other’s business’....until you eat from the same non-sterilized restaurant utensils that their (e.g.) s#!t/fecally-smeared-d!cks sucking-mouths had been eating from... #ecoli

(a) You can “successfully” (i.e. deadly) fire a, esp. 9mm gun, while it is still in your (esp. jacket coat) pocket...
(b) Lavoy Finicum was (IMO) trying to draw those officers near enough to him by pretending to surrender so that he could then shoot them...That why he got up as soon as he saw that they weren’t approaching him and tried to get his gun out to fire at them.

LOL You’re a pathetic deliberate idiot...who clearly got traumatized by your Muslim upbringing....and therefore can’t help but still reactionarily see everything through that Satanic prism:

(a) I’ve never heard a Jew or a Christian say they believe in God or the Bible because “God appeared to Moses in a fiery Bush” (That private experience was not even compelling/observable evidence back then (Exod 4:1ff) ) ...that was by then evidence #85 for believing in God..Such a notion is only “significant” in Islam when, (also, as with Roman Catholicism =Rev 8:10-11) by God’s purposeful permission (1 Kgs 22:19-23; 2 Thess 2:11-12), Satan appeared as the Mighty Angel Gabriel to Mohammed. (=Rev 9:1ff) So go back instead and read the book of Genesis which Jews, and especially Christian (still) believe is the foundation as to why they believe in God*....In fact you can skip over the book of Exodus and just read the rest of the Bible and its many fulfilled Bible Prophecies (Isa 46:9-11) because just taking out the “lone brick” of the book of Exodus doesn’t crumble the Judeo-Christian wall. Plenty of other validated prophets (i.e. people who received prophetic communications, vision and dreams from God) throughout the Bible...
            And for the book of Exodus, do refer instead to the evidence that still exists today in the Arabian desert of (1) God having both engulfingly appeared at the top of Mount Sinai/Horeb in a fiery cloud (Exod 24:12-18) and (2) had produced water from a rock split in half** And that is why the Ten Commandment (Exod 20) and all of the other Laws in Exodus are beleived to have indeed been given by God through Moses from/on that fiery Mountain (Exod 24:1-4)
            Belief in the Bible is indeed built on a mountain of various types of evidence which you all scared-to-death heathens do not dare even mention, let alone engage....or when you do so, it of course is in the most dishonest of self-disculpating ways....Good Luck with that....You’ll live to agonizingly regret having chosen to be so stupid....

(b) As with several other major events in the Bible, there is also archeological evidence of the Red Sea crossing...I.e. the destruction of the Egyptian chariot army in it: Google: “Ron Wyatt red sea crossing” E.g.

(c) What: “wrong interpretation of the Bible”????...you are the exegetically-illiterate moron who has the “wrong interpretation of the Bible”..but at least you’ve gotten to admit that it is just a matter of “interpretation” which pro-abortionists are coloring with their selfishness and murderous lying biases (=John 8:44)....Unlike for the Koran (from what I have heard about its Arabic) Biblical Hebrew, and especially Biblical Greek is linguistically much, much less ambiguous or ambivalent....
            The evidence of the truthfulness of the testimony of the Bible is in the candid fact that in the OT God’s people are still recorded as having not faithfully obeyed all that God had said and in the NT by those who first preached what Jesus had said and done all dying as martyrs for their testimony. So both sets of Bible writers were being truthful in recording what they had indeed seen heard and experienced.

LOL You all are so airheadedly smugly delusional about your “views”, it’s comical: So “175,000,000 views per months...watching 350-510M minutes per month” whooptidoo: so, most viewers case scenario: 175M people watch your online channel for ca. 2-3 minutes per month*...Or in the more actual numbers: Your 2.6M subscribers watch ca. 2.2-3.3 hours of your channel per month. (Or is it “5M”, thus watching 1.2-1.7 hrs/month...)...LOL...“Wow”!!! TV/Cable News Networks easily get that number per viewer per day.

* Which sequiturly means that, since most of your posted content is on average 5-10+ minutes long, the vast majority of these “viewers” are clearly people who just randomly stumbled upon your upload while surfing, or searching Youtube/the Web, click the link, started to watch and “2-3" minutes in said: this is stupid and clicked out....

Therefore, the Monthly views and minutes viewed of these Cable News Networks are (and may or may not include DVR recordings) broadcasting original/live shows from (presumedly) 5AM to 10PM (17 hours) Mon-Fri:


TV Network News:


...And that is just for their half-hour Primetime News show....That’s why they can easily afford going the ad and/or cable subscription revenue model...because companies want all of these viewers and views...And that’s why these news anchors easily get multi-millions per year....So keep striving....

“Who watches network news??!”...People who actually work 9-5..Then there is ~24/7 Cable Network news....And wait until all of you “free” “online news providers” can no longer mooch off of the work of actual news network and journalists. All you do is add your own comments and call that “news”....At best all you’ll have as regular viewers, “when the network news old folks die off”, is the under 35 youngsters then who also cannot (yet?) make it in a slow economy and have all the time in the world during the day to watch what you all are “repeating and commenting on” from real journalists, because when these now 35 and under start working, they’ll be turning to Network and Cable News; or else you guys either won’t have nothing to say, or will have had to adopt the ads or cable funded model since you’ll then have to get, investigate and break the news yourselves...and not everyone will see it as worthwhile to be paying $60-75+ per month just to get HD TV-like quality video on their internet...just to watch your online stream....

-“1000 Years”..Yeah...at 1 year of 1000 of your viewers....
You all’s blissfully concerted idiotic “echo-chamber” smugness is quite phenomenal...It’s 24/7 Cable News that has been causing TV Network News to contract since CNN got started and not you amateur niche online streaming moochers....

-LOL why watch the other networks online, when they are perfectly fine and accessible on TV.....no wonder TYT would “lap the field here”...you’re solely online....duuuuhhhh....

-By the way, you can repeat your “abortion is in the Bible (Num 5)” lie a million more idiotic times, it won’t make it true...Just more of that conditioned idiotic smugness...Only the morons who and are even more Biblically illiterate and exegetically ignoramus, and therefore are duped to think that you must be intelligent, and not the desperate liar that you need to be, would buy that. “Lying to Murder” = Perfect “spawned” fulfillment of John 8:44 indeed!!! You are actually more “Biblical” than you think....

-...Dogs eat shit...so Humans should “naturally” be doing the same...Oh Yeah they do, in your favorite cult film: “Two Girls, One Cup
...But talk about “ignorant”, these same desperate TYT types who will run to the Pope to get validation:

-Christianity is not a popularity contest...One Satan sock-puppets like you need to advocate for it to be so...So that you can have it to be whatever you prefer it to be. E.g. a Club for practicing homosexual...Blow-hard Idiot...There is more against Homosexuality in the New Testament than in the Old Testament...The only difference is that the (immediate) death penalty of the OT is suspended by Grace in the NT....
-LOL “religion doesn’t have to be interpreted literally”...Very novice: Christianity is applicable as its Exegetical and/or Theological context dictates (cf. Matt 4:3-10)

-The gun “jammed” meaning the kid attempted to murder the Driver. The Driver was then, at worst trying to make a civilian arrest for that felony and had to use this, and advantageously surprise, matching deadly force, just in case the gun didn’t jam this time around. There indeed at times is only one way to take down criminals when the police don’t want to do their job...you do it yourself!!!! And should thieves indeed get their thieving arm-robbing arms severed!!!....Similarly someone who engages in impeding someone else’s life shouldn’t have a life....

-LOL Of course Satan has deceived even you “atheist” to believe that he looks grotesque and repulsive...Just had to look in the mirror to get that imagery.....Try Ezekiel 28:12-17 instead....Ugly is just what he does, not what he, even still presently (TA 251.2-3), looks like..

-Funny, How is Ana getting away, -even from herself, with so continually, copious and openly Ethically-objectifying her fiancee...Imagine the feedback someone would get if they, being e.g. a black guy, would likewise keep saying: “I do love me my white woman”.... #CaucasianPrivilege
Case in point: Would Cenk even be able to “PC”-acceptedly say such things about his Asian/Chinese wife??!....

LOL “sounds like Christian Music” of course, when the “Authority” is God: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNwQQYtcdqQ
...here’s the “content” (~Matt 6:33): http://www.christianmusic.com/smalltown_poets/monkeyspaw.htm

-Oh just be honest with the motto of your useless and wasteful, selfishness existence: “You exist, so prevent someone else from existing...if it makes you feel better about your existence: murder an unborn baby!!!!” #DeifyYourself-TakeYourRevengeOn“Life” ...feebleminded morons....

-You wishful (biased) idiots: Not even Trump is that obvious. He had probably twisted Christie’s arm to make this trip with him to open up for him, probably despite a tight schedule for the still Governing Christie and here, simply, to Christie: ‘Okay thanks a lot, the jet is prepared, you can take it and leave, even right away before I am finished...and I am saying this somewhat out loud so that people won’t interpret your early/immediate leaving as some kind of snub to me or rudeness by you’. So Trump’s jet left Trump their to specially return Christie back to NJ/“home” or wherever he had to go, ASAP...Or perhaps it was another (commuter) plane “over there” (so Christie doesn’t erroneously=embarrasingly go back onto Trump’s jet) that Trump had chartered for Christie’s return flight...
            ...So, nice try...You all give Donald Trump way too much “credit” either way....He’s is not that “smart”...Just like a tricks-doing dog is not actually intelligent but merely “instinctually”/conditionedly just trying to secure its next treat....

-Get real: “2.5 Million” “unique”(?) views/viewers watching ca. 7 minutes per day....And the lowest cable news total viewers for one day: 4.8M (HLN); 4 top Cable networks: 36M...Unlike you, numbers don’t lie...So...Apples to your dried grapes....Really what’s so hard to factually/objectively/non-delusionally understand...

-There only is one kind of SDA...A Fundamentalist...i.e. a Bible-based-believer (a.k.a. (by esp. pre-WWII-Christians:) “the people of the book”...If an SDA is not a fundamentalist, then they are just a “nominal SDA”, at best. And unlike Catholics, as well as you heathens (hint, hint), SDA’s don’t interpret Bible Prophecy, e.g. the book of Revelation literalistically.

-Bernie Sanders is well prepared for the “one” issue he cares about...plus he is very old and thus very “Stubborn”...

-I don’t know what’s funnier: Your airheaded circular reasonings or you actually believing your airheaded circular reasonings: “Different interpretations” don’t mean “different truth”....but I do get it that you have been carefully conditioned to believed such relativism...just keep your “judgement” of others who are stupid enough to buy into that to your realm of non-believers...But of course, and ironically enough, someone died and made you the arbiter of what everyone is supposed to believe...Must have been Satan who convinced you that: “God is dead”.And yet the most annoying irritating thing in all of that is that you both have no clue what you are talking about and moreover are too stupid to even care to understand that... “Conditioned Morons” indeed...Just keep your, tellingly enough, slitheringly slanderous stupidity to yourself....

-Reason Why Heathens Get Married (from what I’ve been constantly hearing)
=Because they have reached their clubbing scene expiry date, and so they need to enchain a sex slave they can stand, and have unprotected sex
=So that they can enlist someone to be with, and take care of, them when they get old and dependent, and may “pay it back” by taking care of a dependent someone in their old age that they don’t mind being with, and taking care of.

-Reasons Why Christians Get Married (from what I’ve been constantly hearing)
=So that they can start a (stable) family
=So that they can enjoy grandchildren, and then great-grandchildren

-Moronic Americans having to “learn the hardest of ways” through an atrocious and catastrophic/disastrous Trump Administration are exactly like Heathen Humans who have had to necessarily experience the debacle of sin to learn to Trust God’s Wisdom, Will and Loving Ways* instead of Satan’s Selfishness View** as done in this still ongoing*** Great Controversy Between Good and Evil*4*:

-Another one of your many desperate fundamental false/straw man equivalencies: ‘banning porn means banning masturbation’

-Actually, as Theologically accurate, it may indeed have been God’s will to call ‘everyone else but Trump’ to run for POTUS....but the people thwarted God’s Lesser-Babylonian-Evils/“Anyone But Trump” will by exercising their Free Will to vote for that Anti-Christ Donald Trump. (Cf. 1 Samuel 8:9-10ff, 19, 22) God was thus trying to help by positively influence the U.S. Election because of the hazard that a Trump Presidency is likely to bring about, but the Free Will of, especially, moronic and spurious Christian people here came in the way, overriding #ChristiansAgainstTrump

-LOL... “you can’t handle the Truth”....nor do you want to know it..Your “truth” is as messed up as that coffee you loved....

-“We’re beating them all online”....LOL...Whooptidooo...Good for you....When you have the presence on TV that TV/Cable News has, which their viewers can easily access, live and/or via PVR, and in much better quality, an online presence is merely “gravy”...and for people living in a cave...Or for people like me who live in another country and/or don’t have Cable. (E.g. ca. 1.5 million people watch the FNC’s Outnumbered on TV....and ca. 6000 watch their OT segment online.) The same TV to Online ratio probably exist with all of their news story videos that they post online...(and that’s not only on their Youtube channel)...People can easily see them on TV instead.
            The FNC alone has 43.5 times more minutes viewed/month than the TYT Network...so let’s just say that you can shave a factor of 1 off that number per year....You’ll be 89 when you’ll catch up with them...and perhaps still alive....and working..

-Why would ‘ca. half of the world’, i.e “3 billion people”, tune in to TYT to watch a Democratic Party primary debate????????

-...Oh look, Network News exposed the, actually, error by PBS: https://archive.org/details/MSNBCW_20160318_010000_The_Rachel_Maddow_Show

- So ‘Melania posed nude in a magazine just to show to everybody that, like everybody else, she too had a nude human body under her clothes’...the length you heathens go to spread your vapid “we are all animals” deluded ideology, is downright inhuman.....

-You and your fellow Atheist/Skeptics/“Agnostics” “declaratively” claiming e.g. that “Jesus never walked on water” holds no weight because Christians rather believe what the Bible says...and all because those who wrote and said that they saw these miracles in person all chose to suffer and (pacifically) be murdered rather than renounce what they saw, heard and experience (or supposedly “made up”) and therefore knew to be the t/Truth (e.g. 2 Pet 1:16-18)...Then in turn up to millions of others who knew, many first hand of their martyrdom, themselves also (pacifically) chose to be murdered (Rev 12:11)....for over 200 years (Rev 2:8-11) ...’like “wack-a-moles”’...until it was the dumfounded, murderous, vile pagans who recanted and became Christians....Deal with such, also historical, facts instead...if you can dare.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:1st-century_Christian_martyrs
            and btw, your dearly cherished claim that “scholars invented Christianity in the 4th century AD (at the council of Laodicea” is a, at best: ignoramusly quipped, [=“just that stupid”] or at worst: bold-faced guileful revisionist [=“lying on purpose”] legend for you all Atheist/Skeptics/“Agnostics”. As shown to you all long before, it has no factual basis in history. That council merely brought together the teaching and Bible texts out there that the vast majority of Christians knew to be according to the facts and t/Truth that had originally been the Christian Church’s teaching and creed....And that is why many New Testament “Apocryphal” works, such as the Gospel of Peter, Thomas, Judas, etc, were not considered as part of this now formed “Biblical cannon”. Plus the New Testament prophecy fulfillment record speaks volumes for itself about the Truth of the Bible and Christianity (cf. 2 Pet 1:19-21)

-It likely is not a “Millennials” thing, but rather a ‘typical young person’ thing: I myself only started to watch news regularly around late 2000 as I then had a personal investment/interest in what went on in the world...certainly after 9/11...And the only time before that when I came across “news” was when I logged on to AOL and saw it on their start page....If the internet, let alone social media, was a thing in those younger years of mine, then I too would “only be getting my news from these online sources”...The telling survey would be to poll people in their late 30's today and see if they made a switch from online news (only) to (also or only) TV/Network news, when they became more responsible people and were not mainly concerned about “socializing and having fun (online)”.

-The (rightly translated and studied out) Bible does not teach that: (1) Hell will last eternally; (2) dead non-Believers are now burning in Hell and (3) that people who did not get a chance to learn the proper Truth about the God of the Bible and Christianity will have the same level of Hell Judgement as those who knew the Theological and Natural Truth and acted rebelliously against it.

-Christianity is practically about ‘taking care of especially the least of these’ (Matt 25:45), -and that includes conceived and unborn life, and loving people enough to tell them the Truth (1 Cor 13:6) and warn them of the consequences of their decisions (e.g. Rom 1:18-2:16) ...or else (Matt 25:46|DA 825.4)..It is you all novices, and half-bake/nominal Christians who think that ‘people can make the Bible say whatever they want’...nope the Bible writers were clear in relating, the Truth, it is just later readers who are ignorant,  ignoramus or outright devious....
            And btw “Ignoramus and/or Lying Quipstering Sherlock” Jesus many time spoke in figurative language....where was his “Sword” throughout His ministry?????? E.g. Matt 26:51-54; In Matt 10:34-39 He, as later Himself explained, just meant that He came to make a ‘clean and contrasting break/cut’ between those who obey Truth, -no matter the cost, and those who not only don’t, but will then do violence to those who want to (Matt 10:21-22)....So get a reading comprehension brain already....
            Moreover it is never a matter of “literalism”/Fundamentalism vs. being not so as you all, and other novices like you, can/dare only simplistically assay it, it is rather Old Covenant vs. New Covenant matters and that takes proper Bible study to rightly get it.....The Papacy/Roman Catholicism is the Chief and Most Fundamentalist “Christian” Denomination out their with their Old Covenant-revived, (and Paganism-laced, Jesus Christ usurping) Priesthood System/Service heresies....anything else they do is merely to reel gullible and emotional people into trusting them so that they can then entrap you in their heresies and Biblical abominations...The Papacy is a Grand Chameleon (GC 569.2-571.2ff)...and this Jesuit “Black” Pope is inherently the best trained Chameleon they have ever had.

-Oh right, let’s not give a infant their right to live...because ‘they didn’t have a nose yet’...You all “animals” give (actual) animals a bad name/nature....

-Oh look: you finally found your god....and what a surprise, through loopingly circular gymnastics, it was always you after all...

-LOL Cenk Uygur censors himself about what he was going to say about Hillary ‘because her people are very sensitive about that’....I thought you TYT rebels said anything you wanted about anyone and that how you guys were different and better than anyone else....until you too are trying to get Hillary on your network for a debate...SOS....

-When very little, or even no one on this planet no longer believes/has faith in (=does not obey at all) the God/Jesus of the Bible....it then will be the (warranted) end of this world(’s present age). (Luke 18:7-8; 2 Pet 3:2-13)...Your call....

-Cenk got tamed and contained by the “Good Cop, Bad Cop” scheme by the LAX staff...including “good Cop” Troy...(a) Homeland Security’s TSA has probably asterisked Cenk Uygur....”TYT Rebel” and all...(and (I presume) now, he also has an (activist) arrest record) and (b) since he was being an (effective) activist with his camera phone reporting/documenting, then that asterisk began a (yellow) flag...as they probably knew that he could go “Cenko Unchained” on them...in the plane...so cooler head were boarded and leaders of heated heads were grounded/bounced....

-If one’s brand was that “unavoidable”, then people wouldn’t, and would easily know to, not buy/support the knock off imitation. Free Market Competition is supposed to be part of Capitalism, and if one is getting so easily upstaged by a spoof imitation, then your brand, and also legal branding, was, and complacently so, just not that strong to begin with, and so you deserve to be “freely” surpassed by your competitors. I agree with “Ban-arian.” Watch Ana now sue me for false light defamation”....

-Did anyone warn Rosario that she was Cenk’s “Hottest Woman Alive” contest winner a couple of years ago??....

-Nice try Grace, but you cannot be a practising homosexual and also be a (true) Christian....If your Episcopal priest told you otherwise then it is he/she who cannot properly read, understand and apply the New Covenant applicable parts of the Bible...Many professing Christian do believe that homosexuality and/or “gay marriage”, is somehow sanctified in the NT, but that is easily shown to not be the case (e.g. Rom 1:18-32).
            Sorry...but great to hear that you have faith.....First professing Christian I have seen on TYT....

-...plus Mr. Yohn sounds/seems like he is into gay porn...and he can’t let his wife know about that....                                                                

-...so Hannah is actually into guys....

-...so Hannah is actually “bye”...

-LOL..The whole Satanic Bible is built around a “Do You” Satanology*....No Kidding....

-Ana sexually harasses/bullies “Johnny Pie”....psycho-cuckolding style.....

-You guys never make any “rational”/sequitur sense when trying to condemn religion..and of course you don’t care:

1- “So if you eat shrimp, or you are gay, why bother believing in something. Like that tells you ‘you are going to hell for it’. So that’s part of the reason why I left religion...Because it doesn’t make any sense”...It is the person who is ignoring what their Religion is teaching and yet continues to believe in it who is not making any sense, not the religion itself.
            As for Christianity and the Bible on this issue here: God values a culture of life, for all, and of course for all conceived life. Eating shrimp, who He created to purify the waters by being the ocean’s (natural & self-sustaining) garbage disposal and filtering system, as well as eating pigs or other animals categorized as “unclean” because of this garbage processing function of theirs, is an unhealthy diet which is conducive to illness and death...So that is why God has condemned eating these type of creatures, and originally, before the Global flood devastated all natural livelihood, all animals were not to be eaten. (Gen 9:3-5)
            So it makes perfect sense that God cannot honor people who are bent on damaging and destroying the life He has given them because Him then having to constantly inject Divine energy to remedy this deliberate damaging is actually taking away from the new life He wants to create and sustain in His still increasing, and not even close to being fully occupied/filled in and populated, Universe. So such a health damaging person is literally costing the life of someone else, and so that is why the sentenced consequence of death is rightly due to them.

2- Religion and Cultural Bias - I rather see, having worked with cultural Jews for 4 years, the reason I am seeing why people may not do all that their religion is teaching but yet still consider themselves to be part of that religion is that they actually still believe in the ultimate teaching of that religion, which typically is salvation and eternal life, but yet they are too “humanly” weak and unable, or even unwilling, to presently live up to all that their religion requires. So are hoping in the forgiveness tenet of their religion, but others are outright living in open rebellion and/or justifying their non-obeying life some other way. It is more than merely/vacuous “cultural indoctrination”, it is either personal failing or a self-deluded attitude of caring to only do what they think is the least minimum, or the least egregious, for their religion and hoping that they will get by their religion’s final judgement.
            As the Bible teaches, people are sinners and are more prone to live out their sinful tendencies. Religion is trying to get people to not commit these sins. And some are, some are trying to, but others may not really care to try, yet they deceived think themselves to be in good standing with their religion. (1 John 2:4) No one is so “brainwashed” or stupid to think/believe that: ‘if I become a priest then I’ll be a moral person despite not living up to what my religion teaches’. That’s an absurd stereo-typing. At worse, they have the same mentality as non-believers, and even some believers that excuse/dismiss the sin that they are practicing. They are simply deceived and/or mis-informed. At best, they are trying to overcome that sin, and are keeping their faith until they make it. (Pro 24:16; Mic 7:8)
            In the Bible itself, both OT Israel and NT Israel had many vast periods where they were “hypocritically” claiming to be followers of God but were not obedient to His Commandments and Laws. (Cf. Isa 29:13 & Matt 15:7-9). Sometimes they ‘did worse than the pagan nations around them.’ The same is True in A.D. Church History with Roman Catholicism, then Apostate Protestantism.
            God will not compel obedience. In the end, everyone will receive the reward of their free choice in their lifetime.

3 - “Priests Pulling Christianity to a better position’ - This is mere circular reasoning on your part. You of course fundamentally believe that the Bible and Christianity was just made up by men. So you then naturally believe that other men can come along and change it however they see fit, such as in becoming accepting of homosexuality. Well that is not how True Christianity works. First of all True/Bible Christians fundamentally believe that the Bible is founded on the direct and prophetic word of God spoken and revealed through audible voicings and visions and dreams. That’s just the fact of faith for True Christians. So the amending of Christianity is not left up to the will or whims of men. Only God can make such changes, and He will reveal those changes through prophets. When God made a major change in His Religion, He did it through God the Son Incarnate Jesus Christ...Of course you don’t begin to believe any of that, but that is what Christianity is all about. So you expressing how you think Christianity should work is your own idea and not the actual fact/truth for Christians.
            Now since I myself don’t see that other religions are from the True and Only Creator God as revealed in the Bible (more on that next) and ceremonial parts of the OT’s Judaism was indeed superceded by God in the New Testament’s Christianity through faith in Jesus Christ, then I likewise would superficially believe that other world religions are free to amend their religion however they want. But of course they indeed have the same belief about their own religion as do True Christians do. So they likewise would dismiss my view of their religion. And then there is the overarching fact that I believe from the Truths of Biblical Christianity which are prophetically affirmed, that all other Religions except for Biblical Christianity are completely false and man made....except for Islam, which the Bible actually reveals was allowed by God to be inspired by Satan (i.e. the Angel Gabriel that Muhammad saw) but God still also mixed in ca. 50-50 the Truths of the Bible in Islam, yet their religion is still false since it is not 100% true. Of course, as already presented*, God’s purpose in doing that with Muslim was to provide a counter to the False Religion of Roman Catholicism and later Apostate Protestantism as still seen today. (Latest: Orlando Gay Night Club Mass Shooting).
            A nation like America who claims to be Christian, but does not actually obey God cannot be protected by Him and so naturally suffer such judgements which are actually in “life-for-life” vengeance of the death caused by America and the wider west under the name of their Apostate and Capitalistic Abuses.

Now people like Hirsi Ali who claim think that Islam can be “reformed” by Imams either are not at all knowledgeable of their religion since religious leaders actually cannot decide themselves what their religion should be about. They would have to receive a Directive for God (i.e. a prophetic message). Of course, I don’t see God is saying anything prophetic to/about Islam itself, so at worse, any such supernatural manifestation would be from Satan. Same thing goes for the Pope and Roman Catholicism and any other part of False Christianity (=Rev 16:13-14ff) because God does not prophetic speak to people who are living in knowing or indifference disobedience to His already revealed will. (But of course, you don’t believe in Satan either....but that is just your own non/“agnostic” -belief and is not what others believe...It’s always weird to hear someone claim to be “agnostic” (instead of atheist) but yet be so “adamantly sure” that God doesn’t exist and the Bible is false....You are at best “illiterate” about what the Bible really teaches and is about.)

4 - Culture vs. Religion - Again you are (of course as humanists) circularly and biasedly using the standard of what humans do to determine what a religion is actually about. People who do not follow the Christian Doctrine, but only the Culture, which actually is whatever they like from the religion, are just not true believers in their religion. Again, it is not the religion which is at fault, it is the failing professing followers who are. For the most part, people in E.g. Christianity care more to live a worldly life, than an Christian life to the point where it easily can be less than 10% of professing Christians who actually are truly living up to what Christianity is fully/truly all about. And another large part of people who will self-insist that they are true Christians are only following a Christianity that they have remade in their own image and preferences....-exactly as you non-believers are telling them that they should do. That of course shows how these professed believers are in error about their claimed  validity of the false, self-remade, religion they are following.

5 - “Peace-loving” - Of course if a religion is not telling their followers to be at peace with infidels, then them doing so is in violation of their professed religion. So they are not actually following their religion. Biblical Christianity calls for its followers to not execute capital judgement on non-believers (something Roman Catholicism violated in Church History, hence why they are false Christians) and to leave that up to Jesus in the Final Judgement, but to instead just evangelize the world, and even peacefully accept to be martyred...and revealingly enough, when the True Christian message is preached, as seen in History, it will be pagans and infidels, as well as false Christians who will manifest vitriol, hate, violence and even murder towards these Bible Christians, all because the testimony of these True Christian is bothering them. E.g. when True Christians remind you heathens that abortion is the murder of an (innocent, conceived and thus viable) life. Then you go nuts....
            And relatedly, in the OT, God’s Israel only acted militarily defensively against enemies who wanted to kill them. And also, in regards to them dispossessing the Canaanites by force and taking over their land, these pagans had ‘naturally’ (=Lev 20:22) become an existential threat to life then through their wanton violence, baby/human sacrificing and murdering as well as having developed and spread deadly and highly contagious diseases through abominable practices (=Lev 20:23) such as: consuming unclean meats and animal blood, bestiality, promiscuity, adultery, (probably also having sexual intercourse with a woman while she is menstrually bleeding), putting mind altering substances in the body, and practicing homosexuality (of course all clearly practices condemned in the Bible)...which is the similar type of mix of abomination which unleashed the HIV/AID plague upon the world.* Now if in our advanced day and age, AIDS has managed to infect and kill hundreds of millions, surely if such an outbreak had not been checked in the less advanced B.C. days, the human race would have been wiped out... HIV/AIDS was indeed the perfect storm plague from the violation of many Biblical/Natural Laws and the commits of Biblical Abominations....God’s Israel, if faithful to His Laws, may have been the only nation to not become infected and wiped out, so God really did this act to preserve even the wider heathen nations (cf. Matt 5:45, 48)

6 - ‘People Believe their Religion is True because they were born in it’ - That may be your own belief/reasoning, but I have not seen this as the actual case. People may assume that the religion they were born in and grew up in is true mainly because they have not personally examined it for themselves. Many do and that is why many people change religions. People who are serious about their faith/religion ultimately follow the religion that they have come to think is true, and that may be to them the religion that they grew up in. But the search for the True Religion can actually be done and arrive at, and I can say that Biblical Christianity (which actually in not all/nominal Christianity) can easily be defended as the one and true religion of the only living God(head).
            I don’t think anybody thinks they got lucky and were born in the true religion. Again, people may be led to believe that their religion is true from just blindly following and believing what their religious leaders are saying. So it is actually a more substantive faith/belief for them. But these people can always search out the True Religion, and the thing that distinguishes Biblical Christianity as True above any other religion is already fulfilled (and still fulfilling) Bible Prophecy.....But of course atheists and agnostics as yourselves stay away from a proper examination of this evidence (which most definitely is not your: ‘the NT claims that a 7 head dragon actually/literally exists’ (=Dan 12:10)) lest it convicts you as it has done for millions of others, including originally non-believers as yourself. But that prophecy proof is just honestly undeniable!
            People believing that ‘their religion is the True one, and all others are false’ is not irrational...They just have different beliefs. It is your blindspot projected straw-man premise that is effectively actually implying that: ‘all these religions believe that all religions are true’ which is circular and irrational. There exists a battle of religions out there* where people do typically claim that their religion and G/god is the one true religion, but that is not an irrational belief, it actually is quite natural...But the proof can actually be objectively found out. It is like people born in a country naturally have national pride and even can claim that their country is No. 1. Americans typically do so...That’s not “irrational”, it is just natural. But the facts can easily show otherwise, including that America is not the best country in the world.       
* See e.g. at ca. 25:00ff here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqUF3vIiGsg
all arguments and objection which are exegetically/satisfactorily  answered in certain Christian scholarship and apologetics: e.g. http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2012/04/responses-to-evilbiblecom-website-claims.html

7. ‘Believe whatever you want, just don’t kill” - Now what would you heathens do if your country democratically, -(so this actually can’t be wrong according to you guys), amended the Constitution to allow for (Biblical) moral laws to be passed (which can easily be done in a country that is 70% (and mostly ignoramus) Christian) and enacted laws which outlawed your favorite sinful practices (such as fornication, homosexuality, abortion, drinking and drugs, etc (and Capitalism on the other side)). I can bet you then would be “grabbing your guns and bombs” and killing people over it*...That’s what your pagan predecessors did with just mere True Christianity evangelism....That’s just how people naturally react and behave, particularly as you all would have this self-justifying fundamental belief that “people are not allowing you to enjoy the only life you’ll ever life/have”...with your rallying mass murdering cry likely being: “Dispatch these fundies to their “perfect other life/world” already” ....There are extremists and “fundamentalists” (e.g. anarchists) amongst you atheists...

* Especially if you (economically or legally) can’t, or don’t want to, move to another country (like Canada).

8. (Biblical) Christians concern themselves with the sexuality of others because they have a bad sex life.
-Biblical Christians wouldn’t care one brain cell about the (sinful) sex life of others if God had not inclusively given them also that command to warn others about His coming judgement for sinful sexuality (2 Cor 5:10-11)...Deal with that reality of theirs instead of, as usual, your self-subjective closed loop circular deeming...You all may blindly think that Christians should think of things just like you do.,.but they just don’t and that’s the reality of the matter....

-It makes no sense to say you read the Bible and came to the conclusion that God doesn’t exist...He’s mentioned all over the Bible. If fact, you didn’t even have to read the Bible to come to your conclusion. Just straightforwardly claim that: Since I do not see God, then He does not exist”...No need to try to hoodwink people into thinking that your conclusion was upon an objective evaluation of what the Bible says is proof that God does exist and the Bible is His inspired revelation.  So what you actually, subjectively concluded is that: ‘since this God does not say or do what I myself think is right/good or wrong, then I declare that He cannot be real.’ Like I’ve said, the only God which will make you cease to be “agnostic” is the one who you think is just like yourself....

-Again, there is no such thing as a religious culture vs. religion. It is your relativism mindset which forces you to biasedly simpletonly deem things like that. There rather is people who wrongly believe certain parts of their religion and/or subjectively ignore certain parts of it and that is what leads to a practiced belief (not a “culture”)...
-And also, Christians who are applying capital punishment today while not themselves being fully in harmony with what the Bible teaches, e.g. Sunday Keeping, pork eating, Capitalist “Christians” who want to kill gays, are not acting according to a culture, they are just Biblically wrong. Yes, there is such a thing as (absolute) right vs. wrong in Biblical Christianity...It is only in your relativist world that right or wrong is purely subjective..OF course you need to have this stance that nothing in the Bible can be, especially absolutely, right or wrong...You need to dismiss the whole thing but of course smugly patronize those who do the things that you accept as good.

 -God being abhorrently against homosexuality (read Genesis 18&19), but God is now not telling His followers to put them to death, but He will first grant them the opportunity of being transformed through the Gospel of Grace and if they still refuse, then He will punish and torment them in Hell after He resurrects them from the dead...sounds fair enough to me.. And you all have nothing to worry about if you just simply don’t believe in a resurrection from the dead. And the only reason why you think that having such a belief would be objectionable is because you are imposing/projecting your own humanistic beliefs on others. Obedience to the Bible would have prevented the 100 million plus people who have, and have died from HIV/AIDS..Christianity is a culture of life, even eternal life....Yours is a reckless culture of directly inflicted (abortion) or indirectly (pre-)attracted, death. And God’s “torment” in Hell* is only to reveal to you Heathens what an actual life without no element of His mercy at all would be like, since you will not be convinced of His goodness in any other way....Can’t say He hadn’t given you a fair, free and rational chance...you all just preferred sickness, suffering and death...
            Again you are deeming Christianity according to your own personal views/understanding: There is no “ignore vs. not ignore” option in Christianity...It is either: one is following what the Bible says is still to be followed or they disobeyingly are not, and will face the consequences for this disobedience.... And the Bible’s reality is that one day you’ll rail against all of those False Christians who “ignoringly” never bothered to warn you about Hell...and chances are (Ezek 33:1-9; Mark 8:38) that they’ll be there right in there right next to you all...(unless Christ’s Final Judgment (2 Cor 5:10-11) determines/demonstrates that they were sincerely/genuinely, thus blamelessly, “ignorant”...which is more and more unlikely in this (also True Gospel) Information Age)...
            By the way, I am still waiting to see that first ever Atheist Hospital....Thus fair there are hundreds of thousands of Christian or Jewish Hospitals, but nothing from Atheists....of course not because your whole existence is predicated on selfishness....

-If there is “a culture” which so-called Christians have adopted and practice which is contrary to part or all of what Christianity actually teaches, as stated in the New Testament and still applicable OT, then that is certainly not a “Christian Culture” but a compromising Worldly Culture (Matt 15:3-9) During Church History, the Roman Catholic Church also went on this apostasy path of adopting/mixing a worldly/pagan culture to Christianity.

-I can understand that being Biblically and Theologically illiterate you can’t, or perhaps won’t understand this but, for Christians, Fundamentalism does not apply . It is never a matter of ‘apply the text literally or not’. Christians are directed by the New Testament and whatever it says is still applicable to Christians from the Old Testament...and executing capital punishment for what the Bible says are abominable sins is not part of New Testament teaching and theology. So a Christian who is advocating this is just not a Christians...period...He is not a “Fundamentalist Christian”-(there is no such thing, it is just a spurious misnomer like an “Canadian American” would actually be...It is one or the other...) Also that would moreover mean that he/she needs to strictly heed what the New Testament says about the Old Testament and “killing the gays” is not part of NT Doctrine. What you call “Fundamentalist Christians” are just Biblically/Theologically  incompetent and/or ignorant so-called “Christians”). And these “Christians” who advocate such non-Christian things are just a bunch of, frankly Satanically, deluded ignoramuses, who actually are really trying to overcompensate for the fact that they ignore certain parts of the Old Testament that the New Testament says still applies to them, including parts of the Ten Commandments. They indeed are just Satan’s sock puppets to lead people into either rejecting the actual message/truth of the New Testament on such issues,* or just going the other way and ignoring what the NT condemningly says about abominable sins such as homosexuality, (preaching a Satanic version of “(licentious) love” which actually is just selfishness disguised), but with Christians taking it upon themselves to execute capital punishment for it. But what else can one expect, these Ignorant “Babylonians” Christians are just doing their Satanic part in confusing the world about God’s Truth (Rev 18:23b)...so why wouldn’t you all non-believers react in the corresponding likewise “blaspheming” way.

* Cf. This excellent True/Actual Christian Response https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXxRXxkuR3A

-Again, given Babylonian Christians the benefit of the doubt, through some incorrectly interpreted New Testament Scriptures, they think that the NT has relieved Christians of any obligation to follow the Old Testament’s dietary laws against eating unclean meats...But that is not the case. So that is why they are not against the eating of unclean meats but are against Homosexuality since the NT does speak against it....but without the penalty of Capital Punishment, which virtually no Christian could execute today because most are not righteous enough as the requirement for executing Capital Punishment in the Bible states (John 8:7). So this is not a case of Christians indifferently subjectively picking and choosing what they want to believe, as with most other such cases, it is a case of them having bad NT theology/doctrine...(Hos 4:6)

- Yes (the Only and Creator) God in Heaven is going to punish people who have unrepentedly engaged homosexuality....You don’t believe it, that is your problem....In fact, since you declaratively claiming otherwise (LOL) is not going to change anything with most of the world’s ca. 4+ billion people who believe otherwise...-since they clearly know way better than you as to why they strongly believe this, you should both be glad, and supportive of Jews, Christians and Muslims who rightly have the Doctrinal and Theological understanding that such is judgement is only to be executed as Capital Punishment by God....Indeed you should be rooting and commending for them for having this belief, (especially since the OT (and Koran?) says otherwise which many (Christians (and Muslims)) can misapply today), and teaching that to their children....But no....as always, trust your pompous self-important ego instead and vitriolically/confrontationally “declare” otherwise...Good Luck with that...Bible Christians will do this proper work for you instead.
            And of course you here premisely, self-deludedly, “opportunistically” think that if/since Christians can say that ‘It is God Himself who will judge Gay people in the end’ then that must mean that they do not really believe their Text’ so why not also not believe in God at all. Well that is actually what Christian Doctrine actually teaches...I don’t know, -assumingly don’t think, that that is the same case for Islam...but contrary to what you obviously believe, Islam and Christianity are not conflated/conflatable. Satan decpetively claimed in his communciation to Mohammad that Islam came for the same OT God of the Bible (called Allah), but that is of course false. In fact Satan most crucially told Muhammad to write that Jesus Christ was not God, and that no one would be a God the Son Messiah...because Satan needed to establish an anti-Christianity religio-cultural entities with Muslims. The only input that God had in allowing/doing this with Muslims, is in setting the limits of what Satan could or could not say in this purposeful deception (=1 Kgs 22:19-23)

-God did not create animals to be sinful....He did not even create them to kill and eat each other (Isa 11:6-9)....But how funny as always, (and not “ironic” as you want to hoodwinkingly downplay it), that you now claim that God created animals to be gay...As already stated, there are many theories which explains such behavior in animals none of which involve same-sex preference or attraction....In fact it is along the same line why certain animals eat their young or others in their own species...because they are merely hungry, and not even dying of starvation...Why are you also “naturally” doing that???? That’s what animals a-morally, and merely instinctually, do...which is why you all heathens need to, like you heathen/pagan ancestors, consider yourselves as nothing more than animals...you need to at best have a “morality” that agrees with whatever you want/need to do...God calls people who he has created with intelligence (vs. instincts which is found in animals) to live beyond being only/merely “natural”...Bible believers don’t worship and imitate “nature” (Rom 1:25-27), they worship the God of Nature who has told them exactly how they should live as humans who were specially created in His own image and likeness. And, LOL, just to prove the whole ridiculousness of you appealing to your moronic: ‘God created animals in nature to be gay’...then why would this same God forbid, and at the penalty of Capital Punishment death, humans from practising homosexuality???!!! Humor yourself...And stop self-idolatrously deluding yourself that: you are God, you know better than God, or that you know and understand the Word of God...The “Alpha & Omega”, God the Son Himself, Jesus does consider gay people to be ‘animals”..most derogatively: “dogs” (Rev 22:15 = Deut 28:13; cf. 2 Pet 2:6, 12)...So if you are going to refer/appeal to God...then bother yourself to actually know what He says and means instead of blasphemously mal-citing him....Because that only makes you clearly be and sound exactly (=7BC 974.7) like “your (lying and murderous) father the Devil” (John 8:44|Rev 22:15; e.g Matt 4:1-11|Luke 4:1-12)...
            As typical with you all relativists, you are a bunch of cowards who do not have the strength of your convictions, but at best just retreat to the easiest way to get you out of something when you bother to put any concrete thought into what you claim to believe and stand for....That indeed is why you don’t care that you do not have any proof or valid explanation at all for your Cornerstone tenet for Evolution, the Big Bang, which you cannot explain how or why it occurred and when did all the presently existing matter originally come from, let alone who has so perfectly organized the Universe. Seriously, as many have observed, you Atheistic-Evolutionists have way more faith than Believers in Theistic-Intelligent Design...But don’t worry about that...just continue to mock people who have a way more rational theory/belief/faith about the origin of the Universe and Life.

-If one’s religion makes them hate themselves, then either find another religion or stop believing in it...At 29 years old Omar Mateen, which video of him from his clip in the documentary “The Big Fix” show he was a self-minded person, long could easily have chosen to not/no longer believe Islam and what his father had told/taught him...He was not a teenage youngster who hadn’t had the opportunity to come to his own understanding and conclusions.
            The Christian/Gospel message itself, when properly understood leads people to love both themselves and others all the while, while not excusing and condoning sin...

- As the Bible says: 1 Pet 2:20-21...and Christians themselves believe that...Again your pompous declaration do nothing to disprove the evidence that Christians have to believe that...So save/spare your breath and cranial veins...As for the writings in the Koran, unlike the Bible, it does not pass the test of being a Infallible/Divine/Inspired revelation as well as not contradicting valid science, and at best, the Koran was, as the Bible reveals, “inspired” by Satan (appearing as the Angel Gabriel) (Rev 9:1ff).... who likewise also supernaturally deceived the Roman Catholic Church (Rev 8:10-11)... Also, the Bible is clear when it is speaking in symbolic language which is mostly reserved for encrypted prophecies.

In this clip, this Atheist does the patent things that (smug) Bible/Christianity-ignorant non-believers say and do in regards to the Bible and Christianity. The claim either ignorant, misconstrued and/or just plain lying things about the Bible and offer that as proof that the Bible is false. I’ll just succinctly debunk his claims about the supposed ‘non Scientific accuracy/fact about the Bible [made at 09:25-10:41] showing that it is him who “preposterously” doesn’t know what he is talking about.

-No where in the Bible is it said, implied, nor meant, that the Earth is flat...Instead, the Bible spoke of “the circle of the Earth” (Isa 40:22a; cf. Pro 8:27; Job 26:10*)...Some in the Roman Catholic Church itself later had a flat Earth Theory/Belief/View as seen when opposing Christopher Columbus’ journey, but no pronouncements or claims from any in the RCC are Scripture.  http://creation.com/the-flat-earth-myth-and-creationism                        

* Gen 1:2 states that the whole earth was covered by water before, and these verse are manifestly referring to the earliest of points in time when God first created this globe, that He did choose that collecting all this water onto a spherical (=“circular”) surface area as the best way to contain it, i.e. indeed as oppose to a flat surface area where the water then could spill over the edges. With a spherical layout, the flowing water would just self-containingly “circle” around.

P.S. More, long Divinely/prophetically revealed, scientific facts in the Bible like in Job 26:7https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7t-uAozvQ8
-....Yeah....that willfully stupid “literal 7-head dragons” claim again....I don’t even think God expected that this symbolism encryption method for Bible Prophecy would throw unbelievers into such a loop...But that just show how disingenuous people prefer to be...God does allow people to so demonstrate their insincerity by giving them opportunity to make such vacuously objecting claims...

-It is well known by now that God didn’t have to get every derivative of animal breed onto Noah Ark, but only every “kind of species”. So easily narrows it down....Look up the detailing of this online on a Creationist website like “Answers in Genesis”

-It is God who led the animals to Noah’s ark, not Noah.....He, through specially charged angels then can take care of animals as small as mosquitoes...And given how these small insects can live off and upon other larger animals, it is easily possible that they got on the ark that way, and reproduced in the ark during the ca. 1 year that the other animals were in there.

-It was the tremendous force of the Global, but unevenly flowing/flooding Flood which no doubt causes massive earthquakes as it split that prior lone contiguous land mass into the continents we see today and created geological plate faultlines which tilted the Earth’s axis by 15 degrees and thus created started then different global climates. So there was no polar region before the Flood. And just like human pigmentation was genetically re-codingly affected by now different climates where people went off to live after the Flood, so was the case with animals such as here the bear who then became a polar bear by having migrated and lived in polar regions..

-Obviously this guy is manifestly assuming that single logs of gopher wood, therefore measuring over 500 feet in length were used to build the ark...That is such a stupid assumption, even for a straw man claim. Noah most likely build the Ark in modules through many cross-sectional beams to which they were nailed to. So the logs were not long enough to not be able to withstand the forces of the flood (though the SOP reveals that “angels excelling in strength” had to be dispatched to sustain it). Romans later build long wood ship that were sea worthy. Noah’s ark was just many of such ships joined together using similar structural architecture.

-The Bible speaks of the land area of the Earth being all one contiguous mass before the flood, so no two animals in any species had to cross oceans to get to Noah’s ark. Relatedly, post-Flood land bridge theories explaining how animals got to water isolated places like Australia after the Flood.

-America is not a Christian Nation, but Constitutionally a Secular Nation, so it should be preventing Gay Rights...As an Actual Christian Kingdom/Nation, he NJK will be granting anyone who claims to be gay, the right to live “outside of its City-State gates”. (=1 Cor 6:9-11; Rev 22:14-15)...i.e emigrate to any of the world’s other countries which accepts their “abominable selfishness and death” lifestyle. (=Isa 66:24; John 3:36; Rev 15:1) Your “Rights” are our “Wrongs”!!! (Isa 5:20)...What a deal!!! The NJK will be taken, even buying, off of your hands, or, if so (more cheaply) chosen, even from your wombs, -through embryonic extract, your unwanted unborn or infants whom you would otherwise have murdered and in ‘migrational’ exchange, NJK Citizen who would prefer to choose to live according to your Sodomite lifestyle (including Ezek 16:48-50), will join you all....And then we’ll see you, or whatever is left of you and your (Anti-Sabbatical) death+selfishness culture, in ca. 1000 years (=Isa 66:22-24; Pro 8:36)
            ...And while we’re at it, we’ll easily demonstrate to you all likewise murderously selfish ones that the solution to either ending or coping with the damage caused by Global Warming is not the excuse to, LOL, “not have children”...nor is it abortion, nor is it your Capitalist’s sidekicks approach of “Live and Let Die”.... 

-Even a guy who just had sex (with a woman of course) hasn’t seen her breast(s)...i.e. those of a woman openly breastfeeding in public.....You’re at Wal-Mart....buy a discreet breastfeeding bra at least.....You all’s “we’re all animals” worldview is so tasteless and vapid...It actually is a defeatist and self-destructive mindset in which you need to anarchistly destroy every meaningful thing in (especially/also human) life to feel better about yourselves...
            But really here, it is all relativism on your part.....I will bet any amount of money that you all would have a major problem if it was a woman with fit shaped Natural DD breast who had “whipped them out” in public to breastfeed...But here, since it (manifestly) is only a rotund woman with fatty B cup breasts, then you object that anyone should have a problem with that

-So, (since you also here “biasedly” won’t see/admit it) since Omar Mateen did it for revenge against latino gay guys who had “rejected” and “used” him, then: teach your selfishness-controlled promiscuous and licentious community, gay or straight, including yourselves, to stop using people....and while inadvertently or maliciously putting the health and life of (potentially) any-/every-one at risk by spreading your STD’s around.....These are the real/actual causes/sources of this “largest mass shooting in U.S. History”!!....And you all most deludedly call that “love”.....(As all the GC candid and tangible demonstrative evidence will show in the Final Judgement) only God’s Way&Law is Love (PP 33.1 - John 3:16-1 Cor 13:6-1 John 4:16 -GC 678.3).                 

-Mateen did not “hate gays”, nor was that his actual motivation, as he deliberately/explicitly, let many (esp. black, female) gay people live. He targeted the male latino type of people in that gay club, because these are the type which had ‘spurned/rejected/used him’...That’s precisely what he was avenging...and gave the credit to ISIS to cover up that fact...I guess Omar should have known not to expect “morality” and “love” in the, especially gay, “hook-up” culture...

-Oh look: to survive economically, thus be capable militarily, the Americanites and other Westernites have had to resort to an aggressive immigration policy from more fertile (potentially) productive foreigners (especially from Semitic/Middle Eastern/Family Values peoples) given the vitally critical low (i.e. <2 .1="" generation="" immigrants.="" including="" most="" native="" o:p="" of="" people="" rate="" reproduction="" second="" the="" their="" then="" westernized="">

-True/Biblical (= “”Fundamental””) Christianity, i.e those who follow everything that is taught by Christ and in the New Testament, do not, as Jesus, hate the sinner, here gay person, just their sin. (=John 8:10-11; 1 Cor 13:6)...It is Liberal Christians who ignoramusly or indifferently are not telling gay people of what the consequence for practicing their proscribed lifestyle is (Rev 22:15) who are not loving enough to tell them the Full and Gospel Truth...

-You all infant murderers should at least be calling it: “non-reproductive rights”...= “.....wrongs” There is no “Right” to unjustly take the life of someone else.

-LOL....There will be a “battle of the God(s)”...including your own humanism one (Rev 16:14-16; Joel 3) http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2015/06/the-battle-of-har-ar-magedon-rev-1312.html

-...I thought you bleeding heart liberals didn’t want, especially innocent people, to die, -let alone be murdered, -let alone children.....but you need to live out your desperate selfish, doubly-ironically so-called, “life”...Learn how to be better sinners instead of murdering infants to pay for your “mistakes”.... “Help” your (helpless) self (Isa 55:6-11)....

-Oh: ‘a woman trying to murder her unwanted child through an “unsafe abortion” may die...and “that doesn’t help anybody”...so let’s make sure she get a “safe abortion” so that only the unwanted baby dies’....oh okay.... Let’s also make sure mass murderers get access to AR-15 and body armor while you’re at it....A least they are not slaughtering 4000+ people per day....You murderous retards... You are so bent on evil, you’ve indeed lost any reason....
-LOL, the NJK does intend to make a woman’s “unwanted pregnancy” her “business”......now here, getting any abortion actually “doesn’t help anyone”: the baby gets slaughtered and the woman is (up to) e.g. $5000+the cost of an abortion poorer.....That would be ‘bad “business”’...And it’s none of your business to tell her she shouldn’t do this deal....But go ahead and candidly demonstrate to everyone how you, and most deliberately stupidly so, lust after the shedding of innocent blood since it best protects and preserves your beloved “fun” promiscuity lifestyle preference...just like your paganistic, e.g. Canaanite, ancestors that God therefore had to (then actively) wipe off the face of the Earth...(Lev 20:22-24)...This time He’ll let you all do it yourselves (Rev 22:15; Isa 66:24)...Then you won’t have any excuse to hysterically object to His Just actions!!!
-LOL, In trying to figure out “True Believers” in religions, you jut exposed yourselves: When you are defeated, you can’t begin to make any rational sense: (Militant) Muslims “truly believe” that Mohammad received a prophetic vision/directive from Allah which commands that infidels who oppose Islam should be killed, and by martyrdom if necessary and which will be rewarded’....and clearly they do “truly believe” that....But as usual, you revert to your mush brain, ego maniac, retardism and your brain’s rational sector gets shunted and you now desperately think that whatever you say must be the truth/fact of the matter...and so you circularly claimed that: ‘Muslims who engage in “jihad” and “warring martyrdom” must be the ones who don’t believe what Allah told them through Mohammad to do...The sooner you realize that you don’t out of the blue declarative declare what others should believe, you’ll begin to take a step towards possibly defeating those who don’t begin to think that you are the all-knowing pronouncer of everything that is supposed to be true for everyone else...but do keep wading in you kiddy pool of desperate moronism...And btw, it is the Muslims who have concocted on their own a “liberal/progressive” view of Islam who are not the “True Believers” in neither Islam, Allah or Mohammad...Deal with that logical reality....instead of what your shot psyche can desperately only be capable of handling every time you are defeated by another successful Militant Islam action...Seriously, it is clear that you have a “defeatist” psychological block in dealing with such matters...so you turn to your self assuaging fantasies and lies.....

-Your search “to know” is fundamentally fatally flawed,,because by now you’ve made it abundantly clear that you will only accept a “god” who agrees and likes everything that you (now) do...So clearly you have set up yourself as the deity standard and so, like I’ve rightly long deduced, you are only agnostic because you are stalling while trying to figure out how you can convince others that you are “god”....and start your Uygurite religion.
            Btw way it is Christianity (and not you now merely 8%-15-20% in western countries atheists/agnostics) which made all of the other pagan religions, which were all humanistic in nature, obsolete and ridiculous. And only religions which can attest to supernatural experiences (such as with Prophetic fulfilment in Christianity) which have any chance of being credible. That is why Christianity is leading the way...and growing, with SDA’s being the fastest growing Christian denomination because it has the comparatively best presentation on verifiable fulfilled Bible prophecy.
            At least other religions, the non-humanistic ones, are the ones which are majorly existent today because they actually seek to make humans better/ideal, with Christianity having present the best principles rather than your: ‘do whatever you like because that then is the truth’...but of course you reject Christianity because it won’t let you murder infants and have non-natural and/or promiscuous sex....and eats bacon.... So for you, it then definitely can’t be true. When you really think about it, your actual “god” is the abortion pill and the condom...And doctors still recommend patients to not eat pork when they develop heart diseases*...because the pig, -who like you also ‘doesn’t sweat’, was thus designed to “keep it all inside” and thus have a fatty flesh from poorly digested and readily ingested waste as a means of disposing of it.

* Also funny”, but exposingly/debunkingly telling, how Trichinosis (which also occurs in other unclean animals) was not discovered until 1835#...yet Bible writers (“of themselves”) knew to “tell people not to eat pork because of that reason”....LOL, clearly, -as with many other such instructions in the Bible, it was Someone way more intelligent and informed then them who had told them not to do so...

            When you think about it, it is your search “to know” which makes no sense at all since you are only ready to engage/accept whatever you (now) think is good.
            The Bible’s theme is “God is Love” and God has allowed the alternative sin and selfishness ideas of Satan to play out for now 6000 years in order to candidly and objectively demonstrate that it is God’s own idea about what actual love is that is the best viable way for everyone to “have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10)...Smoke that (instead) in your next “search session”....
Old School Podcast Episode #63 - 6/29/16
As much as I now hate to say it, it was actually nice/refreshing to see from parts of that (referred to*) podcast, that ‘there is a method to your “hellish madness”’....i.e. that some fore-, or after-, thought is behind all of the ensuing, or preceding bluster....Loud but wrong of course, but at least you’ve bother to try to engage the fundamental “obvious”** issues of life (whereas indeed some are just indifferent and dismissive of them).

-Btw, I do challenge you to even just 1000 years...if your culture of death is...still alive....Just like French Revolution era Atheists said that Christianity would soon be wiped out, only to see that it is the Atheist and Goddess-of-Reason idolaters who pleaded for Christianity to be reinstated in their society, you Atheists are the best case for people to believe in both God and for His perfect Ways/Will...with every wall that you surely next hit head long: such as you “Free Love’ odyssey which culminated in the sickly/deadly HIV/AIDS Pandemic, and your other STDs....and e.g. now also look how people today are pining for the Healthful Living and Eating Message that God prophetically revealed to SDA’s starting in 1863....The ironic, but fitting, thing is that you all, and your now embraced culture of death, chiefly in under-reproduction, abortion and homosexuality, won’t be able to recover in time for your atheistic ideological species to not go extinct....In fact, you all then panicly going about trying to reproduce yourselves in order to survive will be proof in itself of how wrong your Life and World View has been...Meanwhile, those living according to God’s will, will naturally just overtake you all.
            Your “culture of death” ideology is nothing if you do not put it in practice....and it is the practicing of it which exposes it as deathly worthless....Quite ironic for people who are so defeated by death. (Whereas Christians, though they naturally/humanly are saddened, have the attested faith that it will lead to the beginning of a new, and then Eternal, life (=1 Thess 4:13-18))

            I have long addressed these issues in my blog, especially the “God All Mighty post”,* from my most advanced Theological perspective, and not surprising to me at all, it is what the Bible and Biblical Revelation has said about God which provides the most cogent and logical answers here.                               

As well as in my “Worldview of Unbelievers” post: http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-worldview-of-unbelievers.html
            I would say however that you are an “atheist” as in, you don’t believe in God (as “theist” only means “God”). So at best you are an “agnostic-atheist” as in you believe there is ‘something else out there, but it just is not God’....In fact, from what you have said about your life-views, I’d say you are an “alienist agnostic”...
            So I’ll here, “duly” (Pro 26:5), as succinctly as sufficient, show you how the Biblical Theological View/Perspective satisfactorily answers such questions:

[18:43ff] That E=MC2 theorizing in regards to being able to time travel is very spurious, even laughably wishfully so, “deducing”. I address that claim in detail in my God All Mighty post, arguing that it is merely how time is reckon that changes, with the atomic clock timing slowing down, but time itself is independent of that varying way of reckoning it, and goes on undisturbed. One’s atomic age would indeed differ if they are propelled at different speeds hitting light speed, but time in general would be the same. Now extrapolating that distinct observation/fact to time travel, either in the future, or in the pass, or even aging, as time in general still has passed by, -you’ve just reckoned it differently, is mere pure fantasaical/fictional speculation.
            In regards to time keeping, I have a digital wrist watch whose inner time ticking circuitry is barely slightly faster than time reckoned according to a star, which Microsoft uses to set the time for its operating system, and periodically updates it over the internet....Now over some time, e.g. a month, my wrist watch comes to be ca. 1 minute faster than my computer time, and the difference of course keeps growing if I don’t reset my watch.....but that cannot mean that ‘I can travel into the future’, it is just the ticking for the time keeping which is different. Independent time itself has neither sped up or slowed down, it is just my watch which has changed how it itself reckons time.
            Moreover, I can’t even begin to see how one jumps into a claim of traveling back in time, or in the future simply by a change in the ticking/spinning of one’s atoms...It makes no sense....Plus if you seriously think about it: the future does not at all, as it just cannot, exist. People would have had to have already lived their whole lives for that to be true, and now, I guess, as per your wild “circle of life” theory, you believe, as do Buddhists, that you ‘reincarnatedly’ are just reliving your life yet again.....And so, you actually cannot break that loop...i.e. change your future...Whatever you do now, you would be always supposed to do it. So your fundamental theory here also falls through...when properly/comprehensively thought out.

[20:06ff] Scientific/Mathematical constant have no esoterical implication/meaning. It indeed is just “science”....And it is as scientifically (as in ‘being capable of being attestedly & exactly reproduced’) sequitur as a local bakery exactly mixing the same ingredients and baking the lump the same way will “constantly” keep producing the same food type output. Obviously you believe that some, Alien of course, set up that formula that way, which is why you believe it must reflect some deeper/anterior/higher meaning. Of course, from my Theological Perspective which says that God Intelligently Design this Universe, I easily see that a mathematical formula like E=MC2 and its constants, and consistent output, is a quantitative reflection of the Natural Law that He produces when He so ordered things in the Universe. E=MC2 does not begin to disprove God, rather to the contrary.....Which is why you yourself instead defer to ‘a much more intelligent alien life’....Funny how, unlike God, that Alien has made no effort to contact you Earth life/humans which they had spawned...Perhaps they eventually died themselves....despite all of that “superior-than-human”....Or perhaps they became so super intelligent, and of course were like you all, unwilling to control their human passions, that one of them invented a water gun which splits the H20 atom...and pretty soon a simple fight between neighbors over one of them lusting after the other’s wife, turned into a nuclear holocaust...and they were all wiped out...Could explain a Supernova....Maybe they, in that “Atomic Duel Holocaust” caused your “Big Bang” and it was the propelled organic and matter debris from that explosion which landed in a pool of water on only this far away planet (which they would have had to build themselves) in this galaxy...and “boom” evolution of life began on this planet**....But then the question still remains...How did those aliens come to exist in the first place....Maybe it is: ‘“Atomic Duel Holocausts” all the way down’ (or back in time)*....

** You do realize that you prophet Darwin started his evolutionary theory on the roundly and observably debunked claim of “spontaneous generation”...talk about a false premise...in fact the whole Evolution theory is likewise, and to this day, mere pseudo-science wishful conjecturing...i.e. based merely on “what seems on its face to be the case”...but actually is not...

            Now why can’t that theory of origins be true for you all...since you’re just “agnostically” speculating...It all comes to make perfect, full circle sense...i.e. as to why these Aliens haven’t bothered to communicate with you all earthling all this time...surely they would have had invented the cell phone by now...and Earthlings have long had cell phones...

[20:58] Ahhhh the, pertinently enough: stopping to think reality of “consciousness”...See the presentation: The Idol Brain* for more.

[21:36] Only Biblical Christianity, -i.e. that which rightly follows the New Testament, and still applicable parts and principles from the Old Testament, makes perfect sense.

[21:39] Whoever said that God has a beard??????????????????? Not the Bible...Just people (including “well-meaning” artists) who assume that He must since He is so “old”....

[21:40] Of course God judges humans because, Biblical Theology reveals that He has sacrificially given of Himself, through a voluntaring God the Son (=named “Jesus” when He came to Earth as a human) to both Create all existing and living things and specially Redeem and Repair what sinfulness of this lone rebelling Planet has done and cost in His Universe...So since He both gave humans the down payment, and has footed the bill for the house repairs, He most logically has the full right to tell you how you should live if you want to remain in His house. For those who indeed believe that His is Creator and Redeemer, and that Sacrificially so, all of this makes perfect sense.

[21:41] Saying that God is against masturbation, is like saying that God is against sex.....In either case He actually is not.....as no where in the Bible does He say that either one is wrong...(Of course you (preposterously of course) think/claim that the incident with Onan shows so...It doesn’t... ‘read the Bible’)...It is just that He says that they are only acceptable in the context of a heterosexual marriage. And in a healthy/functional/loving, I am hardpressed to think of a circumstance where “solo time” would be seen as necessary....At worst, masturbation in a married context would always involve the other spouse...even in “phone sex”...What God is against is lusting after someone else, as that is the seed for adultery...and God knows that the sexual drive that He has invented is like fire..... “you’ll likely (somehow) get burned if you play with it’. Hence his counsel to not lust....which makes it hard(er) to “solo-bate”.
            And while the periodic release of unused sperm for men is healthy, turning that healthy aspect into an abuse and vice where one over ejaculates is factually/scientifically unhealthy and immoral.... Like a car manufacturer who ideally recommends that a driver changes their oil every 3000 miles, God's recommendation in regards to masturbation and sex is: get married ASAP e.g. people in Bible times were considered as adults at 20. At that is why God’s ways also promote healthy, non-sexualized youthful socializing towards that goal of finding your soul-mate/love of your life “ASAP”.... Because, as you all heathens, have empirically substantiated, sex itself certainly does not make people soul-mates. So a marriage built on “kindred-spirit” affinity and friendship is more likely to last than one which is built on merely sex...
            So that Biblical Worldview also makes perfect sense than you all (Atheistic)/Alienistic) Agnostic worldview.... In fact, I just cannot understand why you atheist believe/practice marriage...It clearly is merely/purely out of selfish purposes/procurement for you guys, -(as you put it: ‘securing a constant stream of sex’...versus having to have to go on the hunt at clubs every weekend...and/or weeknights, especially if you are not even a “catch” to begin with), instead of actual trusting/accepting love....That’s also why you can’t stand God’s “no premarital sex” law....As if a healthy person cannot become a satisfying sexual partner....It all goes back to getting along, and getting to know, the person outside of the physical act of sex...because you can easily tell then if their “psyche” is into you at all to sexually (=lovingly) desire, or be satisfying to, you. No need to “test the plumbing” to see if a working faucet is supposed to produce water.....It will if the plumbing remotely is functional....And speaking of which, who in their respectable mind, would only marry someone if “the plumbing fits”“...really: “I really would love you otherwise, but our plumbing is incompatible”...how shallow and selfish...and I am sure that that is why God made the plumbing, so enlargingly flexible...on either side...* Sure it might take some extra “work” and endurance...but so does a marriage that two people want to make work....And in self-evident fact, having a child can help for aspects cases of “non-fitting plumbing”. #NoExcuses....

* E.g. Infomercial on: ‘how your wife can get you to grow 2 inches in both length and girth “naturally”....’

[21:56] Makes perfect sense that a God who would “order” the Universe that He has Created....so that something does not go wrong and the whole thing goes haywire, -as seen in the results of sin, would likewise give a manual (the Bible) ordering how He knows life is best/optimally lived out....Denying or refusing that is so petty and irrational that it clearly betrays one’s indifferent and insincere bias....Again you are looking for a “God” who agrees with everything that you do...In that case, look no further than any cheap mirror....Biblical Theology rather reveals that despite a world having Free-Willed voted to live according to Satan’s worldview, God has still mercifully stipulated what His own and better/best worldview is through the Laws and Principles He revealed in the Bible, all of which have been scientifically shown to have been the best way that people, especially in the primitive days of Biblical times, could have lived to avoid various kinds of sickness and disease and untimely deaths. That indeed is candid proof of the Divine Inspiration/Origin of the Bible, because, mock all you want: someone in 1450 B.C. who, -as you mindlessly/moronically purport, came up with, -(among many other such things): the gastro-scientific classification of/for unclean animals and the instruction to not to consume them, was literally 3200+ years ahead of the times.....Maybe that person is your missing “super-intelligent-alien” who disguised himself as a human and came to live amongst humans to impart them knowledge on how to live a healthy life. (Hmmm...sounds like what Jesus Christ did (John 10:10))....The Bible already dealt with that logical life issue when God spoke such key/basic/“fundamental” valid and wise instructions to Moses on a mountain top that over 2 million people witnessed* (Exod 19:18ff)

* And the candid proof that this indeed happened, is, as honestly seen throughout the Bible, those who chronicled such events also were honest enough to chronicles events which could easily be moronically claimed as the dis-proof of their prior record: namely here, that same witnessing group of 2,000,000+ (initially all) made up their own god and worshiped it when they thought that God had permanently taken away, or worst, killed, Moses on that mountain meeting when almost 40 days had since passed...(Exod 32)
            Funny how you Alienist(s)/Atheist(s)/-Agnostics want to impeach the Bible, yet are scared to give it a proper and full hearing/examination...I.e. engage and factor in all that it does say in making its case instead of selective taking certain claims and out of their complete context....But you so demonstrate your indifferent bias....

[22:30] The Bible reveals that “anarchy” in the Universe is a product of sin (=Matt 13:27-28)...When God had finished the original Creation everything was in order, perfect and “very good”....And when all the hard and objective evidence is in that Satan’s sin ways are just neither viable nor satisfying, then it will be worthwhile for God to re-expend some of His Divine Energy on this lone rebelling planet to make it perfect again. (Isa 65:17; 66:22; Rev 21:1, 5; 2 Pet 3:13)

[22:41] Expecting meaning in things is perfectly natural to do....I.e. someone must have had some purpose in mind to produce an ordered place for humans to live in.  Of course God’s “meaning” for the humans He created was that they would have an eternal and perfectly fulfilling life....The only way one cannot logically expect meaning, is if you fundamentally believe in mere accidence. Just like if you woke up and there was a shiny new Lexus in your driver with the key, title and full payment receipt in your mailbox...with a note which said: “Enjoy!!”, you would logically conclude that ‘someone meant for you to have this brand new car and to “enjoy” owning/driving it’...and that is also what you would “logically” do with it. But if instead you woke up to a pile of rusty, twisted and chaotically incongruent, -even if not damaged, scrap metal in your driveway, not only would you not conclude that someone “meant” anything, or at least anything beneficial, by that “gift” -(unless your whole passion in life was in owning such useless junk metal), and even if they also left you keys and an “enjoy” note, you’d logically think that this was quite cruel person who dumped that problem on you.
            And so is how the atheistic worldview is built. They won’t factor in what the Bible says about a rebelling Angel (now) named Satan existing and going about trying now to ruin this world and doom those who live in it (Rev 12:12), but they also claim that this would actually be all God’s own doing...when the Theological fact is that, this is the consequential result of Adam and Eve having decided to reject God who they knew and met everyday and instead follow after this rebelling angel that they were warned of....But fairly enough, just as this world was ruined and doomed by the Free-Will decision of one man, it, and any of those who believe, was/were bought back by the faithfulness of One Man (1 Cor 15:21-24)..Now that’s “True/Full Freedom”!!!!

[23:04] Saying that “space and time” are the same thing, does not begin to make any realistic sense...It literally is like claiming that apples and shoes are the same time....and because you can fit an apple in a shoe.... Only in Science-Fiction speculation does such a claim seem to make sense. “Time” is how the passing of life is reckoned...“Space” is where life occurs. Just because you can “fit” time of life onto the space where life takes place, doesn’t make then interchangeable entities....And again, Future Life cannot logically exist unless one has a distinct “religious” tenet/faith which they have invented here, and not actual “science”...And that’s how Scientology was concocted....

[23:16] There is neither nothing to understand in these things, nor do the claims of Scientists pass the validity test. It is all mere fantasy speculative extrapolation....probably out of a desperate guilty/heavy conscience of their trying to produce a “meaning of life”.

[23:36] So...if you could see one’s past by traveling at the speed of light that would mean that one would have physically traveled back in time....Then in that case, why are these scientists at the very least rigging up the “atomic gun” they have built somewhere under a mountain in Europe where they purportedly have “tested and proved” these theories, to fire a bullet or solid particle back in time to a spot where they knew that Adolf Hitler had stood before the outbreak of WWII.....Similar to how they did in Back to the Future I, II, III.
            But “seriously”, -as this whole theory is laughably idiotic, why can’t scientist prove their theory today simply by putting a Go–Pro camera with WiFi on a flying object that they propel at the speed of light. But of course, they won’t dare do that as it will reveal nothing and sink their fantasaical speculations....

[23:55] So you “science” people believe in a “Fourth Dimension” where all your answers about life are resolved....Bible Believers believe in the “Third Heaven” (2 Cor 12:2 =beyond the #1 Blue Skies and #2 Dark Space) where the Creator God, and His created angelic being reside and administer His created Universe from....In fact, astronomy can corroborate prophetic revelation (LDE 272.1) that the gate to that “Third Heaven” is just beyond/through the Orion Constellation.

[24:13] Most fitting that if you don’t believe in the  Creator God, the Universe naturally can’t but have no meaning....

[24:54] Just because you can’t see something of course that does not mean that it does not exist, but in the examples cited here, it is easily verifiable that, e.g. ultraviolet light, cell phone waves, do exist....Not so the case with this Fourth Dimension theory, which on its face does not begin to make feasible sense. All these claims of Time and Space bending are not facts. They are nothing more than, LOL, as with Evolution, wishfully extrapolated theories. The Bible’s answers in regards to these issue make perfect sense, including the Theological Truth that “the future does not exist”...It can be planned by God (=prophecy), but accomplishing that plan is then left up to people following that Divine plan and according to the Freedom/Free Will that God allows humans to exercise (Isa 46:9-11), (up to a demonstrating point where then consequences are imposed), in regards to His Better/Perfect Will. Any functional and peaceful society operates on the same principles

[26:33] ...nope, nope... time would have kept on ticking....you, at best, would have been stuck watching just one image, (if that is actually even a realistic possibility)....Just like if you pause a live basketball game, the actual game keeps on going on, and when ten minutes later you resume watching it where you had paused it, it is still (generally) ten minutes later, though the game clock itself hasn’t changed. That is the easiest “linear” thing to understand once you leave the “loopey” fictional time-travel wishfulness out of the equation.

[27:05] It is quite eerie how you Unbelievers are so gullible in regards to believing your conjectured claims....“But you didst protest too much”....It does smack of a desperation to try to find some other theory of origins other than what the Bible (rationally) offers.

[29:35] That’s called being a “nominal [insert Religion/Denomination Name]”...yet it does not mean that, Biblical Christianity is not True....This has always been the case (cf. Matt 7:21-23) and that is why the Bible teaches that there is also a last day “Investigative Judgement”* (Dan 7:10; Matt 22:1-14) to publicly examine/reveal the validity/genuineness of a person who has professed to being a Christian. This investigating of claims is transparently for the benefit of everyone else, (who are limited in this personal knowledge regard, and so need to see hard or demonstrative evidence (cf. Rev 15:3-4) if they won’t have faith in God instead), except for an Omniscient God who has already informedly made these judgement decisions (Job 11:11; 28:24)

[31:48] Obviously you’ve been asking the wrong (=uniformed) people about “where does God come from). The Bible itself is unambiguously clear: God did not come from anything, He was not created, He did not “suddenly/magically appear”, He simply always existed, He is Eternal, and that is what makes Him God. Then He gave of Himself to create all other things and that is why He is deserving to be worship. And since His wisdom is indeed, as repeatedly tangible demostrated, unsurpassable, that is why He and His Will in regards to living in His Universe is to be obeyed.
            So unlike Evolutionists, the Biblical/Christian Faith has never made the claim that God at one time did not exist but then suddenly appeared. As the Big Bang Theory itself requires that there had to be something where it came from, it makes perfect sense to me that if/since there is a Original Source Truth to this Universe/Life, that this Source of Truth would itself have always existed. It is not at all ridiculous that if/since there is such a being as “God”, that it would have the characteristic of ‘always having existed’ (and which was as 3 distinct beings with God the (now) Son bestowing His Divine Glory/Energy to provide the matter to create all things, and God the (now) Spirit transforming itself as a Spirit in order for God the Father to be able to keep in communications throughout His created Universe.
            And look, proper Theology reveals that all the matter that exists in the Universe had to come from something, and the Bible does not teach (as many Christians wrongly believe) that God then ‘created from nothing”, but rather that God created from (particle) things which are not visible (i.e. to the naked eye) (Heb 11:3)...and those atomic particle matter came from the transformed Divine Energy generously bestowed by God the Son. You all need such an: “Eternal God” solution to prove the Big Bang.

[32:40] You’ve been amply seeded, and watered....however your suppressed realization is most likely to only occur as you see the fire and brimstones of hail raining down on you all (Rev 20:9) when then you’ll (potentially) regretfully realize how you could also have come to a knowledge of God’s Truth.

[33:26] There is no such thing as “circular/looping” time. Time is linear. You all need to actually empirically prove your circular theory beyond the mere wishful conjecture that you now grasp on to. You all have just conjured up another type of re-incarnation mythology. Funny how you’ll keep living this same life over and over and never realize that you are. If you think about it: That is the only logical conclusion from a “circular time” claim...I.e. while you live, time is linear, but once you die or some time thereafter, time is recycled. It makes no realistic sense. The Bible’s “(linear) eternity backwards and forwards” Theology makes much more sense. You all are so worshipful of science that you just give up common sense at any speculative claim that “the experts” make: Now that is a (Cultic) Religion....

[34:51] I really don’t see why non-Christians would bother about Free Will....Unlike for Christians, there is no overarching belief that “God already knows what you will do in the Future”, -which actually is Theologically wrong as the Bible rather only says that God fore-plans how the future should best be, and then, when the time comes, seeks to fulfill that Most Wise Plan. (E.g. Isa 46:9-11)

[35:14] LOL and who are the ones who are “outside of your time”...those “Sky Aliens”...(-perhaps E.T. itself)...Shouldn’t they be constantly moving at the speed of light according to your theory...If they are merely living in a galaxy trillion of light years away, that does not mean that they are moving at light speed and thus “outside of time”...or that they can even “see you here on earth”.
            Sounds to me that, as with all forms of paganism and idolatry, -going all the way back to the apostasizing descendants of Adam and Eve, those who have such claims and belief about Free Will and Predetermination have merely subjectively “knocking-off” adapted some concept from Biblical Truth/Christianity....when in fact, since they don’t believe in God, but of course in “Sky (technically “(Outer) Space”) Aliens” , they just know such a concept is not realistically possible outside of that Theistic framework.

[36:35] It is not one’s “most productive years” but one’s “most daring/adventurous years” where one is more willing to take risk, or “set out on a limb” to see if something works. Then they get older, have more responsibilities and dues, have less physical strength and therefore prefer to settle down, take it easy, and go with the flow. Rare, but still possible, are those who keep seeking to advance throughout their whole life.

[39:03] I thought you evolved from an organism in a pond of water...Indeed when exactly did that organism begin to pack in dust from the earth in order to create physical bodies. It is the Bible that says that humans came from the dust of the Earth (Gen 2:7a)..That consciousness is the breath/spirit of life (made available from part of the Divine Energy) that God breathed/breathes into every human (Gen 2:7b; Job 27:3; 32:8; 33:4)

[39:52] Much more than Earth, we’re are actually ‘one blood’ (Acts 17:26)

[41:05] You have been going on and on just here about your “religion” with all those dogmatic unproven claims non-sequiturly extrapolated from flawed theories.
[41:46] Funny how your philosophy about ‘everyone being one’ goes back to the elements of the Earth whereas in Theistic Creation, it all goes back to one man (Gen 2:21-23; Acts 17:26) and not any, potentially, millions of evolving primates as you Evolutionist (actually) believe.

[42:06] That’s all the Divine Energy, and when one’s dies, that Breath of Life energy returns to God (Eccl 12:7), to be re-imparted at the resurrection (Dan 12:2; John 5:28-29) where the wicked and their corrupted spirit/soul energy will then be duly eternally destroyed. (John 3:16)

[45:26] That plant’s reaction is not “consciousness”. It is just how God designed it to react to the stimuli of sunlight. Just like a robot being to do its work whenever sunlight strikes its solar panels is not proof that it has consciousness. Only humans and animals have “Consciousness” as they both have the Breath of life of God in them (Gen 2:7; 7:15, 22). That is why human and animals can “consciously” make injunctive decisions from things that they are confronting. -Which is why the serpent was scolded and cursed by God for having “consciously/knowing” allowed Satan to use him to deceive Eve (Gen 3:14). Plants can only do what they were created/programmed to do. Of course human consciousness is much more intelligent than the instinct of animals. [=your “spectrum of consciousness”, but only limited to creatures who have God’s breath/spirit of life in them].

[47:00] Of course the Bible long has provided that answer by saying that “God exists” and that He and countless heavenly beings exist/live in the “Third Heaven” and that there are other inhabited worlds like this Earth in other galaxies (Heb 1:2; 11:3)

[48:02] That flaw is fundamentally “selfishness” where all other flaws (=sins) come from, but it is nothing that humans cannot overcome by mere volition...and that is the whole teaching of the Gospel. You all keep making vacuous excuses for why you do the evil things you do, as if you have no other choice.

[48:34] Your “Sky God” nomenclature smacks of juvenile ignoramusness. God’s lives in a place as tangible as a planet...it is just in Space, -actually beyond the realm of Space, which is called Heaven (or the Third Heaven) in the Bible. No Bible Writer/Believer believed/s that ‘God floats in the blue skies that we see above.’ “Heaven” is merely directional of where His tangible realm is. By the same criteria, -as already pointed out, you would likewise believe in “(a) Sky Alien(s)”
            In fact the Bible teaches that God will be transferring this Universe’s Headquarter of His on a Recreated Planet Earth (Rev 21:2-3). Theologically because He had permitted those who will live on this planet to have had, as per the foundationally voted choice, a taste of sin, and so His close and constantly visible presence will serve as a merciful deterrent to prevent the redeemed inhabitants of this planet, who were all once infected with, and/or addicted to, sin, from relapsing into sin.
[48:42] Lo and Behold: The Bible says exactly that about God mind/wisdom versus that of man (Job 11:7-9; Rom 11:33; Col 2:3) ...You all need to get your own original “religious” beliefs....

[49:51] The Bible teaches that Higher Intelligence is possible with redeemed man with them then being capable of using up to 100% of their brain capacity again as the early humans did as they lived up to 1000 years...Which is how they had photographic memories and lasting recollection, and which is why they did not need to write things down for several centuries until their lives became both shorter and less performant over time.

[50:03] 6000 years according to the Bible and as corroborated by mathematical demographic/population growth models which all indeed go back to a (re)start ca. 4300 years ago... =at the time of Noah’s Flood.

[50:52] All consciousness = God. 

[51:48] Isn’t God’s way better... When we get to Heaven, He will expunge all the bad/sinful things from out past lives on Earth (Isa 65:17; Rev 21:4) and let us live out our lives with a clean slate only containing out good memories, and people will be free to socializingly share whatever they want to share with other people. (1 Cor 13:12)
            Clearly even you guys admit that ‘God not letting others invasively know every wrong/sinful thing about you’ is not good.

[52:46] Simply stated the Bible’s Heaven is this type of life, but without none of the bad things.

[53:13] Yes you all can’t escape the incontrovertible reality about the Truth of God.

[53:42] Again the Bible doesn’t say that God has a beard,* nor that He lives suspended in the Blue Sky. And the Bible also says that God created humans in His image and likeness. (Gen 1:26-27; 5:1; 9:6; 1 Cor 11:7; Eph 4:24; Jam 3:9; Col 3:10) So by looking at ourselves we can see and understand how God bodily is and looks like, which as some revelations reveal (e.g. Isa 6:1), He may be ca, 50 feet tall. It is His other mental capabilities, as well as radiant energy (= glory), which are way above/beyond our understanding. You have no basis at all to claim that ‘a God cannot bodily look like humans look.’

* ....The “Ancient of Days” (Dan 7:9, 13, 22) simply does not age...in fact, since Jesus the “Son of Man” i.e the ‘Heavenly one born of human’, took on, and has retained a human body 4000 degenerating years after the physical perfection that Adam had, and God the Holy Spirit has transformed Himself into a Spirit, God the Father may very likely be the Most Handsome being in the entire Universe. And if He had granted that feature to “Lucifer” (Ezek 28:12), well by now Satan has lost that ‘utmost physical perfection’ due to the drain of a life of sin. (TA 251.2-3)

[53:52] Humans only know what God’s thoughts are when He reveals it to them, =through prophetic means such as a Dream or Vision (Num 12:6-7) or a, nowadays (cf. John 12:27-30ff), inner audible voicing (and, as many “born from above” Christians can testify,* you do know/recognize it when you hear/experience it (cf. Heb 11:6)). Maybe humans have experienced that and the proof that they have is that what they have related about that communication comes to be proven to be true and valid. E.g. the Healthful Living Vision given to Ellen G. White in 1863 which only in recent times have scientists seen that such principles are true about living healthily while all the while SDAs (e.g. Loma Linda SDAs) who had been living according to that prophetic message have been, as you all at TYT had once reported in a news story, living 7-10+ healthy years more than the average U.S. life expectancy.

* E.g. http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2008/07/youre-voice.html

            Again prophecy is what proves the Bible and Christianity True, and you all know this, which is why you all cowardly never dare mention/engage/discuss it, especially the best expositions of it as presented by Historistic Interpretations.
            And then there is also the reality that the Devil can manufacture his own prophetic revelations and fulfilments, as he was allowed by God to purposefully do for the establishing of Militant Islam, so prophecy must also pass the test of being in harmony with the Will and teaching of God (Deut 13;1-5; 2 Thess 5:19-22)

[54:10] God is in our Time and Space as that is the only reality that exists, and He does wonder what people will do next as the future does not exist...and yes God is “disappointed” when people faithlessly sinfully choose things which are outside of His ideal will for us and our well being.
-Penguins, or any other animals, are not gay...just instinctually duped....
-Animals can’t be judged in Hell because their consciousness is not as volitional as humans and also unlike humans, they do not fight and rebel against God when reprimanded by him for having done wrong, so the realization/confession of the truth of their error does not have to be candidly “tormented” out of them as it will be for callously rebellious humans. (Rev 14:9-11; Luke 12:48-50)

[54:33] Do look at “naked” animals...(although many of them have skin-covering furs)..what does their nakedness lead them to do when they see another animal of their kind of the opposite sex...They are sexually aroused and hump them....Human sexuality is much more visually defined and developed than animals, and that is why their nakedness is best to be covered up. One would literally have to sear their humanness not to be aroused by the nakedness of other humans (normatively of the opposite sex). So it is not a matter of “shame” in regards to non-married people. It is only a matter of shame within a married couple who are supposed to enjoy each other’s nakedness and that is how Adam and Eve came to be when the knowledge of sin led them to see that there could be something wrong with being naked, especially if God saw them naked (Gen 3:7-11) Plus they actually had a robe of light before sin,* which they probably could see through as a married couple, and lost it once they sinned and therefore knew that they would now be also naked before God and hid.
            So clearly your whole issue about the God concept is that you can’t accept a God who tells you how you should live when it comes to your favorite vices and sins....Funny, just like you are fighting for things that you think should be allowed in society, why aren’t you also a, (and advocating for), nudist/naturist????....What???....‘Ashamed’ of your bodies?!!!!     

-“I’m not defending Islam”...nor ISIS, but your lying-inducing bias is just as detrimental: the more likely fact of matter is that ISIS does not consider that Iraq bombing, or other such attacks on civilian targets, as “warfare”, but rather as the execution of Capital Punishment on apostate Muslim, and in regards to Westerners/Non-Muslim, the avenging of (Good) Muslims deaths by Westerners. Warfare would (technically) be fighting on the battlefield against a military force...but one has to ask, what would a “good Muslim” for an entire month if they were attacked by another military during Ramadan. They may also be making a valid difference between “aggressive/offensive” vs. avenging/defensive acts (of warfare)....given that their Caliphate is presently crumbling...


-Once you all abominable serial mass murderers, wherever you are, are quarantined and indeed “taken out of the way”, by/to whatever capital extent necessary (=Deut 20:10-18), then, at the very least, 178,000 children per day will be able to live their lives!!!! You do love death, don’t you!?!! Trust me, those infants don’t want to be anywhere near you killers, nor be brainwashed with your demonic/diabolical selfishness- and death- view....

-When it comes to taking away the life of the unborn, you invent your own “science, logic and reason”, namely: pseudo-science, idiocity and unreason -circularly “validated” by your speculative theories deemed as fact and/or outright science-fictions...Whatever gets your selfish and murderous purposes done: Here’s the “reasonable, scientific logic”: a conceived life will, if not interfered with, birth a human being, ergo interfering with it at any stage from its conception to birth is ending the life of a human being, and that is murder.
            I know, and you won’t dare admit it, that abortion is your way to think that you are helping with overpopulation and climate change, again two viewpoints which are devoid of “science, logic and reason”: As the NJK Project (njkproject.info) has long been “scientifically, logically and reasonably” advocating:

(1) food can literally be grown in a garage, so there is ample space to grow found for trillions of people, even if you have to build up e.g. a skyscraper the height of the “Freedom Tower” which is a “GreenHouse”
(2) the Earth is covered in 70% of water thousand of feet deep, so plenty of water for everyone
(3) the Sun hits the Earth every hour (or is it minutes, or seconds) with enough energy to meet the present need...and its free and renewable
(4) Presently, the population of the entire world can live in the State of Florida with a Population Density like Los Angeles, so theirs ample living space on this planet tens of thousands of years....and if/when you run out of terra firma, then floating cities are an easily feasible reality, with ample untapped, even renewable, natural resources to supply their building.

            So instead of doing like Capitalists and worshipfully obeying whatever you like about being selfish beings: they money and wealth, you, yourselves and your sinful living, why don’t you instead use science, reason, logic to develop, produce, allocate and use technologies to provide life, and for all who have that opportunity, i.e. including conceived life instead of trying to find ways in which you can murder people without feeling bad about yourselves. But deep down inside, you all are just a different kind of cut throat Capitalists, who likewise believe, when it comes to “preserving you and your ways”, the survival of the fittest...just as your god Darwin, the prophet of Satan, told you you should believe.

-Seems like the 4 lead hijackers/pilots for the 9/11 plot were educated, wealthy, some had a life and girlfriends, etc...but you “grieve” someone, or what they care about, bad enough...and they’ll abandon all of that and learn how to fly a jumbo jet into a skyscraper....In fact, they’ll then use all of that education money, socialness to inflict the most harm on their grievors...So the only solution is for the West to stop causing grievance to other nations, because the present problem with Muslims (re-)started in 1948....And to think otherwise for any of the above is to perpetuate that smug disdaining of people who are not westernized like you, thinking indeed that you can do whatever you want to them and they have to take it, because they are inferior to you...Good Luck with that, including trying to tell them that they descended from apes and that Allah doesn’t exist....Or “flooding them with porn”...You Heathens have no truthful, intelligent nor viable solutions to anything....

-2 Pet 3:3-9ff!!! 2 Peter 3:10|1 Thess 5:1-9!!!

-LOL....You guys are desperately in need of propping up your straw men circular reasonings... (A) I haven’t heard any Christian/Conservative/Republican American say that they will leave their country for/to you...and (B) that is indeed the last thing that they will do...One thing that will bind both of you groups together persecutively against Biblical Christians, as will be the NJK, is your common, same-Satanically-sourced, selfishness because you both, one directly/openly, the other ultimately/covertly likewise worship “Mammon” (Luke 16:13)...and have long amply shown that you are willing to even murder for it.....


-Right, you and your fellow “agnostics”/atheists are not expending tens of millions of dollars to search for your “Sky Alien(s)”...Bible Believers don’t have to do that because the understand that Satan and Fallen Angels (=demons) do exist...


TYT vs. InfoWars at RNC
-Well no only are there “no atheists in foxholes”, the TYT crew has just shown that there are neither “moral atheist in media banks”: quasi-violence/fighting; fat-shaming;* (first degree) spitting assault; etc... “you all lost your religion, let alone your temper, really quick”...Quite odd since “you are so much bigger than those guys”... But I am still trying to figure out what and why all the sudden (faux) rage**....Especially since Alex, having ended his vacuous prank, was on his way off.... The “future of (new) media” looks so great...

** Well it did work for Bill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy-Y3HJNU_s          

-In case you also might not, as patent, contextually and theologically get it, Bible Christians don’t believe that e.g Harry Potter or Pokemon, or any other science fictional creation by people is, -in itself, a “competing vooodo or mythology”.... Bible Believers rather much more widely and deeply understand that Satan has long had his own image blown, to the point that if he were to appear as himself to try to deceive people, not even you unbelievers would follow him....since “you don’t worship him”...(until you would find out that he believes in, essentially or effectively, everything you do...but perhaps his (explicitly-stated) plan to ‘doom everyone’ may indeed repulse you all....although like you, he just wants to blame a, so-slandered: ‘unreasonable God, who won’t sponsor a culture of “fun”, i.e. sin, selfishness and murder’)...so Satan has since the very beginning used a cover to try to deceive unsuspecting people and inject his nefarious ideas in their head. So in the Garden of Eden, he used a serpent to tell Eve that ‘there was nothing wrong with knowing Evil and so she could disobey God’s lone restriction on them’ (Gen 3:1-9ff)...
            And from then, and through this day, he continues to operate by the same modus operandi and it has gotten much easier nowadays since he has much more deceived humans to work through who can easily be passed off as good or well meaning people. And among such unsuspecting and/or indifferent, you do have various creators of various arts which serve to communicate things to even children which are contrary to Biblical teachings....which is just what Satan ultimately wants. So you do have the Harry Potter* series creation which does indoctrinate children to like witchcraft and the delving into the occult, which of course is contrary to God’s Will as it does open a door to accept occult activity...and the Bible prophesies that this will be the means by which most of the world, including lax and nominal Christians, is led into the Final Deception which coalesces into the Mark of the Beast group to oppose God’s Truth. (Rev 16:13-16)

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lZTo-LyxNo&list=PLD697093D35FBEB9A                                                   
            I don’t know about the occultness within Pokemon Go, -I have not looked into it, but it could be used as a subtle stepping stone to deeper indoctrination into occult pursuits, e.g. in future apps games.....Perhaps e.g. a similar GhostBusters app is in the works given the success of Pokemon Go. But the even deeper trap in all of this is the way that such things, even surfacely non-occult entertainment, even sports, keep people frivolously distracted from, and uninterested in, studying Biblical things and thus getting ready for Har-/Ar-Mageddon!!!!

-LOL...Nice try (again trying to make claims about the Bible from your unrighteous mindset): Jesus himself came to “divide”...and radically so (Matt 10:32-39|Luke 12:49-53; Matt 25:31-45)...i.e. the one who actually follows after Him and His Kingdom, from those who don’t (Matt 5:6; 6:33; 7:21-23; 1 Cor 6:9-11; Rom 1:18-32ff)...so mere “dividing” (e.g. Matt 18:15-18) is not the “proscribed” issue here...But that’s prophetically a very “ecumenical” disposition of yours...perfectly ripe for the Papacy’s pickings...

-People who have and/or support abortion most gruesomely, -and most irrationally) “have no empathy”....

-There goes the moronic Uyguru again...-you can tell when Lucifer inspires him another brain fart when that Beelzelbul mug cums on his face: For the “really religious” God indeed did give them insatiable sexual urges......and then told them when and where it was acceptable to indulge in it (e.g. Matt 5:27-28; Heb 13:4)...Unlike you, the “really religious” Christian people do not think that (a) “nature” is above God and (b) the Bible is not the inspired and direct Word of God....It so easy to bait the likes of you approval-desperate morons....
            ...And from the moment you all “evolutionists” stop living according to the “Survival of the Fittest” Law that you adamantly claimed got you to such “advanced progress”, you actually ceased to be evolutionists*...Like Jennifer Fulwiler herself experienced and saw while an atheist: Atheists do not really live by what they claim to believe...It indeed is all a psychologically assuaging cop out to not have to engage the reality smacking them in the face. People who are really devoted to atheism and evolution either give up atheism or kill themselves...because that’s the only logical/rational conclusions to your meaningless/meaninglessness & predeterministic “whimsically random chemical burps” worldview....Learn what you actually claim to believe...

* E.g. If you’d stop wasting your own resources (e.g. effort, money, time) into helping those (past the “abortive” stage of course) who can’t help themselves...you’d probably have discovered the cure for cancer by now...

-LOL...Boy you really have to have plunged deep into the evolutionist worldview to believe, like Jennifer Fulwiler used to: that love, or any other emotion or behavior cannot be from an injunctive volitional actuation, but from mere “coded DNA” and ‘self-actuated chemical reaction’. You clearly can’t dare admit that you produce your own emotions and cause your own physiological reaction because that would mean that Intelligence and Intelligently Coded Information had to come before “selections” would have been made in you all “theory”. Which then explains to me how Jennifer Fulwiler’s Atheistic world was instantly shattered when she admitted to herself that the love she was feeling for her baby was a self-generated volitional decision and act.
            Debunkingly funny you all “evolved” humans do have the same coded emotions. E.g. some see a sonogram of the fetus growing inside of them and feel so much love and protectivity for it...while others want to snuff out their existence....
            People who believe in evolution, including purported Christians (e.g. Catholics) are all alike so stupid. (=Rom 1:22-23): News Flash; Your foundational “billions of year” dating method is bunk and circular pseudo-“science”...

-How telling/fitting that heathens can tolerate people believing in God...-they’ll even swear by His name(s)...but they get all vexed and defensive when Believers mention the existence of Satan..It is innately “omerta” for Heathens to divulge their leader....

...because it (Gen 2:17) included the (moral) knowledge of evil....moron....

-......Ahhhh the things God and the Bible even self-defendingly, patently justifies and models for, (unlike the God-abandoned (1 Sam 15:26) then demon-infested (1 Sam 18:10-15) murderously intentioned King Saul in 1 Sam 18:21, 24-29*) righteous people  to tell their Beelzebul-infested, lying, murderous (John 8:44) ruthless enemies (John 15:18-25); either to safeguard/preserve their lives, or permanently get them out of their way: e.g. Jdg 16:25-30; 1 Sam 16:1-5, 1 Kgs 22:19-23ff; 2 Kgs 10:18-30; Dan 11:23; 2 Thess 2:9-12|Rev 16:13-15....

* ...but like ‘your father the Devil’ you also must take/twist/wrest things out of their defining context (Matt 4:3, 5-6, 8-9|Luke 4:3, 5-6, 9-11)...
            ....btw, I would seriously recommend that you exorcistly have checked that patent: “Beelzebul look that cums all over your face”...Even onset demon-possession has such indicative outward tells/signs/manifestations...And the proof of your demon-possession is indeed “in the pudding”: as you are always just plain wrong in those false assertions about the Bible that you make when under this “Satanic sock-puppet spell”, and clearly, just going by your work in regards to other/secular news, you are “normatively” not so patently moronic, and thus easily “duped”, by the reporting “texts” of any other.....

-Just stop embarrassing yourself (of course not to your likewise witless and Biblically illiterate audience) and recognize that you are no Biblical/Theological “expert”: There is no such thing as “a most hateful interpretation of the Bible”, there is just the (exegetically) right or (eisegetically/philosophically) wrong interpretations and applications...and not murdering unborn infants is not “being hateful”.....That is just your patent “doctrine of devils” (John 8:44)
            It’s okay to admit it...-though your whole bubble-wrapped egomaniacal world will collapse...you don’t know everything, and you are grossly incompetent when it comes to Biblical exegesis & theology (and prophecy): thus interpretation, as the Bible was not originally written in English, and that is why you whimsically gravitate to whichever likewise idiotically incompetent, even “Christian” “scholar”/“theologian”, claims something about the Bible that you witlessly think should be right...but is factually just exegetically, and/or theologically erroneous....But I’ll give you that the hundreds of millions of, “Liberal” or “Conservative”, Christians out there who are, (moreover indifferently), just as Biblically incompetent, even illiterate, about the Bible like you is indeed quite misleading and deceiving....

-Yes...that’s right....Resolutely “own your (non-“Lord of the RingsFlies)Beelzebul (Luke 11:15) demon possession....(and Satan exultingly laughs his head off also at you behind the seen (7BC 974.6-7). That’s exactly how the, non-coincidentally, egomaniac “Lucifer” insisted on becoming Satan when he no longer had any “plausible” assertion to stand on and didn’t want to embarrass himself before the myriads of, likewise ill-intentioned, angels which had initially been fooled by his lying claims about God.*.... So do: ‘keep seeing a dense forest despite all the trees being felled’... It will indeed keep you having “purpose” in this life...indeed that prophetic purpose (Rom 9:22-23)

* http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2009/11/commentary-war-in-heaven.html

TYT wants to Pray
-LOLOLOLOLOL....TYT capitulates: “#prayforHaiti”....There is nothing more patently irrational and purely moronic than to adamantly claim that God does not exist, but then to ask people to pray to God, -or even if to anything else out there...You all are laughably pathetic....and just demonstrate how self-servingly insincere you are...

Now TYT again thinks believing in the supernatural is Insane
-You are such the smug, air-headed and lying religious-bimbo-hypocrite....Indeed the actually “insane” ones here is those who are calling to “pray” to someone who walked on water...or anything one else out there when they otherwise claim that person/God does not exist....Haiti doesn’t need even your “prayers”, it needs better infrastructures...but you can pray that they stop voodoo-worshipping your father the Devil, who they nationally soul their souls to, and then they may begin to see clearly to get their act straight...
            ...But speaking about what people will do when they really believe in something...You all heathens are evidently adamantly convinced that religions is what people turn to when they are in their deepest need...hence you all turning to “prayer”....LOL....and yeah, keep foolishly trying to “prayer” your way into justifying your “insanity”...You’re only hoodwinking yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOzzPOL2zgk&t=4m30s

The Bible Advocates Wanton Violence
-It is quite telling that you all, supposedly intelligent, people patently need to become dumb and incompetent and to make lying claims about the Bible in order to try to justify your views and ideological existent. That is the patent resort of desperate losers (e.g. Matt 4:1-11). And I would joke here and ascribe that resort as “EvilBible Tourette’s”, but such a systematic insistence on becoming moronic and idiotic when it comes to the Bible is not a “mental illness”, but, as stated earlier in regards to “spiritual influencing”, it indeed is an “aspirational mindset”. Quite telling that since you all so adamantly believe that one has to be stupid in order to believe in/the Bible, then you most naturally revert to acting/being like 3 year olds reading Shakespeare when reading and claiming things about the Bible....Don’t look for a “poor Biblically illiterate toddlers” sympathy lament from me for grown people like you who have not mental blockage toexercising cogent reading comprehension and even exegetical skills, which most of the time with the Bible is actually just properly reading the context....or, as Jesus repeatedly remonstrated Satan with in Matt 4:1-11... just reading it at all....And perhaps you should invest in a modern translation Study Bible (e.g the NASB (1995) MacArthur Study Bible) instead of a 1611/19th century English KJV Bible...which most Christians no longer read...I myself ditched that archaic English and inexact translation for the NASB ca. 18 years ago).

+Jesus did not instruct Christians to take up swords against nonbelievers. Indeed when Peter did later, he told him that they should not do that. (Matt 26:52). (Now if that was not a matter of an arrest, but an outright murderous mob, then the swords that Jesus had instructed to be brought as a deterrence for such a lawless escalation (Luke 22:35-38) who justifiably have been used for that...at least for the protecting of the lives of the 12 disciples.) As Jesus clearly stated in the context of his statement in Luke 12:51-53|Matt 10:34-36, his revolutionary message itself would be what divides people and household, and thus the natural “foes/enemies” will be the those who stand against this message and those who want to live by it. (2 Tim 3:12). As the Bible goes on to patently say, based on the clear/logical figurative understanding of this expression by Jesus: the “sword” is indeed symbolic/representative of the word of God/Jesus (Eph 6:17; Heb 4:12, Rev 1:16; 2:16; 19:15|John 1:1-3; cf. Isa 49:2; Hos 6:5)
            That certainly did occur in Jewish communities (John 16:2; Acts 9:1-2) and also later in the paganistic world as seen in the murderous persecution of Christians by heathens for the first 300 years of Christianity. Similarly today, when Bible Christians (a.k.a. the non-“moderate” = non-lukewarm (Rev 3:15-18ff) try to protect the conceived life of the unborn, you all heathen effectively grab your axes and pitchforks by, as heathens before, saying all kinds of lying things about them.

+As debunked before/above, Deuteronomy does instruct criminals how and when to commit rape...just like establishing a 15 mph school speed zone is not instructing speedster to turn off into a side street in order to speed. (A) Criminals will always try to find a way to circumvent any stipulated laws, and (B) in the agrarian community of Israel, which is one which lasted for centuries, even right up to the age of the Industrial revolution, the patent circumstances was that crowds of people were out working in the fields during the day, and when the sun set, people naturally stayed in their tents/houses and did not roam about, let alone alone, in the dark night/street...except of course for the “ladies of the night”.....So the “rape whistle/shouting” solution of Deut 22:23-28 was perfectly satisfactory for the normative circumstances of those times and those societies..In fact, it was God’s instruction about how to secure a rape conviction for the assailant. (And given how in the case of doubt, the parties could go to the priest for supernatural decisions if that was a genuine need for such beyond human intervention, i.e. when the girl would have shouted but no one was around to hear it, then there was no chance of anyone to get away in a situation of actual rape, i.e. non-consenting sex.)
            ...Now if a criminal decided to try to circumvent this law (cf. Matt 15:1-9) by “somehow” try to prevent the girl from screaming when raping her, which, as commonly done today, would involve using a deadly weapon as a threat, then that is not ‘an “instruction” from God on how to commit rape’.....Israel also had a litany of unwritten added on, oral case law, and if such a criminal escalation occurred by rapist criminals in regards to this law, then it was more that likely address by their courts....but just like most crimes today were not practiced back then, especially how they are executed nowadays, then that type of forceful escalation probably never became a practiced case.
            ...It really does not take much to bait you all into playing dumb....just a few true citings from the Bible (e.g. how to deceptively dispose of your enemies) and you all “lose your minds”....
+Ezek 35:8-9 = Edom (a.k.a. Bozrah) and its Mount Seir (Ezek 35:2ff)...had it coming... for their High Crime, as the sibling nation to Israel, of rooting on and spitefully acting murderously with, the enemies of Israel when it was being destroyed. (Ezek 25:12-14; Psa 137:7; Ezek 35:10-15; Jer 49:13; Mal 1:2-5)...The judicial sentence of death is warranted for such “murderous material support”.....Today, one merely celebrates in the streets when Militant Islam executes an attack on Western societies (e.g. 9/11, London, Paris), and you all secularists are the first to call for such people to be thrown in jail...

+Isa 14:21 ...Oh...so you love “murderous tyrants”.....and want to be ruled by them...Quick TYT should launch a pro-Militant Islam Superpac which aims to: end the “War on Terror” (i.e. on actual para-militant groups) and let Jihadis like ISIS rule as they will and where they will....Or maybe Nazi Germany was your cup of tea....
            ...But of course, here too you were just: “naturally” “inspired” to come to the “idiotic/moronic” defense of your leader Satan (Isa 14:12-14) and his attempted anti-God “tyrannical Empire”of Babylon (Isa 14:22)...also quite prophetic (Rev 16:19-21; 18:2ff)...
            ...Satan’s patent M.O. to deceive people, even professing Christians as it occurred in Church History, is indeed to get them to idiotically and moronically read and misconstrue what the Bible actually says....He tried it with Jesus Himself (Matt 4:1-11|Luke 4:1-13), so why not anyone else...

-diametrically unlike you, what I do (fundamentally) know is that the God and the Bible is true, it is not contradictory, it is good, not “evil”...and from that basis/paradigm/perspective, I arrive at what it is actually saying/meaning and not your exegetically incompetent and/or outright guileful/lying claims........So just do recognize it...You are indifferently stupid (Gr. ‘moronic’), particularly when it comes to the Bible....And that’s solely your problem...

TYT Propaganda                                           
-You know when someone has to resort to erecting straw men through half, or outright, lies about your views/beliefs, it is because you have them beat. Satan did the same when he saw his rebellious Freedom stance against God and His Law was not valid/viable. So here is a summarizing running listing of indifferent/known (i.e beyond mere ignoramusness) lies that Cenk Uygur & TYT have to keep on saying against the Bible and Christianity:

1) There was another god that was stronger than the God of Israel and beat them in war.
- a) There exists no other gods besides the God of Israel
- b) with the assistance of their God, Israel has no other power than what they can humanly produce.
- c) God only helped and defended His people when they were faithful and obedience to Him. If not, they were left on their own.
So other nations (who worship gods of stones and wood) could humanly overpower Israel and its army only when Israel was not faithful, and thus on their own

2) God wanted to kill Onan because he ‘masturbatingly’ spilled his seed on the ground
-Onan was supposed to help his brother’s widowed wife have children since she did not have any with his brother before he died. But instead Onan just wanted to have sex with her, and not allow her to get pregnant and so ejaculated on the ground instead...and it was for that that God was angry at him.

3) God is in favor abortion if the wife cheated on her husband+And the NT speaks of allowing abortions
-Num 5 makes no mention at all that the cheating (or: not cheating) wife who is to drink the mixture is actually pregnant....only that her consequence if she cheated would be that she would become incapable of having children in the future. Nor does it say anything about the woman miscarrying, -which the Hebrew/OT also had a specific technical term for [=shakol #07921]....The swelling of the abdomen and the wasting/falling of the thighs, a mere distinct indication that the woman had been unfaithful, rather than the indication being the husband having to see months later that she just could not conceive.... Oh yeah, the NT says no such thing, ...nor anything even close to being so malconstrued...That’s just Cenk reading from his Satanic Bible and/or trying to also dupe people into thinking that he has any theological wit...
            -(But keep doing what you desperately need to do: lie to people who are more stupid and desperate than you and need to hang at your every guile to feel better about their abominable and murderous existence....what else were you sock-puppet possessed to do...It’s a pleasure granting you all the yarn you need....which is not actually for your lying spins!!!)...
....And don’t worry, 83% of women getting abortions are not even married...So tell your sheeple to: first get married, cheat on their husband, become pregnant and have him object to that and then you would be able to quote from your Satanic Bible as a right to have an abortion...Oh yeah, also tell them to find a priest who can produce ‘supernatural cursed “holy water”’ from being mixed with the dust off the floor of the tabernacle and a shredded scroll which had curses written on it, and which will also make them infertile for the rest of their lives [I’m sure you heathen long to have such permanent contraception]... ‘read your bible’......Funny how you all whimsically, desperately want to believe in God and Miracles,* and also “Fundamentalism”,  whenever you think he is just like you, pertinently enough here, for the (supposed) murder of the unborn...

* Reminds of that Rabbi who said Jesus wasn’t God by (misconstruingly of course) quoting what Jesus said after having been raised from the dead. (John 20:17)

            So, at worst, for the Christian who is, unlike you all, remotely competent in OT-NT Theological comprehension and application, since the whole Num 5 process involve Divine Supernatural intervention, and since there is neither an Earthly Sanctuary System or Priests in the New Covenant/Testament [contrary to what Roman Catholics falsely claim], -as all that now is done by Jesus Christ in the (Original) Heavenly Sanctuary, then a Christian husband suspecting his (“pregnant”) wife of having cheated on him would [and Catholics also don’t have “holy water”] simply pray in faith to Jesus Christ and He would supernaturally respond with the appropriate consequence if she had been unfaithful...So...nice try....ignoramus(?)....

4) The book of Revelation says there exists a 7 -headed dragon
-The book of Revelation is clear that this is an (encrypted) “sign/symbol”, moreover which John saw in a prophetic vision.

5) -Yes the knee-jerk-edly so-deemed: “hypocritical case of Judah in Gen 38”
-....Hence the dilemma of God, many times having to put up with “the best of the worse” in order to be able to try to save many more. Same thing happened with David in his case with Bathsheba. Judah learned his lesson, and went on to be (Matt 1:2-3), along with a redeemed prostitute (Rahab - Matt 1:5), an ancestor of the Messiah (Matt 1:16)..So that permitted instance in the Bible also showed that God would indeed ‘have mercy on whomever He deems it better to do so’ (Exod 33:18-19; cf. Num 14:20-21; Rev 18:1ff)...all and always for a greater good, which potentially can, and has, benefit millions, even billions, through this day...(cf. PP 238.1–2)
6) The New Testament tells Christians to kill everyone
-No it does not...Only in the last book. Revelation does it merely relate what God/Jesus Himself are going to do in executing the sentences of judgement on the unbelievers in Hell’s fire. (Rev 14:9-12 ; 19:19-21; 20:11-15) . Clearly this patent lie of yours is also your desperate attempt to cope with something that is beyond you and which is defeating you, so you resort to lying (to yourself) to help you get through it. Unlike you, Christians don’t believe that it was John who made up the prophecies of Revelation, and so that was his sly way of trying to get Christians to ‘murder all non-believers’...If that was his scheme, then he sure made a fundamentally fatal mistake when “he said” that it was God/Jesus who was going to do this....
            And relatedly, Jesus did say: ‘He came to bring a sword, and not (complacent) peace’...but He sure did not pick up a sword, nor encourage His followers to use one. So clearly He was speaking figuratively and the sword that He will unsheathe will be (symbolically) the one in the final judgement (Rev 19:15)...which is the “Word of God” = the Bible (Eph 6:17; Heb 4:12)...So when you begin to engage believer in what they actually believe, instead of your vacuous self-deluding lies, then you would begin to impress them...Otherwise you are just blowing hot air, which clearly your colleagues and your audience love to take in....it helps them get through another losing day.....
            But of course...see you at your next “lost”....you just can’t help it...you have no other way to cope, let alone (think to) “win”...In fact now you are using the tragedy of a 12 year old girl who committed suicide (and thus is under judgement for self-murder) to “slitheringly” (as patently always: like your also defeated, thus also desperate, murderously lying father the Devil (Matt 4:5-7/Luke 4:9-12; John 8:44)) suggest to Christians that ‘they should all just kill themselves already’...Maybe that is what you should be encouraging Militant Muslims to do....because they believe that this is the greatest thing they could do...if it also takes you out with them of course....As usual from you: anything but the t/Truth....Good Luck with that...you’ll need it...
            Quite Ironic that your solution against Islam/Jihadis and “Christian Fundamentalist/Extremists” is the New Testament...including/especially Revelation...but you can’t admit that because it also is saying that Homosexuality is an abominable sin that God will also judge in Hell....The dilemma....better to keep lying then (2 Thess 2:11-12).....

7) The New Testament tells Christians to throw people who don’t agree with you off buildings:
-Yes, and it also tell Christians to ‘drink blood and be cannibals’...Where did I hear such lying propaganda before....oh yeah before your pagan ancestors started murdering Christians, since they had finally found an “existential reason”, and as they could no longer win in debates against them....The NT says no such thing. It is Satan (Matt 4:5-6/Luke 4:9), and people, like yourself, who follow after him (Luke 4:29), who lie to themselves and do (=John 8:44)....Same old same old...at least be original in your attempt to defeat Christianity...It all been tried before...And stop quoting from the Satanic Bible....

8) The Bible teaches that Hell’s Judgement will be forever
-The Bible, when exegetically studied out, actually reveals that the Hebrew and Greek idiom translated as “forever” means: ‘until the end of an age’ (here the distinct (Second) Resurrection/Judgement Age (Rev 20:11-15), whether naturally so, or when it is ended.          

9) Christians have a martyrs complex
-One of the ways that Pagans made it “okay” for them to murder Christians for their beliefs was by saying that ‘their God/Lord, Jesus Christ was martyred’....

LOL: Guileful-Lying Cult-leading Coward!!!..Just like your mentor the Devil!!!! You clearly are a defeated loser who dares not handle/engage the full Truth...
            Btw (Crimerican) Democracy can, -(and Bible Prophecy says it will, with the lead of your buddy the Pope), pass religious laws, if a freely associating Political Party gets enough members and voters to so Amend the U.S. Constitution....and clearly that’s was Republicans are, freely working towards...And you know this, and that’s why any such move by Republicans scares the, literally, “Hell”, out of you, and drive you, literally, “mad” (=Matt 8:29)
            In fact your entire Great Controversy “raison d’être” (Pro 16:4; Rom 9:22; 1 Pet 2:8) and Prophetic role (Isa 46:11a) is to move the Religious Right in America towards seeking this official democratic solution in order to put an end to your dysfunctional, detrimental, immoral, degenerate (“legalize prostitution”), dangerous (e.g. “legalize all drugs” -so that people like Lamar Odom can “legally” snuff out their lives, with blow catering hookers) and murderous influence, advocacy, conduct and affectation and thus make you ca. 10-15% (self-atrophying) (hardcore) atheist/ “agnostics” to move to another (non-Christian) country that will tolerate you.
            See, you candidly demonstrate that you wouldn’t care if God exists, because then, with the proof at hand, you’d still be, -just like Satan who dwelled in the immediate presence of God, would rebelliously be upset at Him because He does not let you butt-plunge each other and murder unborn infants and will put you to death for having done so...
            Case in Point: Evidently most people (=democracy) in Turkey are in favor of the counter-founding tenet desecularizations of Erdogan and had electorally given him that mandate... Democracy does not (necessarily) mean secularism/humanism...
10) “Science” vs. God. Information/Science/Education lead some to think that “there is no God”, while it leads (most) present others to believe that “there must be a God” (i.e. a Most Superiorily Wise & Intelligent (eternal) Being)**...So clearly the issue is not with Information Science or Education*....The copious substantiate and demonstrated fact is that you all atheist/agnostics/skeptics actually circularly believe in your overarching ideological assumptions about the very same Information/Science/Education/Facts.

* My point similarly (from a converted former atheist): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA3n2zZlLdw&t=3m36s
** My point similarly (from a converted former atheist): http://thereluctantatheist.blogspot.ca/2005/08/all-labors-of-ages.html


-You believe in “Space Aliens” (who clearly don’t care to contact you all their “spawn”) from how you interpret the same set of Information/Science/Education/Facts that everyone has access to.

-A conceived life at the cell stage is insignificant enough for you that you believe you can ‘quash it like any bug’ it...as if, and most irrationally so, that is not a stage towards a 100% viable/normal human being*
* Cf. Jennifer Fulwiler’s distinct Pro-Choice to Pro-Life Conversion in: https://www.lighthousecatholicmedia.org/store/title/switching-sides

-The fallacies of “theory” being passed/claimed as provable science in your claims of Evolution are well documented and debunked.


You all’s real problem is that you are defensively not secure enough* to admit this crucial assuming conflation/fallacy in your system of beliefs....

* Also my point similarly (from a converted former atheist): http://jenniferfulwiler.com/2006/04/courage/

Science/Nature just does not conflict with the Bible, it instead corroborates it. They may/does conflict with other religious texts like the Koran because it was not inspired by God....

# Full disclosure: Many of my own default reactions/objections similarly (from an atheistic opposer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-RAPCkvSes
{I.e. too emotionalistic%%% [although the Bible does indeed say that “God is Love” (1 John 4:7-8, 16; PP 33.1||GC 678.3)%%], not fully substantiated arguments and no objective/verifiable Biblical proof, i.e. Bible Prophecy....probably wouldn’t have convinced me either...but not everyone is like me%}...Manifestly Jennifer “curtailingly” forgot to relate here ‘pre-emotionalistic state-of-{purely-intellectual}-mind’ start: http://thereluctantatheist.blogspot.ca/2005/08/ok-im-convinced-now-what.html        

% Perhaps [or not] it is because, unlike Jennifer, I myself grew up in (substantiated, thus unwavering) faith@: http://thereluctantatheist.blogspot.ca/2005/08/in-hope-of-happy-endings.html    

@ E.g., unlike for Jennifer& my own “The Case For Christ&& reading experience, (which I read in the late summer of 1998; and was probably the quickest (ca. 300-page) book that I have ever read in my life -(over one weekend if I recall exactly)), was the quasi-harrowing dawning of realization that ‘non-Christians actually have such doubts and objection about having faith in Jesus Christ’!!?


%% And/However unlike (even “Theistic”) Evolutionist, I don’t begin to believe the vacuous/circular nonsense that either intelligence@, or as pertinent here, emotions@@, is a product of evolution. People feel and act however they self-volitionally decide to feel and act, and typically, that is defaultly/basely out of selfish/self-serving motivations/impetus....So ‘having the feeling of “love” towards one’s child’ is purely, even self-preservingly, naturally...However as actual/true love is the kind of selfless love that God has to offer, then the “love” demonstrated by Jennifer towards her newborn to not ‘make her child believe whatever she wants her to believe and become’ i.e. an atheist just like her, but rather to believe the truth, which she actually was never sure was what she herself ‘atheistically believed’ given her persisting/recurring “existential/meaning-of-life crisis” since she was 11 (Chap. 3 of her book@@@), was indeed a ‘God-like, selfless loving act’ (cf. John 15:13).
            Indeed it was probably the fact that Jennifer surprised herself by suddenly feeling so selflessly altruistic towards her newborn which made her realize that such an injunctive love must have come from outside of her self-serving/selfish disposition.
            It is so fictionally laughable to think that ‘you do things merely because of the chemical make up in your brain’. That’s how unbelievers need to explain bad behavior and evil acts...But the Truth is indeed simple: People do whatever they want to do....And then the brain signals to the rest of the body to produce the various chemical secretions and physiological reactions which are related to acting out that chosen/decided “behavioral will”. E.g. one can choose not to get upset at the infliction of the very same instigation....yet if they would, they could then “lose it”...but first, they had volitionally decided to get angry....

@ Cf. https://archive.org/details/FOXNEWSW_20160824_210000_The_Five#start/3420/end/3480

@@ Cf. https://archive.org/details/FOXNEWSW_20160824_210000_The_Five#start/3000/end/3060

@@@ Cf. http://jenniferfulwiler.com/2007/02/understanding-meaninglessness/ 

%%% Though Jenn insists otherwise@ . It is just that for me, -as it was, as she relates, with many of her other Atheist friends, not knowing what happens to someone’s “existence” when they die, would probably not have resulted in me having an existential crisis...just as it would also not have let me to live an altruistic life, but instead a life where I get all there is out there that I want in the material world for me (legally/safely of course, just to avoid prison and/or a premature death) before I die....E.g. change jobs every 5 years or so....But on the flip side, I still think the evidence from (Historical) Bible Prophecy, if I would have ever come across it, would still “arrest” me into fully investigating its argument for the Evidence of God.
            LOL, as related in my bio-post, ironically enough, my own depressing and mind-singeing “life crisis” growing up, which I started having at around the age of 10, was in regards to ‘how can living in heaven eternally actually be fun???’...i.e. ‘what are people going to do all that time??!’
            It actually is personal ego & pride which will lead an atheistic person to have their life/existence matter by either: believing in an afterlife, (including Religiously, as from what is presented in the Bible), or seek to establish a legacy of their life so that it may endure after their death, including, if that is what/all that they “naturally” can manage:“self-sacrificially/limitingly” trying to help/serve others, and thus somehow make ‘a surviving name for themselves’ instead of living out a selfish existence.

But, unlike a knee-jerk claim by an unbeliever,* Jennifer’s experience is most likely not ‘the sly work of the Catholic Church fabricating and planting this whole Atheism to Catholicism experience’ because, trust me, they would have done a much better job, starting with “Scripting” way more robust arguments on merely their face. Indeed it probably would be the “undercover” work of Jesuits...and no one would know any better....(Just like the CIA/NSA, the Jesuits also hide and operate in plain sight, so that people won’t suspect the many agencies and operations that they are doing in total secrecy...like the US actually has dozens of classified, unnamed/unmentioned and faceless spy and signals intelligence agencies beyond the prominent, popular and even “shimmering” fronts/facades/presence displayed by, e.g., the CIA and NSA who are even deeper undercover, (e.g. perhaps even deliberately born and raised for such a present or future prospective infiltration purposes in their country of target**).

** Just like they (manifestly) tried a long-covert ploy to infiltrate the SDA Church (and other Protestant Denominations), and over time, up to various key leadership positions to try to influence a Theological Change within it through their “Spiritual Formation/Emerging Church Mysticism” nonsense. Satan must have directed them during a seance of theirs to try this approach....  http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2012/04/anatomy-of-sda-omega-apostasy-1-tim-41.html  

-Yes it is True!!...It’s All True!!!....From Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21+!!!....: “There is an Eternal Creator God who has revealed His Absolute Will in the Bible and can, has, and does act Super-Naturally, and even through the Nature that He has Designed....But do continue to try to assuagingly convince yourself otherwise....LOL all “moronically” depending on what is the latest thing that you are trying to escape or gain...Patently as always, ‘your Buddy’ (latest time I heard from you) the-Bible-Ambivalent-Pope (a.k.a. ‘Satan’s Own (Rev 13:1-2ff) Sock-Puppet (Rev 13:11ff) and Right Hand “Man of Lawlessness/Sin” (2 Thess 2:3-12)), does have all the right “chameleon” (GC 569.2-571.2ff) deceptions and delusions (Rev 16:12-14) for your self-serving/deifying (Rev 18:2ff) (back barndoor) sheeple type....even your: “Super-Intelligent Sky Alien” (who still can’t make a cell phone call....and clearly never will since, according to your kind, this is ‘the Nth Groundhog Day/Edge of Tomorrow iteration of an “infinitely looping universe history”’)...

P.S. -LOL...You all “open-minded” people know that if animal lovers started claiming that they felt genuine sexual attractions for their pets and that both they and their pets enjoyed having sexual relations....and “science” found 99% efficient protective measures preventing getting diseases from such sexual intercourse, that, -and since you claim/“believe” that: “we’re all animals”, you all will then be in favor of bestiality....since ‘science is your sub-god, right under you yourself’...And then you’ll profusely apologize to your viewers about how ‘“ignorant, judgmental and close-minded” you had been about bestiality’....(But of course, child abuse (as common with the Ancient Greeks) will come first*...-because that too ‘can’t be a psychological affectation disorder...as long as ‘children are “fully educated” about what they are doing...and since ‘sex has nothing to only do with love or procreating but mere animalistic satisfaction’)....All since for you all “morality” is merely a subjective human formulation...And so then too would Lev 18:23; 20:15-16 themselves also be claimed as “not true” and ‘fabricated irrational prohibition laws written by unenlightened/unknowing people’...So Bible Believers are right on to say that your odyssey into non-natural sex, and also non-natural marriage, will indeed eventually lead you all to espouse cross-“species” marriage and bestiality....As always, I can only wish that you actually have the courage to finally live out your professed convictions...

* However, I see that incest is already up for debate first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDyRszZKPFw              
also step-incest (cf. 1 Cor 5:1ff): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcP5xyXzPJk

-“More [Popular] Atheists Convert”: http://www.is-there-a-god.info/life/more-atheists-convert/

-LOL!! the (convenient) outrightly misinterpreting/misconstruing “Onanism” claim... Got to LOL at the recurring fact that when it comes to Religious things, Ana just sheeplely/blindly agrees with whatever guileful moronic lie her, effectively, Spiritual Uyguru loves, and desperately needs, to repeat...as she just vacuously/mindlessly/absentmindedly nods to his claims....* That self-abandoning, conscience-searing, meditative move is known in their ‘Ranting Religious “Discussion”’ sessions as: #TheVacating ....How ironic: I guess because Ana declared herself the Atheist, but Uyguru the “Agnostic”, then that must mean that ‘he knows something” #...“one-eyed man”...{John 9:41|Matt 15:14}.....SMH-LOL!!!!!
            What Uyguru “knows” is indeed whatever moronic lie he can latch onto to assuage his dishonest self...So he’ll claim that “the text is wrong and not true” or “Jesus never existed” whenever Christians are believing, teaching/preaching and practicing something that the Bible (still) teaches, but that he hates, but then cite/reference/quote Bible texts when he wants Christians to do what he himself likes/wants....The recursive first sin of fallen created beings: wanting to be/play God (Isa 14:12-14; Gen 3:4-5; 2 Thess 2:3ff)

* Christian Theology 301: The law in regard to “nocturnal (male) emissions” (Lev 15:16-17, 18, 32; 22:4; Deut 23:10-11) was (partly) in the category of ceremonial laws, as in ceremonial uncleanness and cleanness, and not purely civil, moral or (fully) health laws. That was because, as indeed involved in masturbation, it could encroach on involving all of those 4 law aspects. I.e. moral = (Spiritual “Wet Dreams” Adultery); civil & health = spreading semen all about, publicly or privately (i.e. in those confined spaces of family homes of Israelites then) was also strictly proscribed for the same reason of preventing the spreading STD’s today. (Cf. Deut 23:12-13-14)
            So God preempted all of this simply by explicitly stipulating and pointedly enforcing its ceremonial aspects during the Old “Letter of the Law” Covenant, something which Jesus took care of (in regards to non-sickness “issues”) in the New “Spirit of the Law” Covenant. (Matt 5:27-28ff)

-FYI: “Microevolution”* and epigenetic** adaptation is not Charles Darwin’s and still your, wrongly extrapolated “millions of years” macro-evolution fantasy theory*6*....The human body’s immune system has a similar ability to fight certain diseases***....The Tasmanian Devil [2012 “news” btw, in case you didn’t know] had this capability to fight “face cancer”*7*...God specially created them to be able to naturally fight off that disease they were are probably more likely to contract than other animals/species given its God-given “scavenger of the forest” function/design*4*...Just like humans were created by God to have their skin melanin epigenetically increase or decrease depending on how much sun exposure they get in the area of the world that they are living in*5*....Learn actual Science!!!....which is not your Theory....*8*

* https://answersingenesis.org/natural-selection/adaptation/evolution-of-finch-beaks-again/
** http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2010/11/world-of-morons.html#epigenetics

*** http://www.livescience.com/24590-tasmanian-devil-cancer-tumors-evolve.html

*5* http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2009/10/theological-musings.html#skincolors

*6* https://answersingenesis.org/world-religions/atheism/confessions-of-a-former-atheist/

*7* And, LOL, God didn’t ‘inflict face cancer on Tasmanian Devils...because they are called “Devil”’...though that is the perfect example of how your entire worldview and stance is one bunch of, and assuagingly self-fueled, ‘straw man’ claims....It is actually more disturbing, but telling of your deep desperation, that you actually do believe them.....


....In fact, it may be God himself who supernaturally actively turns these epigenetic switches on or off depending on the genuine, thus through no, esp. sinful, fault of their own, hazard of self-helpless extinction that a created species may find itself in in this fallen, thus risk-filled world.. So a cure for aids or cancer in humans is not being likewise fixed by God given the laws of morality and health violation source and the fact that man can cope with them and are not in extinction threat by them.

11. Bible Believers Are Celibate and Maritally Monogamus only to “have more children than the Canaanites” [Hey, I am only paraphrasing their stupid reasonings]

(A) Rush Limbaugh is wrong about his consent snide....Period....And it should have ended there, but no...you know need to try to (hatefully and irrationally) impinge an entire group of people with more wrong....straw man and slanderous claims as usual....And (B) is Rush Limbaugh even a Christian??? (He got married in a Methodist Church...but that doesn’t mean he himself is Methodist)...You do know that there are many atheist conservatives....

Short answer: God is Love, Love is encapsulated in Life His Laws reflect Love and Foster and Protect Life, God/Bible believers live lives of Love and do not foster a culture of Death.
On the flip side. Satan Chief Ideology is selfishness. He encourages people to live as selfishly as they want to be, now it is either in social, cultural and economic interactions. Secular Humanists, who really are followers of Satan’s “no (moral) law” ideology do live lives of selfishness/self-gratifying and indifferently accept and love a culture of disease (e.g. 70 million people infected with HIV/AIDS) and death, which is why they need to have no problem with abortion.

-Hundreds of millions of people have “converted” from hard-core viewing the world according to that Satanic Ideology to God’s Ideology...So no one is “born this way”...It is a Spirit thing...but I’ll give you that you all very well may be “born of Satan himself” (Gen 3:15; John 8:44) and thus God’s permitted “vessels of wrath” (Rom 9:22) ergo trying to ‘convert’ you is useless as Satan has the right to permanently demonically-infest and own you....

-TYT Post-Game; TYT Old School Podcast* = TYT’s (New Atheist’s) “Church”

* e.g. Uyguru’s “Rule”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LaGP2Dftds 
Jesus’s Christianity’s Rule: Matt 5:27-28...Even if you at best believed that Jesus was just a mere man like yourself, His preempting rule is way better/truer...but of course, your “rule” is not based on love (i.e. for your spouse” but just not getting (yourself) caught, here wandering/cheating....because if that other woman notices it, you may indeed just go ahead and cheat if she doesn’t actually mind/consents....

-examples of “transgendered “lesbians”” = Bruce Jenner....       

-If/Since that police did not risk his own life to (“non-lethally”) “eliminate a potential/possible threat”, i.e. he waited until other officers came on the scene before disarming the armed guy, then he indeed ‘put the lives of other officers at risk by not eliminating a threat (himself)’...and that indeed is a fireable offense.

-ego-drunk retard...still can’t/(won’t) do basic math: 4.5 million views “on election night” and 1 million viewed-hours ‘on that whole day’ equals at best 13 minutes viewed per viewers. Ergo: realistically/factually sounds like you and your “TYT army” did a great job hawking your stream: -with all kinds of misleading and smutty youtube advertising,* then people started to view, and within 13 minutes on average (of your 12+ hour webcast), turned the “channel” .....So the only “record you smashed that night” was the most viewing rejections of any election coverage....But, like Trump, keep duping your sheeple.....

-Of course Lesbian “Christian” Grace doesn’t/cannot think that adultery/fornication/hooking up is wrong....

-Ana says that her latino husband* is okay because ‘he is a piece of a$$’.....

* I am pretty sure I recall, and can dig up, a clip of Ana adamantly advocating against the institution of marriage, and how she was not going to get married....but how else would she -lock him up (“‘till death do them part”)-...Quite “conservative”....What’s next, Ana’s going to say that ‘she wishes she would have had children earlier’??!!!...

-Got to LOL at “Liberals” and their patent false/unscientific-equivalencies: (e.g. Racial Civil Rights are the same a Gay Rights...as if people are “born gay”*....): Melania was a “slut”, and Michelle is not an ““ape” in a dress/heels”...(no matter what you all (claim to) believe about evolution)....

* that’s why there are more people who say they are ex-gays than people who claim they are gay...because it is merely a psychological affectation and (self-fulfilling/circular) “phase”...

-The problem with “Jezebel” has nothing to do with physical immorality/“skankiness”, but “spiritual adultery” implications (e.g. Rev 2:20-21)...you all are fundamentally mis-/un-informed...         

-Alex Jones believes the alien invasion has already occurred, Cenk Uygur believes that it is yet to happen = 2 sides of the same “lunacy” coin.....
-Here’s how you begin to have a discussion with someone who claims to have the gift of tongues: (At the very least): Hold them to the actual standard of Truth that they claim to believe. I.e. That manifestation, if even miraculous/supernatural*, and not merely purely self-fabricated “gibberish”, was/is not valid/true, as there was not even anyone (present) who was able to translate it, or even understand it (1 Cor 14)

* i.e. the supernatural ability to speak an actual & known foreign language (as in Acts 2:1-13ff) cf. http://www.metaxastalk.com/show/monday-october-10-2016/

-If you don’t ‘Thank Satan” because you adamantly and ridiculizingly claim that ‘Satan does not exist’...then, seriously, why, and what does it mean when you all patently/repeatedly/customarily): “Thank God”.....and, as professing a-theists, who/what(?) “Higher/unseen/Almighty Being exactly do you ‘speak, call out ’, i.e. “pray” to??????

It’s actually: ‘Brain reacts to Drugs Just Like to Religion’...Hence, for Christianity, Eph 5:18....It’s just a “Spirit thing”*....because when you have been “born from above” (John 3:1-11) then it is truly “freeing” (John 8:32, 36)...You all “unbelievers” should try (Biblical) Christianity...instead of drugs....

-The thing with a Trump supporter/voter thinking that ‘they shouldn’t have to pay for a plastic grocery bag “because Trump” won...actually has more to do with thinking that Trump immediately became President on November 8.
            I did a similar mistaken thing...but I am not an American....Back in 2000, I traveled to the U.S. on December 18, 2000, thus 6 days after the US Supreme Court ruled that the Florida recount should not be done and so Bush had won....And I found it ‘rebelliously partisan’ that the people working at the border still had the picture of Bill Clinton and Al Gore hanging on the walls....not knowing that Bush was yet to be inaugurated in a month....I also thought (in 1996) that the “Capitol Building” which I had photographed was the “White House”....Again....I’m not American...and none of the many Americans who viewed that picture corrected me!!!!!

-Awwwww...are you cwwyyyiing???....That’s quite an ironic testimony to me because in viewing to a prior story* of you all where at the end you all go on to atheistically preaching and “come to humanism” altar calling, I thought: “as if a (moreover Arabic only speaking) Muslim woman being abused in the Middle East will ever here this”...Well I guess you found such a woman in the Western world...Hopefully this woman will not make your “atheism/agnostic” mistake, but instead will seek out what is actually the Truth about God...and that is found in the properly/exegetically interpreted, contextualized and “theologized” Bible, OT & NT.
            Fact is, people who fall for what you all claim about/against God, Jesus and the Bible are just Biblically incompetent as you all...and, most determinatively, likewise just don’t care.....

* (about how Muslim women are being mistreated in the Middle East)  

Get your facts straight...or even get them at all:
-Trump did not say nor mean that Mexico had better ‘union leaders workers’ than in the United States. “United Steelworkers [Local #] 1999" is the name of the Local Union Group/Chapter...who never were going to be outsourced to Mexico...

-If you are going to ‘start taking over the Democratic Establishment/Party’ in/by 2018 and/or 2020...then you actually need            start organizing your ‘Progressive Caucus/Party’ now....

...“Action” is not productive without organization ...you desperate ego-drunk blow-hard sucker...That’s the thing with you hippie-atheist..You are fundamentally need to be a bunch of anarchist...who therefore will never accomplish anything worthwhile, even at all....

-Hillary did not say that Congress should pass legislation in order to deal with fake news in private social media companies....She only spoke of legislation in regards to foreign state-borne propaganda....And she did not “call” for anything, but just announced what Congress is already on the way to doing...She’s not in Congress...

-SMH..so now you all “pain-or-pleasure/(deadly)trials&errors” “animals” have wisened up...What happened to your “legalize all/any drugs” advocating????!  That’s the repugnant thing with you all senselessly a-moral atheists and your worthless and Darwinian, death-culture worldview....As seen with HIV/AIDS, Abortion, now drug overdosing, you don’t mind sacrificing the lives of millions of people just so that you can be “free” (John 8:31)...          

-How is: ‘“some dust from the floor of the tabernacle”, moreover diluted in water’ = “toxins”...people would poison themselves from eating e.g. potato skins.
And how would “some dust from the floor of the tabernacle, moreover diluted in water” induce a miscarriage or an abortion....Seems like abortive science and clinics today has missed that easy DIY solution... = Abortion Industrial Complex... That’s why you have to lie and claim it is a “toxin”, and additional lie by also claiming that ‘God tells individuals to do this themselves’.
 Murderous-Liars!!*...What else can you do...(John 8:44!! = Gen 3:1, 4) Go try and fool/deceive someone else, such as your desperately gullible sheeple indeed. What you want and need to believe does not make it so....It’s okay...You can recognize and confess that you are exegetically grossly ignoramus and incompetent**...and thus WRONG!!!

* You wish ‘I need a safe-space’....You’ll need a safe space just to consider the fact that there will be no safe-spaces in HELL (Rev 14:11)!!!!! Especially for (moreover systemic/serial) murderers!!! (Luke 12:47)..
            ....But in the in between time, of course I will need a safe space from you all....You LOSERS have already demonstrated the lawless, criminal & tortious behavior and activity you will resort to, as in this present “incidence”, when you can see that you and your vacuous and worthless worldview are going to lose...So hence the NJK-HQ+HC “fortresses”, as prophesied indeed (=Dan 11:38)..(Heads up, btw Rev 16:21)....And why bother with “competing” when I will dominate instead. I’ll leave the “competing” as the “safe-space that you striving, loser Capitalists slaves need to protect you from even your selfish and greedy selves.

** http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2012/04/aborting-abortion.html#objections

-... “except” you are neither a lion....nor are 4 year old capable of either outrunning a lion, a kidnapper, a car...or taking care of themselves....but keep eating your BS....

-LOL....stop idiotically flattering yourselves...I have long seen your “clump of cells” and I therefore see and know that if you don’t do anything to end that successful conception and cell growth it will develop into a viable life...hence your “abortive” action is ending a viable life....deal with it....That’s pure logic and rationality..You all need to variously repress all these realities with all sorts of unnatural self-delusions...Fool yourselves!!!

-You Turks are a bunch of self-serving, weak/double-minded, opportunitistic posers: You “pray”; “thank God”; say “God Bless”, “God (only) knows”, “God help us”, “oh my God”, “for God’s sake”, “...to God’s ear”, “by God”, “Christ-mas; “hand writing on the wall”, “watcher on the wall”*, etc...You say that remove a clump of unwanted cells from your body is a hard decision, but insist it is not at all affecting a viable life....Just devote yourselves to your atheism already....and its worthless end....(John 9:41)...Imagine that, when you yourselves are at your most extreme emotion, need and/or weakness, you “fall” for what you had previously been adamantly claiming was not true, imaginative, preposterous unseen and unreal.

* (+sword in the night) ~Ezekiel 33:1-20 (ca. 6th century BC)...Games of Thrones (Fantasy Era: Middle Ages ; Episode Production Year (2014)

-Don’t worry...Liars like you won’t come anything close to being any part of that (falsely so-deemed) NJK-HQ “bureaucracy”....So just don’t worry about it....

-Hey...these are grown, adult women....so you all mind your own business and “Do You Boooooooos”....Which I hear is to advocate for life hazarding/destroying practices, such as ‘snuffing the life out of unborn infants “just in time so that you don’t feel baaaad and saaaad”’...As Jesus would also say of you all (Matt 18:7, 10; 23:24; 25:45-46)....

-LIAR!!! What else is new.......
-More novice “exegesis/theology” from Uygur....God has no problem with people being rich, it becomes a problem when people, as Capitalists inherently do, “serve/obey riches/Mammon” rather than God”, such as Capitalists needing to be selfish, covetous, greedy, indifferent to the even vital needs of their “neighbors”....Jesus saw that this was the problem with the rich young ruler (e.g. Jesus avoided naming the 10th Commandment on covetousness) and that why he specially told him to “sell all and follow Him” (Luke 18:18-27|COL 390-395)

-Kim Burrell was privately speaking to her local audience...either people of like-minded belief and/or who wanted to be subjected to such teachings...Indeed she addressed her statement to ‘those in “the body of Christ”’*...i.e. Church members/goers....Listen to the clip**/read a (full) transcript...She is pointedly talking to fellow believers.... And she had comprehensively stated what her belief included on her webpage*** (i.e. “conformity to the image of Christ”, which, as she says in the clip, is not homosexuality): http://www.kimburrellministries.com/believe
If you all want to, moreover malconstruingly) make her/Christians private, Freedom of Speech, and moreover Biblical, sermon a “Federal Issue”... -and still want to deny Churches the right to have an untaxed political platform-, then that’s how you (retread Heathens*4*) get (Constantine) Trump elected.....and he actually has nothing against the ‘LTBQG’

* http://time.com/4621356/kim-burrells-ellen-degeneres-anti-gay-sermon/

*4* I.e. 60's-313 A.D. you think to spy in on the worship service of Christians, then vindictively malconstrue what they say and do (e.g. ‘Christians are cannibals and blood-drinkers’), and then aim to make an abusive sporting spectacle of them in your public forums and arenas, all because they warningly denounced your immoral lifestyles.

-Perfect case that Christianity does involve “no hating the sinner, but the sin”...even professing Christians won’t be allowed into Heaven because of unconfessed/unrepented of sins (Matt 7:21-23)...so it is not only non-Christians, ergo it is not a hatred of certain people, but indeed of the sin that is allowed to remain in any person.
-The fact that Burrell’s song is on the soundtrack of Hidden Figures which stars gay people/advocates, is not Burrell’s fault...She of course could have refused it, but she did not...Probably wanted to minister to the film’s audience...Now if it was a homosexuality film, that could be a different issue in regards to a perceived direct endorsement of that content. Ergo: “the sin, not the sinner nor sin advocate....”
-The following has been long debunked, including on this “sister” webpage: http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2012/04/responses-to-evilbiblecom-website-claims.html
So no need to beat that dead horse again:

-God does hate divorce, and only allows for it in case of marital infidelity....And if two people get divorced for non-adultery issues, but one of them goes on to have sexual relations, or gets remarried, they then have committed adultery, and so the other is then free to remarry.

-Most Christians sincerely, but wrongly, believe that the New Covenant/Testament has done away with the Old Testament Dietary restrictions/laws, just like it did away with the sacrificial/ceremonial laws of Judaism...They therefore are not being “hypocrites” by not abiding by what they (wrongly) believe are done away laws in the New Covenant.....Clearly you have not,”read” those texts that most Christians (wrongly) interpret in the Bible...And if you have, -but thus never once have dared to cite them, funny how you would be able to properly exegete those texts, but no other which debunk your many false claims...How “convenient”...Stop ignoring those “inconvenient parts of the BIble”.....Sounds exactly like something Satan was also good at “selectively” doing (Matt 4:1-11).....#Kindred Spirit (John 8:44)

-Again more lies from Cenk..What’s new..Just more patent guileful straw man that you all desperately need to assuagingly believe...: No Christian preaches that “gays are going to die soon”...as in ‘drop dead any moment because they are practicing gay’.....that would indeed be “upsetting” -(but it should not, if you believe those teaching are just fairly tales Hence: case dismissed)...Christians only teach that after you naturally die, you will then die eternally for having practiced homosexuality. Again, if you don’t think the Bible is True and God does not exist, then that should not trouble you at all...Try “upsetting” me with whatever fantasy you watch on Games of Throne.....I would be crazy to be upset by your claims.....Now if you either believe in the Bible or in God, then you should be upset and scared...and consider the whole thing as a loving warning.

-And that is not even what Burrell statement meant. She could have gotten a warning message from God that someone was in danger of contracting HIV/AIDs from their homosexual dabbling, and that indeed is something that you can die from...someday...What’s so hateful about that????...That’s why the Bible is against homosexuality...because, on top of not producing life which would result in the extinction of humanity,  it also spreads STD’s, infertility, and even deadly, ones, and at a much faster rate than promiscuous heterosexual sex.
            Maybe you all should stick to getting more people snuffed out by e.g. advocate the use of all and any drugs....

-The Bible does not allow for slavery....It allows for indentured servitude...Just like if you don’t pay your bills, the lender is allowed to effectively force you to work for him to repay this debt through e.g. wage garnishment. Captured enemies were allowed to be enslaved (instead of being executed), and only in order to not become an economic burden on Israelites. A person could only become a slave in the Bible, i.e. for no reason of concretely owing some economic or financial/debt thing to someone else, by volunteering to be so. And in the Bible all indentured servants had to be completely cleared and released at every 7th year (=sabbatical) cycle.

-Hating people because they are of a different color is not in the Bible. People in the Bible were differentiated and judged by their tribal practices, and many were of the same “color”...

- ...it starts with “German Porn” and ends with {via Game of Thrones}: ‘mass murdering people and burning them up in ovens’ (or is it the other way around =abortions)  #AtheisticEndGame #Satanists’WorldView #DeathEndCrisisCulture

-NO seriously...What the (pun-intended) Hell do you all “atheists” mean/understand by: “thank God”????? Which does mean/involve/imply a belief that God (and only God) did it.....It would be like me keeping on saying: “Thank Zeus”, “Thor”, or the “Mad Hatter”, even if merely vacuously so...It never has, nor never will, happen...and I actually believe that a “God concept” exists....(Just (three in) one (Godhead): God the: Father, Son and Holy Spirit)..Shouldn’t you “rationally” be thanking your “Sky Aliens” instead?!!....But do go on your hypocritical “Sky God” vitriolic rant later on against Bible Believers....You clearly have so much emotion against it because you recognize that it is a rationally plausible belief...
            ...So as God has wisely been demonstrating, even if you could see Him clearly and face-to-face you will still rebel against Him, -as your Dear Leader “Lucifer” did, pointedly because it is the things that God asks of you that you don’t want to obey...So God has indeed given you/us all a most gracious opportunity to still be saved by manifesting a genuine, and thus Saving, Faith in Him in this life despite not seeing Him...

-Didn’t have a (pertinent) “fact” if it does not produce “logic”* ergo, if your action results in “ending a pregnancy”, then that person was pregnant, i.e. was carrying a fertilized egg....but I get it, you had long set up the straw man premise that ‘the fertilized egg is not a fetus’...as if a woman is only pregnant when her conception reaches the fetus stage...The self-deluding lies you all desperately spin and tell yourselves. That's the patent thing with you all (as also with evolution).... You claim it is “science” when it is you all redefining terms and positing unproven theories as fact...Your whole “science” schtick is nothing more than pseudo-science....indeed even a faith religion because one would need to believe without any evidence.
            ...And btw, it is not “birth control” -that's a term for a pre-abortion era, it is now better termed ‘pregnancy control'.... abortion is you all's birth control....

E.g. Fact 1: birds fly because they have wings... Fact 2: birds are animals. False Logic: pigs should have wings and fly because they are animals... Ergo: You can’t end a pregnancy if you weren’t actually pregnant.

-ROTF-LOL!!!!....You are not “right”, nor will ever be...You are ego-piss-drunk and an insane cult leader...So, according to you, you give the same “toxin” of “a little dust diluted in water” to two, also according to lying you: visibly pregnant women, and the one who got pregnant by having an adulterous affair is the only one who will miscarry....(and by her thighs swelling and her hips going back to pre-puberty shape*)...and all because: God....Yeah look in the mirror to see the stupid liar.....No wonder you hate God so much....you don’t think he lies like you would if you were God....-not that you don’t “agnostically” believe that you are God.....

* “That’s just not true, that’s not scientific, that’s just not what [naturally] happens (nor factually happened in Bible times) when [even] a pregnant woman drinks/drank “a little temple dust diluted in holy water”

            So do keep telling your pet murderous hoodwinking lie “over and over and over again”...Until your sheeple do go and “read their Bible”...and, -for the ones who can think for themselves (e.g. Acts 17:11), they’ll find out what an ignoramus, idiot and liar you are.....You can keep the mindless and moronic sheeple who desperately need to gobble down your (of course “undiluted”) BS......Now that sure is the “toxin” that keeps them Spiritually infertile....{And btw, no one else is saying that because they can intelligently read....Maybe if you keep pounding your fist on your desk, -like the Trump-jealous-wannabe that you are, Ana and other sheeple will continue to be intimidated into ‘just Baa-lieving your guileful take’..
            ...And (“once again”) your ‘(un)Biblical’ case would not even apply to women who would get pregnant out of wedlock}
            ...But I know you won’t read this here....Your tortfeasing Satanic-overlords can’t let you all read anything that will convict you of Truth....

-Death Penalty is morally just for clinically sane and premeditated/deliberate murderers like Dylann Roof...because, in this case, 9 people will not, unlike for him if only given life in prison, get the chance to have a single thought, 3 meals a day or see the sun, for the rest of their natural lives....Now that’s indeed JUSTICE #LifeforLife
            I guess the Death Penalty will only be “moral” for you “liberals” when your significant loved one e.g. gets randomly snuffed in an airport terminal and the (sane enough) shooter then makes sure he is not killed by police....

You evolutionists are LOL R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S...

(a) that was a virus...a disease...not a “genetic mutation”....and what suddenly happened to the “billions of years” you all keep claiming for it to fully develop...Keep trying to make “intelligent sense” out of your inherent and non-sequitur randomness...

(b) the people who treated him in Bangladesh are probably devout religionists...(who knows, they probably said a prayer to Buddha or Allah before the surgery so that all would go well)....but that never meant that religious people don’t make use of medical science...That belief is just a pet straw man claim by you atheists to help you feel better....

ergo: (c) I am still waiting for your “atheist medical center/hospital”...I can rattle off over 100 such private medical facilities owned and operated by Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and other theists without ever finding an “atheist hospital”..Just admit and realize it, your “science” is only focused on how to morally evade God in your life*, hence you using it to look for your “Sky Alien” in space and on your Evolution theorizing....Which is why you all feel so free to BS about it, because it is all whimsical and fanciful BS ...No science (i.e what can be deliberately replicated) involved here....You all have “evolutionistically” not proven anything yet....and never will...
            In fact/Indeed, it is your Evolutionary belief that are anti-science, -if you would bother to actually believe what you claim, because you claim that it is natural selection and evolution which got you to such biological progress, but when nature produces something like this “tree man” which you claim is “evolution”, you then medically intervene to prevent that “progress”. Your fundamental belief is that nature/natural selection/evolution will take care of itself**....But if you really believed this whimsical BS, you would have advocated that this “pioneering form of human life” in that “tree man” follow its “beneficiary, evolutionary” course*....But of course, then you all just circularly invented the “scientific” claim that ‘not all evolution produces “progress”’...W-h-a-t-e-v-e-r.....

* Which actually may be why you atheists don’t have, nor care to also privately have hospitals and medical facilities....(And as if Theists who own and operate such facilities do not also pay taxes which fund public/state hospitals and medical centers.....and that’s also why Churches don’t get taxed...)...But the real reason for your non-involvement in Medical Science & Services is because you are ideologically and functionally selfish...

** Cf.  Is Evolution a Detriment to Health & Science? https://gycrapid.securelytransact.com/resources/item/1235

(d) P.S. from the claims of some of your commenters, evidently it should also go to say that gay people, since you all believe they have evolved a “gay gene”, are more susceptible to HIV....How does that help anyone???*...Hence, as per your “science”, homosexuality is a detrimental “mutation”..

* this ‘whole death, disease and viruses is good for progress mentality’ is probably why gay people believingly practice that (deliberately) giving another gay person (or not?) HIV is a most magnanimous “gift”....Very ‘twisted (paganistic/Satanic) mentality’ indeed (Rom 1:26-27)
* P.S. II ...and at the very least, be ‘thankful’ to the devout Christians, through to the 1840's and beyond, who laid the foundation for the modern science that you are technologically tinkering with today...Bet they don’t tell you such historical facts in your atheism brainwashing school....Your branch of futile vacuous and useless cotton-candy whimsical/fanciful/subjective-theorizing-purporting-to-be-“science” (=pseudo-science) only birthed itself with Charles Darwin the infidel....
            ...Btw, don’t you know that science makes it that an embryo is viable outside of the womb from its conception....i.e. the extraction and freezing for later implanting of a fertilized egg...But of course “science” is only valid for you guys when it harmonizes with your death culture, a-moral/sinful, self-idolizing and/or money-worshiping worldview....Without assistance, an infant will not survive outside of the womb at “6 months” without constant scientific/medical intervention for the next 3+ months....So the extraction of conceived embryo is just stretching similar scientific assistance back to 9 months...as scientifically possible....

-Heads UpDown:** You can’t “science the s— out of a(ny) place” when you still have not proven your, moreover whimsical, theorizing....Starting with “where did all matter, life and intelligent design (originally) come from???”*...and “from another Alien on another planet” is not a scientific answer, but another mere theoretical belief...So, here Evolution, just is not “science”...but a belief/faith, indeed within the (pagan) religious sector/“Department”....
            Just because you have (likewise paganistically Rom 1:22-23ff) deified, and then worship, nature, does not make it either: God, nor your claims about it: science.

* and really, if you would (but won’t) ever discover where matter, life and intelligent design originated from...(and that wouldn’t be by bumping into a “Sky Alien” while traveling to Uranus).... What different would that make!!???....I.e. what aren’t you “immorally” doing now (e.g. homosexual sex, abortions, drug-taking, etc) that you then would be able to do....Many people would still continue to not do those things simply based on how they are both unnatural, detrimental and even deadly...Clearly your whole (falsely-claimed) “scientific”-exploration is (futilely) just an attempt to try to disprove the existence and belief in God....Newsflash: He long has given you that option to not believe, and live like so, if you so chose.....But that still won’t change the end consequence of Hell for doing so....

** cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headhunter ...{General Use entry #2, of course}

Your, of course self-confidently smug, fanciful take on Ben Carson is so ignorantly and ignoramusly stupid....Clearly you do not know of the many similar ‘formerly violent, criminal, gang-banging, druggie’ public testimonies of white converts to Christianity...So, ironically enough, it is your vitriolic “disgust” with him that is based on nothing but religious and racial hate...because nothing of what you mentioned has any factor in what Ben Carson says and believes....But it makes you feel so good to claim that he is a liar....The most debunking evidence of Carson’s story concerning his mother is that he has been saying it, even wrote it in a book, long ago when she was alive and (mentally) well*.... Seriously, you are really so needily pathetic...I seriously have not met a bigger fool than you....The kind who conveniently don’t care to know better....Right on par with Donald Trump indeed...At the very least, before, or in lieu of, spewing your hate, try assigning your journalistic investigators to finding Carson’s brother, and the guy who he had tried to stab, among other (pre-temper resolution) friends and neighbors, to verify Carson’s stories...It is not at all that difficult to diligently/“journalistically” accomplish.... 
* Cf. http://therightscoop.com/hey-media-ben-carsons-mother-verified-his-stabbing-story-way-back-in-1997/

            ...And Aida Rodriguez (evidently) knows nothing about SDAs...no matter what she purports* (which can only fool likewise ignorant people like you all)...LOL e.g. “SDA are like Quakers”.... ‘That’s how SDA’s sing’...uh no...That’s how Ben Carson’s wife sings, i.e. she clearly couldn’t carry a tune even if there was accompanying or more prominent background music.....But that is what it takes to be a militant atheist and on TYT...You act like you know it all and therefore are confident to claim and say all kinds of things that people who actually know what they are talking about just shake their head at....but your sheeple believe it all...It’s all: What-ever helps you all to feel worthwhile in your (still) futile and meaningless existence...

* Clearly when she says ‘she grew up SDA’ it was till the age of 10,or even 12 at best...but more likely 4....

..and seriously (if you can) What is so ‘preposterous & crazy’ about: the Religious/Christian Right gaining control of the U.S. Presidency, Congress and Judiciary and, uniting with the Papacy to force everyone to adhere to their (Sunday Church Attending and Mass Taking) version of Christianity*...In fact, SDA currently see the Trump ascendency as the begin of this scenario....You say, without any substantive refutation, that it’s ‘crazy’ only because you know it is most plausible...indeed the potential evidence is staring you right in the face...So clearly, you irrationally only don’t want it to be plausible...because that would mean that the Bible is true...and of course you’d be “screwed” then (2 Pet 3:3ff; Rev 6:15-17)

-For people who, and rightly so, believe in (viable) life at conception, any terminative action against this conception/fertilized egg, IS abortion!!
...only Capitalism artificially making it seems that this most bountiful, and renewably so, planet is “overpopulated”*.  Given our technological advancement today, the entire population of the world can comfortably live in just (e.g.) the State of Florida.

-....that’s yet another example of why Believers in God and His Bible don’t wait, -as only morons would do, around for you, indeed selfishness-borne atheists, to (finally) “figure out” what this life is all about....Just cut to the chase and realize, and admit, that all along, you were trying to “protect” you right to have sex like animals...who, ironically enough: unlike animals, then murder their unwanted offspring....You clearly believe way too much in your mortal selves...(cf. Psa 50:21)

-Biblical Creationism (& the Genesis Global Flood Catastrophe), though not natural explanations/“theories” = Faith, but ones which involves the Theistic Supernatural, best explains all of the scientific observation about life that we are seeing on Earth....cutting right to the inevitable and controvertible chase/conclusion. You Atheists, {and that actually includes so-called “Theistic Evolutionists” because (a) that is a (moronic) oxymoron & (b) it is (Satanistic) “Disguised Infidelity” (1SP 85-90)...what else would the AntiChrist do}, especially agnostics, are actually looking for the same ‘super’, or extra natural answers, e.g. your claim that ‘life on this Earth originated from alien life on another planet’. -but you still then need to explain where and how those alien life came to life. So until you evolutionist establish your life-material-intelligence theories on reproducible and observable scientific fact, Biblical Creationism continues to be the theory which best explains these factors, -seconded by the fact of how the Supernatural elements and claims in/of the Bible have been corroborated in fulfilled Historical-Chronological prophecies. So by you all Evolutionist insisting that “Every material and vital thing came from nothing” and ‘intelligent and purposeful design comes from randomness and chance’ (not to mention how you claim humans have been around for millions of years (or (even if) it rather was you all’s claim of “125,000-60000” years), yet the world’s population is (statistically impossible) only 7 billion), you are the ones who are peddling “BS”, because those claims, on their face, are irrational....You are really just looking for the same supernatural explanations that Biblical Creationists have long had (=being told by the Creator God Himself), but of course only if that “god” figure is one who, circularly, thus subjectively, enough, agrees with whatever you believe is morally right or wrong.
            The NJK-HQ missions will be optionally offering classes in (outright) Biblical Creationism+Noahic Flood Catastrophism, or one in “Origins Theories” which compares and contrasts leading theories (e.g. also Evolution).... ‘We present, students decide’....

-thousands upon thousands of Christian Conservatives in U.S. Federal and State governments....a comparative handful have marital infidelities and sexual failures...only a bigoted hateful biased (atheist, religio-phobic) person would then make the claim that: “they are all like that”...

-LOL...So now it’s: “The Yahweh” instead of “Sky God”...only fooling yourself....especially since there is only one God(head) (Isa 46:9-11)...But at least you are “agnostically” confessing that you allow room for your “Sky Alien” to be (your, false) god....
            ....BTW/FYI: Yahweh does not need all of the hundreds of million of dollars of “scientific” sound capturing equipment that you all Atheist Sky Alien Hunters are spending on (instead of e.g. helping feed starving people)....because God the Holy Spirit had (as per my Biblical Theology*), “in the beginning” (Gen 1:1) converted His own Divine Glory (=Energy) into establishing the universe wide (“radio/internet/satellite” waves network that God the Father (commonly known as “Yahweh” (however all 3 Gods in the Godhead have that name/title (e.g. Gen 19:24) uses to instantly communicate to any of His “tuned in” and “receptive” created creatures throughout His Universe....

* http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2009/10/book-preview-god-all-mighty.html#Godenergy

....and Christian Believers in God today do not have to ‘await a voice from the Sky to know what to do’ since the Godhead have left Their Will, Laws and Principles written in the Bible through people they, in various degrees, “Inspired” (cf. Heb 1:1-2ff).....

-The day you’ll realize you were nothing better than Satan’s sock-puppet, you’ll wish you could then “pull the rip cord” like that other son of perdition, Judas          

-Of course as ‘(Friends of the) Pope, (American) Capitalists and (Heathenistic) Worldlings’ (GC 588.3a; Mar 190.2)* you’ll ‘gladly take the Mark of the Beast**  = 666 (Rev 13:11-18)*** ..and you are not even Babylonians: = Catholic or Protestant (Rev 14:7-11).... Children of the Darkness (John 3:20-21)... Your “Sword of the Darkness” is your Satanic Bible                       

* at Ezek 39:24 http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2012/04/gog-magog-vs-god.html

** http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2009/11/sealing-of-gods-people-part-2-ezekiel-9.html

-Another pet straw man of unbelievers: No (Biblically informed) Creationist are saying that ‘God creating woman from a rib (since that indeed is the most disposable bone in the body as Adam would have to live without that rib for the rest of his life, ...or actually because God the Creator obviously knew, -(as scientists are only now discovering), that the rib was (perhaps the only bone segment in the body) designed to regrow, and also that the ribs are “one of the few bones that continue to make red marrow (and thus blood cells) in adults”***) of man is “Science”, -though it is a now newly discovered/attested indeed ‘stem-cell cloning procedure’....They are rather saying that it is Super-natural, as in: the starting point origin of (human) life...I.e. and Eternal Supernatural God created it...You are the unscientific ones who claim that ‘life originally, randomly, came from absolutely nothing’.... Why don’t you take some time to check what Creationists actually believe....If you are actually confident about your unscientific whimsical and irrational BS....(and your theory indeed is “BS” because you knowingly, and necessarily indifferently so, avoid dealing with that pivotal issue of ultimate origin, and when you dare do, you end up with a similar,* but actually irrational “god” concept, -[which is why you avoid that discussion]: which you claim is a “Sky Alien”....But ‘it is Theistic-Creationists who are non-logical’????...No, they just have corroboratingly arrived at the only logical (=Biblical) view on this matter.)
            FYI, really: “Heads UpDown”: that is what will get anyone fired in the NJK-HQ: this hysterical, and moreover offensive, refusal to properly (=honestly) engage a Biblical claim/Belief, and lyingly, mis-, or even worse mal-construe it, amongst other capital things (Rev 22:15**), I don’t, and will not, have any patience for deliberate liars...especially the indifferent ones...If your counter-theory is correct, i.e. rational, logical and plausible, and if your science claims are actually science, i.e. provable, then one shouldn’t have any trouble making that case...But you all Evolutionists still haven’t done so (i.e.: rationally, logically, plausibly and/or scientifically).

            and, FYI: similarities between species does not mean common ancestor. It does mean common designer. E.g. not all motor vehicles on the road today were built by the Ford Motor Company, even if they are all basically the same functional concept...But they all were built by other car makers based on the inventing design of Henry Ford for his automobiles.

* Cf. the spiritual views of the great scientist Albert Einstein: http://www.simpletoremember.com/articles/a/einstein/

** I.e. for certain fireable behavior cases, such a person would have to provide their own housing (and commuting means), at their own expense, outside of what the NJK-HQ will provide...since the NJK-HQ is/will a Private Religious Church+Ministry+Organization+Institution (cf. Rev 14:1-5ff)....which may not even have tax-exempt status, but will effectively be so through the award provision in its related lawsuit.


*4* Here is the real “sign of the times: 2 Tim 4:3-4

-Of course you would (conveniently, quite “moronically”, so I am not surprised)...choose the Bible versions which (wrongly) translate the Hebrew word here as “womb” (probably pro-choice “Christians” translators)....more (27 to be exact) correctly have rendered it as “thighs”*...Learn your Hebrew and proper exegesis, including basic (and unbiased) reading comprehension** if you are going to make such dogmatic judgement calls...or at the very least, run it by Ben Mankiewicz, if he is either honest or Hebrew literate...
* https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Numbers%205:22

** Cf. in this “Christian ThinkTank”: http://christianthinktank.com/hept.html

-When Ana will tell her children(?) how she met their father.....she’ll point to this link: https://twitter.com/christianl5/status/385051514848288768
...and they’ll say” “TMI” of course....                                                   

Keep lying and “pretending” to be a moron...Same difference....Satan is delighted to see you reproduce his own character so faithfully...Less work for him.... Seriously, it is actually scary how deluded you are on this issue...Patent demon infestation and possession manifestation....
....Oh yeah also: ...“mother-daughter” is not “husband-wife”.....
...and citing as a reference “The Bible” is factually and legally wrong....I know your biased BS-ing mind won’t let you grasp this but there are thousands of different translations and versions of the Bible from the original Hebrew and/or Greek text (which, btw/again: says nothing about: a toxin, miscarriage, womb, etc). You have to cite the exact translation/version of the Bible you are citing/using. E.g the New International Version (NIV), Revised Standard Version (RSV), King James Version (KJV) etc....But of course you know that...you just don’t want to tip off your sheeple that there are other, and more accurate, translating renderings of that passage out there....But the smart, aware and informed ones won’t be duped by your desperate guiles.....

= Matt 27:40-42; Mark 15:30-32|DA 746.4-749.2 (cf. Psa 22:8)*; Matt 16:23
... “Read” it then: http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2008/07/biblical-interpretation-of-daniels-70.html

-Don Lemon, -like other moronically myopic “pro-choicers”* solves the abortion issue: “You can be against abortion, just don’t impose that on other women who are not”...Yes, that way no baby will ever be killed....Why didn’t people think of that before??!!....
-Funny how people want to advocate for trying to defend/protect grown/adult women from the religious belief that they ascribe to (e.g. wearing a burqa, not driving, etc), -claiming it is making them second class citizen, and even, as actually interveningly justified, against domestic abuse...but trying to protect the life of a defenseless and innocent unborn child from having to be mortally punished for the mistake of their conceivors, now that’s outrageous....

-...Oh....I thought the March on January 21, 2017 was a “Women’s March” and not merely/narrowly a pro-choice/abortion march....

-It is perfectly reasonable for a police officer assigned to a school campus to be carrying a gun. In case a school shooter tries a mass shooting. Way too much of those occurring....But such a gun should be a Smart Gun which would mean that only the officer can fire it.
            As for this aberration of a careless officer who nearly killed someone with his deliberately set up misfiring, he should not only be fired from being a cop, he should also lose any firearm license and also should be more severely prosecuted...at an “Attempted Involuntary Manslaughter” level.

-The Bible is fully right in advocating that Innocent/Righteous Life should be protected. To claim/think/expect that ‘the life of a murderer should be as sacred as that of an innocent unborn child’ is wildly irrational. There clearly is an underlying “agenda” here to try to trivialize and whitewash abortion (an d the aborter) as not being murder/ers by, ludicrously and ironically enough, putting the unborn’s life it on the same level as that of someone who premeditatively has taken a life. A very self-serving irrational “rationale”....Seems to be like a mere self-justifying/assuaging red-herring....And how is advocating for a viable life to not be snuffed out “punishing a woman”?????? She could give the “accidental, unwanted” child away to adoption....
            Capital Punishment serves as the perfect deterrence to murder. Indeed who knows how much more people would be murdered, especially in a violent society life America, if the perpetrator would be facing life in jail.
            By the way, Jesus prayed for the pardon of those who were unfairly and unlawfully putting Him to death (Luke 23:34)*...-in fact, that is most likely why that priest was behaving like that, but, tellingly just like those people who were murdering Him (Luke 23:35-38), you likewise still mock, curse and revile Him....

* And there is better+more historical and documenting evidence about Jesus Christ than Alexander the Great....but no one questions Alexander or the claims about what he said and did.  
LOL!! So now “disclaiming” that ‘you don’t know’ somehow permits you to claim what you don’t know.....

“Christians have it so easy...” those words will be painfully true in the end....and this is the requirement when Jesus forgives someone (Matt 18:21-22; 1 John 1:9; John 8:10-11; Mark 16:9)....And God has already factored in that: “the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matt 26:41; Rom 7:14-8:1ff)

-“End the failed war on drugs. The goal is legalization, taxation, and regulation”*
-“We will vigorously oppose all efforts to dismantle reproductive abortive rights.”
=“Luke 9:60”

* Clearly you all’s diabolical goal is to get as many people as possible to destroy their lives, as well as the lives of others, by getting addicted (because that’s what drugs do, -whether legal or illegal...and especially when easily accessible to “any drug they want to consume”...e.g. Cocaine-Cola or Crystal Meth Pepsi or Heroine Red Bull or Opoid Mountain Dew, -yes companies in the Capitalistic/Profiteering Free Market are going to tee off on producing these super addictive legalized products)....Then you’ll be “winning”...since detriment, suffering and death is what you all atheists are naturally all about. (contra John 10:10).... YOU “PEOPLE” ARE SO (case in point: indeed & acutely so) MORONICALLY SICK!!!...It probably also is from your already fried brains.....
            Quite telling that you probably really only want the “freedom” to use drugs which are not as addictive and destructive, like your shrooms and pot, but of course, so as not to dictate morality to others, as per your anarchial worldview, you have no choice but to advocate for the ‘legalizing of all/any drugs’...BTW+FYI the “regulation” any drug won’t make them less addictive or destructive, probably less deadly from a foreign substance being mixed in them, but they surely will have the effect that they are chemically supposed to have, however destructive....and “overdosing” cannot be prevented by regulation, just like people commonly overdose on alcohol despite it being legal and regulated. The only difference is that an alcohol overdose won’t typically (directly) kill the overdrinker.

-“The facts are that”: Idaho did not exist in the “1400's”...Why can’t you unbelievers ever try to make your case against people who uphold Judeo-Christian values and morality without resorting to various forms of lying, mal-characterization and defamation...All actually to hoodwinkingly avoid the actual, and valid, reasons why people have those (Biblical) views....Quite telling of how irrational and unsupportable your views are...Being factual is being fair!!!
            ...But the truth here is that this also is all subjective and relative, even individually so, to you all...If it is a curvy and fit girl showing off her, eventhough clothed, body on Instagram, then ‘she’s got to stop’....all because it makes others jealous...I bet the very same would be said if the person going topless or nude on the beach actually had the body that “people would pay for to see.”
            Your whole straw man tenet claim that this is all derived from “body shame” (ironically actually misconstrued from Gen 2:25 which referred to sin guilt shame. Adam and Eve only became ashamed when they sinned and realized they were naked) is indeed a red herring to desperately reframe the issue. You all’s whimsical relativism is another form of your preferred inherent anarchial approach to everything....

            Also telling here how you all are actually working to demean women by making them think/believe that no part of their body has any sexual/sensual appeal...Very “animalistic” as per your worldview, since male animals only find appeal in the female animal when it is their proper biological time to be able to reproduce. You all’s worldview is very bleak where now you are also trying to trivialize the sexual/sensual...Exactly what Satan wants to do in his rageful endeavor to destroy all that God had said was, and in its moral context (Gen 2:23-24), “very good”.*

* http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2009/10/gods-original-and-very-good-intent-gen_27.html
Challenge: it’s: “you say”...”everything you say”; not “sezs*”....
cf. {00:11; 00:17} https://archive.org/details/FOXNEWSW_20170213_220000_The_Five/start/300/end/360

...The (summed up, overall)Biblical teaching* on this issue actually is, and has always been that whoever has the Truth leads...and it was just that in Bible times, especially in Old Testament times, and right through to the recent years when it became easier for females to be part of the workforce...and for the men to be able to not be the primary worker, men and women didn’t have to split tasks and responsibilities based on what was more readily suitable for/feasible by them. Today, a woman’s job on a mega-construction site would not have to involve slinging a 30 pound sledge hammer, while 200 feet off the ground,** but merely pushing a hydraulic-remotely-controlled hammer...But until such facilitating times, the default gender roles advocated in the Bible were the best for society.

* http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2010/01/sda-woman-ordination-deliberations.html

-LOL....Stop misconstruing and usurping the Theistic and Divine Fatih words and statements of “Reverend” Martin Luther King for your Secular Humanism Atheism (=part of the “evil” the MLK was fighting against) causes....But what else can you all do (Matt 4:3,5-6,8-9||Luke 4:3,5-7,9-10) Get your own “faith”..the “Sky Alien” or outright Satanic one.....Typical “Atheist in a Foxhole”.....

-Wait...It thought that the “40's” was the better time to “settle down” and get married...But now it is the “30’s/35”....Whatever happened to all those clips about “getting your career well-established first” (because, you all being also Capitalists, it fundamentally is also about that: ‘Golden Calf’s money’ for you Lefties too).... That’s what happens when you all think that principles, and even rules, depend on what you all whimsically feel, personally think and/or have (esp. disastrously) experienced.....You all do seriously/deeply believe that right and wrong and morality all revolves around your “opinions”.....smh...I’ll trust God’s shared Wisdom instead, in the Bible!! (2 Chr 20:20)

-Though SDAs still preach that “Jesus is coming soon” -while they are not doing the work that actually would make Him come soon (Matt 24:14);* -or more accurately: quickly (Rev 22:14), they had long fixed the mistake by William Miller and Millerites (ca. 50,000 members) which had incorrectly interpreted the “sanctuary” of Dan 8:14 to be this Earth, while it was the Sanctuary in Heaven (e.g. Heb 9:11-14). SDAs [then 5,000, now over 20,000,000 members] had long understood that the Judgement of the Living in Heaven had begun on October 22, 1844 (=Dan 7:10, 13) when the “time” prophecy of the 2300 days (=years) of Dan 8:14 came to be chronologically fulfilled.*6* So contrary to your intimated assertion, SDAs are not still preaching a “timed” Second Coming, but a “soon” one (cf. 2 Pet 3:12), -which again comes to be Theologically wrong because they are not doing what Jesus is expecting them to do so that He can wrap things up. (~2 Pet 3:13; Rom 9:28).** And as time on this Earth continues...so does that Heavenly Investigated Judgement with both new, as well as tolled/postponed/prolonged individual cases of people still “in the balances”.***
            As always, ...and as you (Brett) claim to personally “codely” go by*4*, do first get your (attack) facts straight... And contrary to Aida’s (manifestly atoning, but just self-serving) patronizing -‘don’t tease them’- reaction, do (openly) hold them up to their professed claims/beliefs, but to their actual ones*5*....I.e./E.g. they are not preaching that it is “the last day” but “the last days” [i.e. the “time of the end” which started in 1798 A.D. (=2 Pet 3:2-9)] ...Pivotal difference... The “last day” will be the climatic “Day of the Lord” (2 Pet 3:10)

* http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2009/12/endtime-reality-check.html

** http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2009/10/church-triumphant.html

*** http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2009/10/pleading-proverbs-264-5.html#IJ1844

*5* Cf. http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2010/12/seventh-day-adventists-believe.html
*6* See Millerites + SDA Historical movie here:
Alternative Youtube link:

-Talk about misleading, why not pertinently state from the start the fact that the New York Times reporter was indeed referring to the rumors that Melania Knauss had also worked as an escort,* instead of trying to manufacture some issue here to preach this ‘slut shaming’ propaganda?????????????

-You TYT people have weird, -to say the least, interpersonal interactions/relationship. You systematically, mutually by force, enjoy slighting and deriding each other. Clearly that is all according to your “keeping it real” thing....But it most obviously is just an ongoing jealousy mantra where you say: “if I can’t gloat or showoff, neither can/will you”...Very twisted/backward attempt at being “loving” with each other...

-LOL for you all, it’s not murder/death unless you see it happening....Very, ironically enough, babyish...not to insult the developing comprehension of babies....

-Nice try with the idiotic “blame the Bible” propaganda...It is your “more evolved” gay (especially male) people who enjoy giving HIV to other people....(just as they are probably proud, or just indifferent, of having unleashed HIV/AIDS into the heterosexual community)...It is rather more likely that such HIV/AIDS felony infecting cases have males as the accused perpetrators....In the two cases I have heard of such, both have been males (one was a Canadian pro football player).*

* In this listing 6 or the 7 cited cases are male-accused

Other male-accused cases:

...Can’t be advocating/making laws/policies based upon wishful thinking, biased assumptions, unsubstantiated claims and non-factual assertions...

            And by the way, it is because women indeed realistically have so much natural power over a man,* even society overall in matters of reproduction, that they are “naturally” held with higher moral, pointedly modesty, duty in the Bible (i.e. in regards to physical sensual allurement/enticement)....but Judicially, either guilty party were treated the same when it was, as it was supposed to, a fair court/hearing (e.g. John 8:1-11)...
-Biblical Fact is that it was indeed Eve who both sinned first and then convince Adam to do so....

* which is e.g. why “95%” of porn is female-involved/focused....

-Here’s another heads up for you all atheist who can’t/won’t see further than their nose: The upcoming newest and epidemic sex crime: (especially guys/men) pretending to have transgendered issues so that they can go in women’s bathrooms, lockerooms, spas, etc.....And who can/will prove them wrong...because it is, purely on its face, whatever they claim....

-A woman thinking she is a man in the men’s bathroom/lockeroom/spa....a man thinking he is a woman in the women’s bathroom/lockeroom/spa (and case in point: Bruce Jenner still says he has no attraction for men, but for women, presumably straight women), the whole think is portentous bad news either way.

-Typical cowardly, moronic and malicious smearing attempt by non-believers.

(A) Catholics and  Anglicans DO NOT make up ‘the whole of/across the board Christianity’...let alone all of the other religions in the world. I myself literally have not heard, at least such a systematic litany of cases of child abuse in the rest of Christianity, i.e. Protestantism.

(B) The common thing with Anglicanism and Catholicism, -with the only difference between them was that the “Pope” was vexatiously replaced with the “King of England”, is that they do not allow their priest/clergy to marry.  https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priest
The Catholic priesthood does not allow its priests to marry...which is not something that is ever said in the Bible, including for Old Testament priests in Israel. Catholic only came up with that unBiblical requirement when priests were given away the Church’s property as inheritance to their children. Seems to me the simple solution is, rather than not allowing them to marry, and thus not have a family, just have a policy that limits the inheritance they can pass on, or exclude all Church property from being part of a priest’s personal inheritance...but Catholics are morons....

(C) Their common problem is an unbiblical system of theology.

(D) ...and the real question is why isn’t law enforcement all over these criminal cases???????

Getting pregnant is not an “illness”, so maternity should not be covered by, especially government/public healthcare. An employer however can provide paid maternity leave for their employees.

If Planned Parenthood ‘is all/mostly about a woman’s health’...then why is it called Plan-ned Parent-hood?????!...It would be like an auto scrap yard being called “Auto Repair”...Maybe it is the cheap “spare parts” that one can buy...I mean get from there to repair your own car....

...A much better, i.e. organizationally “representative”, name for “Planned Parenthood” would be/have been, -if that was their “planned” intention, i.e. if, {as per my working hypothesis}, their either founding or perspective objective was not to be/become an abortion-on-demand mill, but rather to actually, majorly, serve women’s “reproductive health”, would be Prime Pregnancy. Not to imply of course that “unwanted” pregnancies would then be “sub-prime”. And, of course, a woman is not more likely to get pregnant because you have a lump in her breasts.
            But, and as they now, (supposedly) only have “3%” of their business going to abortions, (still) being called “Planned Parenthood”....It would be like a firearms store calling it self “Bumper Props” because 3% of their sales are for Gun Rights bumper stickers....
            -A “Woman’s Rights” ends at conception (=the Right not to get pregnant)...at that point and beyond another human beings’ Right to Life is involved....
            -“Relatedly” so-called LGBTQ+ people have the Civil Right to privately live however they (typically phasely) psychologically “feel and/or want”...I just don’t have to be forced to endorse, support, sponsor their personal lifestyle.
What to expect, as per the infallible Divine Wisdom of the Bible, if this therapeutic measure does manage to reverse aging:

-[btw, funny how your supposed “aliens who seeded this Planet with intelligent and coded DNA life forms” had not managed to figure out that yet...but I digress]
(a) It still will not be capable of making people live beyond the God, post-Flood, impose life limit of “120 years” (Gen 6:3)...i.e. even if God has to “supernaturally” act to enforce this limit..(Just as all of the rebelling 20 years+ Israelites in the wilderness who then could naturally live up to ca. 120 (as did Aaron and Moses -Deut ), all “naturally” died within the next “40 years” (actually within 38 years) of this sentence that God had imposed. (Num 14:34-35)

(b) Just like the antedilluvians could naturally live up to ca. 1000 years, thus with much unaged vigor and health for most of these years, with life expectation being up to ca. 120 years, thus causing a spike in the population, and thus an increase in demand for resources, including work as the retirement age could extend to near 120 years, then do also expect ‘a lot of, even murderous violence’, including mass-death/destruction (i.e. WMD) wars, in such societies, along with increased “evil” in such non-naturally slowed/humbled people. (=Gen 6:11-13)

(c) This whole development will only be yet another demonstration that fallen and unbelieving man will never be able to achieve a righteous and life-encouraging society no matter how long or how healthy they live, thus confirming God’s imposed penalty of death for sin (Gen 3:22-24), however righteous living and believing people (such as in the NJK) will be able to live (longer) in a misery-free society. (=Isa 66:24)

... ...but, telling how the scientists/researchers themselves only see the potential application of this discovery to “protect the body from radiation exposure here on earth, either naturally occurring or doctor-inflicted”*...Nothing about ‘living forever now’...manifestly natural aging cannot be halted, let alone reversed; only ‘accidental aging of DNA’ can be avoided with this.


...Everybody knows that Dognald is a “sinner man”...and unloving/unfaithful/unrespectful towards his wive(s) Bab-ies Mama(s)... #WorstThanMuslim

..and there’s the proof that you alls issue is not actually with/against God...He, knowing that we are “fallen humans” (Psa 78:39ff; 103:8-14-18; 1 John 1:8, 10), indeed has made salvation and eternal life that easy to get (1 John 1:9; John 3:16-17), but that’s still not “good enough” for you unbelievers. (Isa 55:7-10|Rev 22:17)...and it’s not like, e.g., you all, pointedly now married ones, still go around having flings... (John 3:18-21) #“Naturally” (1 Cor 2:6-16) Doing The Devil’s Work (Zech 3:1-5ff; Rev 12:10b)                  

-When astronomers land a probe on a comet, you all start cheering “SCIENCE” and how Conservatives are against science...but the Drumpf regime just set $400B aside for a manned-journey to Mars and you claim ‘he and Conservatives are against’....Clearly you all can’t dare admit that the actual issue of difference is what you falsely claim to be “science”, i.e. your speculative theorizing...And, -(although I myself (cursorily) ascribe to the belief that Global Warming is a reality and is (significantly) man-made), when you have to claim “consensus”, it is because you are still dealing in “belief” and not hard science...Such as Al Gore ca. 2005 “belief” that ‘some part of the world would be totally submerged by 2015’...

-Oh wow...now it is also “Progressive” people who allow me to be as religious as I want to be...Clearly “Progressivism” is whatever you all need it to be, even just for that very day.....So, great let’s Constitutionally outlaw the murdering of unborn infants....
By the way, you all evolutionist-atheists no live according to how you claim all of this advancement and progress came from: i.e. natural selection and its survival-of-the-fittest measures, but instead opting for ‘unnatural intervention’ and as per a moral code (e.g. caring for the sick, needy, poor in a resource limited world and society) or principle (including socialism) in the Bible is cultural (and religious) appropriation....

-Undermining your desperately preferred straw man claim: As with many other compelling and fascinating corrobating discoveries, there also is archeological support & evidence of the Red Sea Crossing.* Get informed...if your worldview can withstand that you do...

...But/Indeed it is telling how you all won’t dare engage the actual evidence that God has provided of His existence and the Divine Inspiration of the Bible: FULFILLED HISTORICAL (i.e. you can look it up in history books) PROPHECIES (Isa 46:9-11)...FYI: Disprove, (if you can), just Daniel 9:24-27* and no objective/testable proof of/for the Divinity of Christianity remains...You all, including half-baked “Christians”, are a bunch of psychological mush-brained blowhard moronic cowards....

nah, you patently slithering lying moron: “a mix of Judaism, Christianity and Paganism” is n-o-t “the Bible”...it’s Apostate Christianity e.g.: Roman Catholicism... -Do show me the Easter Egg in “the Bible”????????
            LOL, Speaking of ‘loving apostate Christianity’: the only way a “Christian” can be allowed on a TYT bubble-panel is either if they are likewise Biblically illiterate and/or homosexually perverted...You all can’t afford nor dare be challenge by actual and factual Biblical Truth...(e.g. against your ignoramus spurious claim of “(disqualifying) Bible errors”*) Can’t let your sheeple audience see how stupid and moronic you are....

Btw, the testable proof that, unlike the Bible, the Qu’ran is not inspired, and thus Islam is a false religion, is that it contains ZERO predictive prophecy, whereas as the Bible has whole books of predictive,* and fulfilled/fulfilling, prophecies...including one about the rise and purpose of Islam!!!**

While there is to be a separation of State and Church in the United States, as that is what the people themselves (mostly) want, you people are such ditsy morons with your added asinine/airheaded & straw man argumentations here:

Bible: “the male and female becoming one flesh”..What a perfect comprehensive euphemism for all that goes on in a perfect marriage: from the coitus act itself; to the creation of a new life which has physiological features from both husband and wife; to closely shared/felt “fleshly” feelings, including during sex; to the close mental, even ideological intimacy that functional couples have; no to mention the potential of communicating any transmittable disease between the two,  etc....That all is indeed like the ‘two people have become one person/flesh’....
            Now you want to read some stomach-churning thing that will leave you wanting to take more than a shower, read the following (infinitely worse than a colonoscopy, which actually require sedation to avoid the unpleasant/“stomach-churning” discomfort) how to manual about what people do to (“healthily”/“hygienically” ) prepare for sodomy...unless of course they want to pick up all of their spurted about extracted shit off the floor and/or off each other: http://mialitheentertainer.tumblr.com/FAQ

Now that’s gross and “hickey”, outrightly non-natural...
            P.S. and just because this logic still has to be fool proofed for the asinine (Beelzebul) morons out there: both the potential for gross defecation “accidents” and thus the quasi-medical preparation procedure that it requires to avert it, -not to mention the gaping prep procedures, show that “that’s gross and “hickey”, outrightly non-natural” act.....done by depraved people....You don’t need to do such preps for non-sodomic sexual intercourse, moreover especially in a/for monogamus (i.e. faithfully married) couple, who addedly are not trying to avoid getting pregnant...because this all is natural sexuality...I thought you Atheistic-Evolutionists were all about “natural” selection....

Bible: The Creator God cloned initial woman Eve from the DNA and stemcells of the momentarily expendable and uniquely regrowable rib of the initial man Adam, all in a few hours of highly scientific work.....

(Atheist) Evolutionist: Nothing and Random Chance, (or perhaps some Space Alien) came to cause some “common ancestor ape” to become a highly intelligent man....over billions of years....I am still trying to figure out how a “primitive life form” ever figured out that it was supposed to see, and thus form an eye...which never functioned until all of its parts were “formed”...Now that’s all irrational, fantastical and ridiculous sophistries....

+Gay couple want children..then get your biological own....or the ones your fellow heathens want to murder....

+The subjective waverings of ones psychological state is not a “Civil Right”, it is a mental conditions....which is why there are more people who once where convinced they were homosexuals, but now are not....

+And with the still (70+ million-cases) ravaging epidemic of HIV/AIDS (and with gay people believing that giving HIV to someone else is a “gift”), ‘what goes on in one’s bedroom’ is not automatically not of public concern/affectation...

-What you’ll never hear reported repeated on “TYT News”: “Drugged Driving” is now causing more traffic fatalities than alcohol...and your expectation to unleash all/any drugs into (mainstream) society is fractionally not even a thing (yet), limitedly being now limited to pot....

.....nudity is not inherently sexual....if you (still) have the underdeveloped body of an under-aged child....if not, then it “naturally” should be*...unless your (psychologically or physically) ill...

-LOL....Nice (straw man) try...but you are only hoodwinking your ignoramus selves: It is neither God, nor even Satan....God “finished” creating ca. 6000 years ago (Gen 2:1-3)....and it was “very good”, including a heterosexual & married couple. (Gen 1:26-27 & 2:23-24) #ReadTheBible you Libtard...
            ...So it is just naturally devolving fallen/sinful physical and Spiritual self-reproducing nature since then.... E.g. God would not “create” gay/trans people and then order that they should be put to death, pointedly if they live according to how the supposedly were born/created’...That’s all just the psychologically desperate “theology” of you confused morons. The closest any case can be made from the Bible that ‘God Himself creates people however they are’ (which really is: however they psychologically feel) is Psalms 139:13 and Jeremiah 1:5.

Jer 1:5 is only “news” if God is indeed doing something special with Jeremiah by acting to shape him, pointedly his psyche, while still in the womb, -sometime after he was conceived.

Psa 139:13 does no actually say “formed” but rather acquired/possessed, i.e. God took control of David’s already conceived and present “inward part”, again most likely his psychological makeup, and, as with Jeremiah, shaped it, most likely because God had mapped out a special plan for him (=Psa 139:16-17) as a future, exemplary and talented (first best) king of Israel.

So both the Bible and actual/real (Psychology) Science concord that one’s psyche is shaped (for life) after conception. God Himself can intervene even earlier than only after birth. Just like a child can subliminally learn to speak in a accent, or merely speak a given language for life from their infanthood, their sexual affinity can likewise be plastically and impressionably, and all subliminally, shaped during that time, typically by the affectations and/or disappointments/rejections that they experience then...And the case in point of how this sexual identity thing is merely a matter of the affected psyche, is how, through the societal influence and reinforcement that are prevalent in today’s society, more people claim themselves to be so letter in LBGTQ+ include many false self-diagnostic.
            ...So keep believe your, likewise psychologically assuaging, unscientific beliefs and myths....

-TV is (now) also on the internet (e.g CNNGo), you self-important idiot....and people can, and do, “talk back” to them live via e.g. Twitter or Facebook....Plus TV also has the quality-control check of/from advertising funding, which is democratically controlled by consumers of the advertised products (e.g. the O’Reilly backlash case). So at best your comparatively grossly low rating online-only media broadcasting will continue to be a niche medium for the fraction of desperately gullible people out there who already trust everything you claim. E.g your propaganda lies that: ‘your 5 millions subscribers watching a total of 1.2-1.7 hrs per month somehow is crushing Network or Cable news’, when that it is the average rating they get per hour...Newsflash: People still so popularly watch Network and Cable News because that it what they want to hear/watch, instead of getting their news and info from uneducated “journalists”online who can’t/don’t do their own/original investigating and merely repeat what other journalist have said/done. Indeed Cable and Network (straight) News cannot afford to do you all’s whimsical speculating and commenting on news....because they are liable of lawsuits...Another quality-control check that you all (especially mere news repeaters) don’t have (yet).... So lay off the pot, you’ll then better deal with reality...if you have any functioning brain cells left...Life is not “The Revenant”....LOL...

...LOL...So I guess people on Network TV don’t curse and swear and use profanities...because children may be watching... (...and they actually prefer to intelligently express their views)....You wailingly complain that “Conservative only have empathy when they themselves experience something”, well you all Liberals are the epitome of “pleasure vs. pain” creatures....i.e when your bleeding heart actually bleeds....When something comes to concern you, then: e.g. ‘marriage is optimal/great’, ‘cursing/swearing is not the best’, ‘“free love” is great until everyone starts getting STD and AIDS’, etc...

-Guru Cenk is vexatiously, projectionally jealous that the “voodoo” that he faithfully believes in, i.e. that “Super-Intelligent Sky Alien         who seeded this planet with highly coded life billions of years ago”, still has not learn to invent communication to get in touch with Earthlings....

-....uhhhh: ‘Shut Up” “Grace”....‘YOU are a (self-deluded 1 Cor 6:9-11) poor (e.g. John 14:6; 8:23-24), (even abominably (Rom 1:28-32), definitely blasphemously (Jude 1:3-7), so), indeed “messed up”, representation of Christianity’***...LOL Ana knows the (Christian) Bible better than you...or simply, just did her research....Clearly your “subjective” version of Christianity is to ignore whatever you do not agree with...Not recommended (Matt 5:17-20). #Right-eouslyLovingTruth (1 Cor 13:6*) P.S. Related Bible and Science info: https://executivecommittee.adventist.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/111G-Statement-on-Transgenderism.pdf

+and, Ana [06:02], the Bible does not teach that people of different skin color cannot get married...only people of different religious faith, which in Bible times typically was distinguished with where someone lived, thus more than likely was distinguishable by ethnicity/race. Christians who tried to apply that to racial segregation were, themselves, just Biblically wrong.**

+...and Bernie Sanders is (hysterically) Constitutionally wrong to try to put a “religious test” on someone seeking public office. Only if the person’s religious belief translate into adverse/unlawful public policy can it, i.e. those enacted policies themselves, be held against them.

* And, btw, heads up: you all ‘non-Bible Believers’ (bandingly) (Satanically) perverting what Righteousness, (i.e. what ‘doing the Right’ thing, actually truly is), is also climatically/Apolyptically prophesied!! (=2 Cor 11:14-15||GC 588.2-589.1; Rev 16:12-16ff||17:14; 5T 139.1)

** E.g. Way back in OT days, Moses, a Jews, had married a Cushite (=Ethiopian) -[manifestly, according to history of Josephus, from his years of living as an Egyptian], and God judged those, pointedly his siblings, who tried to condemn him for that. (Num 12:1-15; (cf. Deut 24:8-9))

*** LOL, Perfect, patent example: Grace completely malconstruing Pro 3:5#...just like Satan would do when trying to delude someone to Hell: Matt 4:6 

-and God mandated capital punishment sentences is not “murder”. (E.g. for a child cursing out their parents, because God knew that such behavior, especially back then, was indicative of dangerous thuggish delinquency which threatened the very life of anybody else.) Pertinently enough, that is what ‘trusting in the Lord and not your own understandings’ is actually what this is all about!!!

-So according to Ana, -who clearly (hysterically) needs to believe that no one who is alive today was ever a zygote, -‘abortion is allowable as long as the baby is attached to the mother’s body’, therefore: until their umbilical cord is cut off....
            And from completely asinine illogic belief, a mother actually only needs to care for the life and livelihood of their child when they are separate in body. But just like the claim that: ‘a birthed baby can breathe on its own after the umbilical cord is cut, so the mother does not have to provide for it, and therefore no longer has a say on whether that baby lives or dies, a mother can choose to not feed their birthed baby, even young children, and let them die of hunger because she is here also providing for them.
            All as per the Pro-Death worldview where murderers, including the most heinous of them are allowed to live [or else they would be obvious hypocrites], and while others are paying to keep them alive, and the innocent are allowable to be disposed off...All indoctrinally, faithfully based on their evolutionist “survival-of-the-fittest” humanology (including those who managed to survive their murderous acts)....


I’m with Ana here, but for a different but slightly related reason: I guess I just did not practice shagging flyballs enough in high school (worked much more on my (switch)-pitching, but I actually did not have a “fright problem” with a flyball coming down at me,* I just, for the life of me, could not figure out how to judge the flight of a ball in the air...I.e. unlike players you quite routinely just run and camp exactly where the ball is going to land and then catch it, I just could not perceive from the height or speed of the ball where it was going to come down. I had one such gross erroneous judgement in a game and I ran towards the infield then stopped when I realize that that ball was going to sail way beyond me...anyway.....I am sure practice would have made perfect here...                       

* Batting at homeplate with a ball coming at up to 106# mph in a distance of only 60 feet 6 in where you have less than a split second to bail if it goes off course, seems more rationally “frightful” to me. Especially since an outfielder can choose how to position himself to catch a flyball, i.e. not right in front of their face.

Boxing & MMA are just plain crazy and suicidalish* btw

            ...I actually didn’t have that issue playing wide receiver in football (made lots of spectacular catches) because then it was the quarterback who had to judge where you were going to be and throw the ball there...Pertinently enough, the only time I completely muff a pass was when I ended up wide open downfield, just waiting for the ball, and the quarterback lob it towards me, but I misjudged the flight and it sailed just beyond my hands.

-All you need to know about Evolutionary “Science”: About a newly discovered [supposed] bone of a dinosaur: It is believed to be about 75 million years old”....Yes Evolution too is a “belief”....Religiously (falsely) believed to be Science...Some Atheists have “Scientology”, others have “Evolutionary Science”...Same, man-made, difference....

-“Sorry” ...but nice try, Disclaiming that ‘you are not a Bible Expert, doesn’t make you a Bible Expert, but I am sure it accomplished what you intended: pulling the wool over the eyes of the gullible moronic sheeple: Jesus neither came to say sin was not sin anymore, nor that OT (non-ceremonial) Laws didn’t apply anymore, in fact He made Spiritually them even harder to violate (Matt 5:17-20), closing many crafted loopholes from OT worshipers (Matt 5-7). Jesus came to say: “Go and sin no more” (John 8:11)...and practising homosexuality is still a sin in the NT (as the Jesus inspired Paul emphasized Gal 1:11-12, 15; 1 Cor 6:9-11; Rom 1:18-32ff)...So don’t insult your own intelligence and leave the Bible out of your humanistic rationalizations...especially if you indeed don’t know what you are talking about.....(Matt 5:19a)

...Well to be fair factual, there was 6 minutes of (empathetic/passionate) coverage on the Martha MacCallum show:

-The Holy Land Experience Theme Park has no “rides”...look it up....
-Ken Ham says he didn’t take any tax money to build his ark, they get “Tourism Tax Credits”; he says they have great attendance and local area hotel businesses are doing well [01:08-07:02]
-38% of Christians believe in Creation...

(And yet again) LOL!!! And of course Bible Believers/Christians believe that part of the Bible... We believe that that is what God instructed People living under the Old Covenant of God with His People Israel to do in such cases...And hat is amongst the least manifestation of Divine/Supernatural assistance episode in the Bible....But do go badger and “shame” e.g. Roman Catholics who heretically have tried to “Christianize” such Priestly/Ceremonial/“Tabernacle” Laws and Rituals (i.e. they have the “Priest”; the Tabernacle-emulating Cathedrals; the “Holy Water”)...Bible Christians know all of these have been replaced by faith...
            -Really...you don’t know what the “floor of a Tabernacle is”???! Nice try...
            And for the 1000th time, this is not speaking of a miscarriage or abortion..Only you, and the likewise ignoramus translators or here, the NIV, think so.....Which is why, despite your “read whatever Bible you want” guile, you can only read from the NIV. =John 8:44 Keep duping your desperate sheeple.
Of course the smug heathens presume to tell Bible Believers what they “must” teach their children...while they get all vexed and offended when Bible Believers tell them that they must not murder their unborn children... “Physicians heal thyselves”....Get your own children and teach them whatever you want...including your fundamentally irrational: “everything/anything-from-nothing” Evolution Theory Belief....Even more seriously: I don’t get it why you are so “religiously adamant” that everyone has to buy into your (unproven and non-sensical) view of origins (nowadays grossly, wrongly inserted into/conflated with the (actual) science of biology&physical science =“how the world works”)...I would say that I could understand if you were saying that all parents have to teach their children e.g. physics and math....but, no they do not either...They can teach them, or not teach them, whatever they want or not...And while not teaching factual and verifiable sciences like physics or math can be detrimental to the future of that child...e.g. when trying to get a college education and career, not believing that “you evolved from ape” is irrelevant, and in fact, more detrimental, to one’s life*...Clearly the only reason why you all are so religiously zealous that everyone must believe your Evolution nonsense is because you do not want people to continue to believe in God....Keep it up...soon you’ll be physically behaving just like your murderously Christian-persecuting heathen ancestors...including from the French Revolution...

* In fact, if you Evolutionists really believed your: ‘“Evolutional Law” is key to a properly working world’, you would have been living by, and advocating for, survival-of-the-fittest (richest) measures...

            -And, as per your “trumping proof” that Evolution is true: FYI dating methods are not always scientifically determinative/accurate, i.e. without added/known parameters*
            -the Bible’s Flood story is supported by various observances in nature today...including the demographic evidence that the present world’s population does reverse-compute to: ‘8 people living ca. 4,300 years ago’**...clearly not “70,000”, nor “theoretically”: “catastrophically” “75,000”***); definitely not “200,000-600,000”; irrationally not “2,800,000”*4*
            -As documented defended above by the owners&operators, the Ark Encounter Museum is not “failing”


an unlike you all who cannot, do not, and do not even bother to, offer a plausible/logical/rational explanation as to what happened to all of the ‘suddenly dead’ bodies from your various supposed catastrophic “bottleneck” events, Biblical Inspiration provides the answer as to what happened to the billions of dead bodies from the Bible Flood event, which, if left unburied, would indeed have polluted the atmosphere: https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/106.307#312

“the Tree of Knowledge”...Which Bible version says that: ...no English translation/version of Gen 2:17*....Probably from your Satanic Bible....
...Plus you obviously believe that “knowledge” comes from the fruit of a tree....It was the “knowledge” of the existence of good vs. evil by committing this forbidden act that came about from that action. This was a loss of their prior innocence.

...just more “Satanic” lies (Gen 3:1-5ff; John 8:44)...
+Plus Adam and Eve “knew”, from Angels, every thing about how their Garden, and the World worked (TA 49.2-4*) in order to “keep it” and “subdue/control” its otherwise wild nature. (Gen 1:28)

-Your stupid existence “is based on a lie”...LOL.. You stupidly, adamantly “believe what the Bible does not say”...As Jesus would say: “You [helpless] moron (Matt 7:26; 23:17)/fool (Luke 12:20)...”

Great Documentary: Is Genesis History?
It is so LOL ironic that you all Evolutionists think you are so “scientific”...when you don’t even begin to pass the factual test....I.e. which satisfactorily explains all of the available evidence of nature....You all should have given up instead of, yet again, changing your fictional story, when e.g. “spontaneous generation” was blown out of the water by the invention of the microscope.
#Facts  #Knowledge  #Science =  #NoahFlood  #7DayCreation  #EternalAlmightyAllWiseHolyFairJustLovingGod

Sperm Counts Plummeting...But Not Everywhere
Never fails: An “Atheist/agnostic in a foxhole” first/knee jerk instinct  = “HELP ME GOD”!!!
Keep fooling and lying to yourself...  Rom 1:18ff)

LOL.... “Bible ignoramus and/or guileful liar” indeed:

Mordecai: (a) did not have a (virgin) daughter -[at least not a biological one]; (b) did not sell off anyone, let alone into a harem; (c) did not use anyone to ascended to power.
Daniel did not commits crimes to avoid Biblical sins

-Clearly you’ve been sheepishly trusting people who are either stupid and/or liars, like yourself, or have been reading Satanic (Study) Bible...Nice moronic try....
It is quite uncanny...the more you try to prove how Biblically cognizant you are, the more “foolish” you prove to be, -even for plainly written passages... Manifestly, you all (New) Atheists/Agnostics are possessed by a Satanic blinding/biasing lying spirit (-Isa 29:11-12; Rom 1:22)...As Jesus said: ‘it’s the blind leading the blind...let them alone to fall into a ditch’ (Matt 15:14 (KJV))
-TYT does not curse on their videos so that they can make general public ad money...(because there obviously are not enough cursing-loving paid-subscribers out there) = pain vs. pleasure “morality”

Bible 101: It’s not Romans 12 nor Romans 13...LOL (=“The blind leading the blind”)....The book of Romans is divided into 13 chapters... And it’s (actually) Romans chapter “13”, verses 1 to 4....But that all most emblematic of you all (new atheists). You think and claim that you are Bible and Theological experts, but you really are Biblically illiterate.....Proper Biblical Exegesis does not “cherry pick” and “misinterpret/misunderstand” what is presently applicable to New Testament/Covenant (=Christian) Believers.

-Neither Jason Miller nor A.J. Delgado, is not Jesus Christ (Matt 16:18; John 14:30)*...He, nor any other human (all sinners**), does not make nor break Christianity.***
-...Are Jason or A.J. even Christians?????????
-“Conservatives” and “Republican” can also be Atheists: e.g. Greg Gutfeld....

It is very comical to hear these smug New Atheists, -like Guru Uygur here, who think they know and debunk everything they do not agree/believe in, try to disprove the main religions by merely declaratorily claiming that: ‘some main, founding event of/for that Religion “didn’t even happen’...of course without neither contradicting proof, nor a substantive refutation...but of course merely either because ‘they do not believe it did’ and/or because they are absolute certain that the super-natural does not exist*

* ....(but yet they believe in Super Intelligent “Sky Aliens” who seeded this Earth with life tens of billions of years ago...{but who still can’t make a cell phone call to Humans, -btw....did they also order the universe into its present designed order -why not call them “God” instead, ...or was that too just a fluke} ...but back to my pointed point here, And so:

-Judaism: “Moses could not have talked to God in a burning Bush’*
-Islam: “Mohammed did not meet Allah on a mountain’
-Christianity: “Jesus did not walk on water, nor was virgin birth’

* btw, LOL...the frogs of the 2nd Plague, did not “rain down from the sky”, but ‘came onto the land from the Nile River’ (Exod 8:6, 9ff)...

...of course the debunking reason is: “merely either because ‘they do not believe it did...”

Let me disabuse you of such sophomoric refutations that you need for your ‘smug ignorant/ignoramus bliss’ [Since you don’t now still claim that “Jesus never even existed”, maybe you can be informed/educated/disillusioned]:

(a) Judaism+: just search for “burning mountain” above for the already stated statements which hold more credible weight than your mere ‘pompous declaration’ here

(b) Islam: Get school by (informed/educated/competent) Christians on the concrete reasons* why the actual/real supernatural encounter that Mohammed had on that mountain was not actually (directly) with God Himself (cf. 1 Kgs 22:19-23), but with Satan (who of course, you cannot dare even begin to admit exists)...but you will say “God”...-whenever you are beyond your own human capabilities to resolve an issue of course (see e.g. at [09:30] at**))...Then see in this post*** as to why has necessarily let that Grand Delusion of Muslims to occur:

(c) Christianity: Try to look even basically competent (if you can) and engage* the actual reason why Christians believe in Jesus Christ and thus/therefore everything else that is written in those candidly credible Gospels**: because He rose from the dead (1 Cor 15:17)...and 12+ witnesses of this preferred to be murdered for that belief, than say (as supposed by Atheists/non-Christians) that ‘they were just lying’....


** however do keep in mind that the Bible mentions that several other people were raised from the dead, but that did not mean, nor make them God, nor did that do so for the prophets/apostles through who they were raised....So it is indeed the culmination of all that is said about Jesus that showed that He was indeed the (Promised/Prophesied) Messiah# ...and yet “walking on water” is still not the ‘“make it or break it”’ sign/miracle’## ... It rather pivotally is that with all that Jesus had said during his 3 years of ministering, pointedly about He Himself being God, -which was the reason why the Jews condemned Him to be executed for “blasphemy” (Mark 2:6-12; John 10:33; Matt 26:63-66) that, since God (as He only can) raised him from that executionary death, then Jesus had told the Truth...that ‘He was not just a(nother) Great Prophet’ (Matt 16:13-20ff) (=Acts 2:22-36)...

## The prophet Elisha had done a similar “floatation” miracle: 2 Kings 6:1-7...and Elijah had raised a dead person: 1 Kings 17:17-24.

Btw, since you like to make such “Islam/religions denunciation” spiel every time there is a new major Militant Islamic attack...First do notice that the attackers here tried to escape the scene in order to stay alive, so it is not merely/purely a ‘religious suicidal act’....And then also factor in that these Militant Muslims are doing this as part of the avenging war against the West for the hundreds of thousands of Muslim which Western armies have “collaterally” murdered....So religion is not actually the main/only motivating factor here...As in the West and its secularists, people do choose to die for their country/nation in war...In this world, victory is often “won” in/through militaristic “violence”.... e.g. when trying to talk Imperialistic Westerners, -who themselves murder millions of innocent infants per year, won’t leave you and you country to self-determine itself, politically and religiously, but instead impose their own system and values on you....of course so that they can have easy and cheap access to that country’s vast oil supply....
So stop with the premise-irrelevant ‘religion soap box mantra’ and engage the situation as it actually “motivatingly” is...
-Quite telling (of moronicity_dishonestness) how you patently just accept as the Divine/Bible/Gospel Truth whatever “fundies” say/claim/do...except of course when you endeavor to misconstrue the Bible to “support” whatever you love, e.g. abortion.....It is not that “people cannot dance”, God/the Bible has no such total ban. Singer/Songwriter/Musician David, -a “man after God’s own heart”, himself “dance before the Lord” (2 Sam 6:14-16; cf. Psa 30:11; 149:3; 150:4; Eccl 3:4; & other Bible people danced as well: Exod 15:20; 1 Sam 18:6/21:11/29:5; Jdg 11:34; Luke 15:25) and God does approve of it (Jer 31:4, 13; cf. Lam 5:15)...It rather is who (e.g. Exod 32:19) & what (e.g. 1 Sam 30:16) one dances for and also how (e.g. Matt 14:6/Mar 6:22)... =1 Cor 10:31
...and, as in humans, animals who think that sex is sticking their male member into another animal’s $#!+-hole, is, as studies have shown, momentarily and/or psychologically confused.* And that condition is far from the norm in animals....Nice try...and if it’s so “natural”...why are you resisting your “nature”?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...Or even married...since “it’s so unnatural to be monogamus”.......

            Yet the Bible does agree with you, it is “natural” (1 Cor 2:14), as in sinfully natural (Rom 1:18-32)...Indeed “dogs” do enjoy sniffing around another dog’s butt... (hence Rev 22:15)...And if homosexuality is so “natural”, then why does only ca. 3-4%* of the population believe themselves to be LGBT


a) No, for the 12,000th time, “Abraham” didn’t do that...you look it up....
b) The Bible does not allow using prostitutes...just because one guy did it, it does make it acceptable nor a prescription....That’s just your ignoramus “comprehension” of the Bible...
c) Yes God/the Bible did allow for bi-/poly- gamy in case of bareness..unlike you all abortionist, God is really pro-life...

-The whole premise of your (mooched off) news commenting network is “I do declare”... and  often you “declare” wrong.....        

-TREBLE YESSSSSS!!!!! #‘Mountain of Incontrovertible (Circumstantial) Evidence’
-LOL...2 (resolute and emphatic) “Thank God” [at 01:18 & 01:59] from the dost-protest-too-much megalomaniacal-hypocrite Guru who mocks other people for believe in God....Typical heathen: unbelievers until nature wallops them and their foxhole....Uyguru is such an egomaniac, he is upset at believers in God because he didn’t think of it first....

-“Prince of Peace” is in the Old Testament (Isa 9:6)...So I see that (it is convenient for you to now no longer declare that “Jesus never even existed”....I bet either stance of yours here is completely uninformed...It opportunistically, =moronically, is whatever you think best makes your case at the time. #JustLikeDognald
LOL...You all actually really believe that people have believed, and right to today that, “ a virginal birth” and “walking on water” were naturally possible...and that people are only realizing that now....Talk about a vacuous/airheaded/retarded straw man argument....Try instead the attested/witnessed ‘belief in the Super-natural’ as to why 2.3 billion Christians believe in God and Jesus Christ....I.e. Belief in God is not based on “what is naturally/scientifically known/possible”...Clearly your “god” is indeed Science....Of course merely as humans know and understand it: Ergo your god is humans and what you believe from them, Hence you all are self-idolaters.... Oh and FYI The Bible reveals what the Eternal God says and thinks....Btw why do you bother to say “probably God does not exist”, as if that made you a reasonable person....Talk about tipping your future judgement’s guilt... #ReasoningsOfA“(Moronic) Fool”
            The rational/honest/reasonable/sensical/sane thing to do is, since you adamanatly believe that ‘God may or may not exist’, stop, moreover pompously, mocking/deriding/ridiculizing/insulting people who are not uninformed and inexperienced about the Belief in God as you moronically are....like you are the Papally Absolute Guru and Authority Ever on Theistic Belief...because that self-grandiosity is delusionally c-r-a-z-y!!! In (historical) fact....It is patently exactly like the ideology and actions of (‘something-other-than-the-God-of-the-Bible’) Cult of the Supreme Being guru Maximillien Robespierre....(Learn history instead of repeating it).Just because others don’t believe in your (ignorant and idiotic) view/understanding on God, that does mean they must be wrong.

...only ca. 13% of the general population would be enticed by an Apple MacBook Pro laptop....and 90% (actually: 30%) of them are “LGBTQ+...”..      

(a) There were male robes vs. female robes in Bible times...That is why a strict ban was made against cross-dressing (Deut 22:5) because the two were not the same. The principle of the Bible is: male (appropriate) clothing vs. female  (appropriate) clothing.
(b) “Raphael” did clearly label that painting as: Christ’s “Transfiguration” (Matt 17:1-7|Mark 9:2-13|Luke 9:28-36|DA 419.1-425.3; 2 Peter 1:17-18 *)

-...but “nice try” to sound informed/knowledgeable about the Bible.... #FAIL

-“Gender Identity” issues is a (concedingly deep-seated/rooted) psychological abnormality...but Good Luck with catering to people based on how they (psychologically) feel....There is no objective ending/regulating of that subjective permissiveness...

LOL...No, clearly YOU don’t/can’t/won’t get it...The Bible, which speaks about Jesus being born of a virgin, is Inspired by God, as proven in its predictive prophecies (up to 2500 years in advance) which were, including chronologically, fulfilled in (objective) history. And the one which proves that Jesus was who He said He was is: Daniel 9:24-27*...But keep harping on your cradle roll, sophomoric straw man arguments that don’t expose your distinctive: ignorance, idiocity, moronicity and stupidity...and well as your self-assuaging necessary “agnostic” dishonesty... It’s like being adamant that “that car doesn’t work” by adamantly refusing to insert the key and turn on its ignition #StayABuffoonishCowardlyFool

-If/Since, as you desperately purport, ‘humans are not supposed to live monogamusly, especially in the “religious/traditional” restrictions of marriage’, then why NOT teach and show pointedly your children what your supposed “truth” is on this issue....and do get divorced when/while you have children at home....You people clearly are trying to “fool” yourselves...Again, here also, desperately trying to: “suppress truth in unrighteousness”, and, ‘act against (wholesome) nature’ (Rom 1:18ff)...But clearly, you too, like the “Right Wing” let money dictate what should be done.          

LOL!!! Guru Uygur’s “homophobia”, yet again, “naturally” manifests itself: I don’t see you, or anyone else, trying to demean a woman in heterosexual intercourse for being a “bottom b!tch”.... nor a guy for letting a woman be on top.....Don’t repress your wholesome “nature” (Rom 1:26-27ff)

...in other words: If you all are against murder, -for whatever reason....then DON’T MURDER...Just let US snuff out other people’s lives...(and for whatever self-convenient reason).

-You TYTer’s do not “double/triple “source” your “news” stories.... =misleading characterization...you merely double/triple read from other news media companies’ published original news reports....

-You all are (subconsciously) taking these man made/made up fantasies way too seriously*...Judging by the common reactions there, when it was not out of deeply engrossed horrification, it was out of becoming dissappointed with the show: i.e. for having depicted such violence.

The Bible’s “Red Wedding”: 2 Kings 10:18-30 #G.R.R.MartinPlagiarism then there will be the “Red Ocean Bath”: Rev 14:17-20 (Symbolically speaking of course): cf. http://njkproject.blogspot.com/2012/04/the-plan-millennium.html

-LOL You New Atheists actually really believe that a Liberal cannot be a criminal...Like Liberalism is some sort of religious/moral code....smh...Even this long after the Maximilien Robespierre “Virtue” moralizing debacle, Atheists/Agnostics are still (futilely) looking for a humanistic (=man deemed/made) code to morally live by...Which of course must include: abortion and LGBT+ism....

...So such Weinstein “casting” behavior is rampant in the Godless film industry, i.e. also beyond the mainstream of Hollywood...Last time I checked those were all “Liberals”...But when it is a (Conservative), especially “Christian” who falter (including Liberal, i.e. unconverted, ones like Bill Clinton and Donald Trump), the number one mantra from TYT is: “They are all like that”. Since 75% of the U.S. is (at least Christian) then, it is statistically logical that there would be more cases of “(moral) failings” from “U.S. Christians”....

....Uhhhh...no....Christians rather “believe” that: ‘this also is a sin (i.e. a transgression of God’s Law) that God/Jesus will Eternally punish in the end’ (e.g. Matt 5:27-29, 30) ....but of course, you are so psychologically insecure in your (“agnostic”) unbelief to (honestly) be able to even merely recognize, let alone concede, that (actual) belief of Bible-Believing Christians...As usual, the Bible is way more secure and also real than you all “unBelievers”: e.g. Heb 11:25 ... and speaking of: ‘then “go away”’: Matt 25:46...

“You’re (ignoramus) bad” indeed...God does care more about this Planet because it is the only one in the Universe which sinned against Him.....and that is why Jesus came to this Planet (Luke 15:1-7; 8-10; 11-32|COL 185.1-198.1-211.2)...Duh...As Jesus said/meant: ‘a physician does not make house calls to people who are healthy’ (Matt 9:12)... Funny how here you most convincingly think you are mocking the Christian Faith....LOL...
-Of course Jesus mentioned the rest of the inhabited world then: Acts 1:8
...BTW “aliens” are actual (sinless) humans also created by God, as Adam and Eve were, living in planets in other galaxies....
Oh yeah, Ethnic Jews where chosen as God’s own, lone nation on this Planet in Rebellion, they failed to keep following God’s will and were replace by believers in Christ unrestrictedly, now, any ethnicity #New Testament

Why do Unbelievers keep citing “the talking snake” (Gen 3:1) as an initial reason as to why they can’t begin to believe the Bible... “In the beginning God created” should (“honestly”) have been enough for them. If you’ve manifestly/effectively conceded/accepted that ‘there is a God who has the Super-natural power to create the world in 6 literal days (Gen 1-2)....then it (honestly) really cannot be that “irrational” that such Supernatural power/capability can make it that a snake can be able to talk (here of course from Satan, actually using a ‘ventriloquist scheme’* as he was here using a cover/disguise to be able to approach and talk Adam & Eve as God had warned them of a Fallen Rebel Angel (Rev 12:7-9**) who would come and try to deceive them (EW 147.1-2).           

* ST, May 29, 1901 par. 2: “With a voice that appeared to proceed from the serpent”

#Willful Idiots
#Ideological Morons
#Systematized Dishonesty
#Intellectual Cowards
#Spiritual Adrifts
#Egoistical Self-Idolaters
#Seared sSinners
-The Hippie Baby Boomer Generation likewise also majorly ditched Christianity/Church in their youth for also: Sex Drug and Rock-n-Roll, yet Christianity and the Christian Church still remained strong...particularly because a great number of these Boomers later on returned to their Christian roots/Faith

Seriously??...Do you people really believe your, clearly self-assuaging, moronic tangential spins???...Or are you that desperate and your Pro-Death stance/argument that weak (indeed)???????....Sperm, nor eggs do not even have a “heart”....“detectable or not” !!!!..But of course, your likewise psychologically/consciencely desperate and gullible sheeple gobble this up...
-Also...as with Religulous, always cowardly going for the lowest (not even hanging, i.e. not BIblical) “fruits”.... 

LOL!!!! What (suddenly) happened to ““DEMOCRACY””

Well, Well, Well....Straight [actually “not”] from the horse’s a$$...I mean psyche: Homosexuality and pedofilia...that’s how it has likewise been since ancient times, as recorded by the Ancient Greeks.....

...no kid-ding...the (historical) tradition continues....

You/You all are the “news readers”....other media outlet’s news investigating, research and reporting, of course...and then you do much less than the format-typical/patent (cable) news hosts/shows, -who, -after reading a prepared intro-script.... -prepared by their own news staff, (instead of moochingly reading/(paraphrasingly) restating -[not fooling anyone] the published work of other news outlets like you all patently do) then engage in facts-constraints free/open/unscripted discussions with experienced (investigative) reporters and/or current or former field/subject-matter experts, by merely buffoonishly interjecting/appending your wishful wacky/dramatized/emotive/speculative commentary and  non-objective biased niche views/takes...
            ...And as long (i.e. earlier above*) “non-delusionally”, factually established: you all, even “internet-leading”, “New Media” news moochers do not even monthly get the viewership and (minutes-)views that these network and cable news shows get per day, even per show!!!!

* [just search for “viewers”]

- “6(/or 8.4*) million half-hour, (CBS) network news show viewers vs. “1.59 million” (AC360) cable hour- news show viewers....the actual reality here is that people who have the daily time, and are interested in, the news commenting, opinion and analysis that cable news adds to selected news stories are watching these cable news shows at their own convenient time/hour,* rather than all cramming to watch the half-hour, mostly merely factual, and less detailed, but more news stories, broad network newscast....simple as that reality...

**e.g. for CNN#: 1.451 million at 4PM 1.545 million at 5PM; 1.353 million at 6PM; 1.395 million at 7PM; 1.412 million at 8PM; 1.341 million at 9PM; 1.336 million at 10PM; 1.106 million at 11PM = 10.939 million (likely mostly varying/different) viewers = 98.451 million hours (5.9 Billion minutes) viewed versus 4.231 million hours (253.9 million minutes) viewed for the top Network Newscast.

-Btw, there is actually nothing to be proud of a show like your own which manifestly can mainly appeal to and convince youthful minds versus the older demographic as young people are typically the less informed and more prone to just accept as true whatever you claim, pointed in this millennial generation who typically also do not bother to do either analytical, nuanced nor historically-context thinking...but, like you, all just think/need to (skewedly) believe that the world and its history started when they were born....

=...Talk about “desperate&insecure&defensive&complexed&deflecting lying/guileful projections”.... But do keep assuaging and deceiving your psychologically feeble sheeple....(before/unless they realize the bankruptedness and worthlessness of their worldview and actually live according to their atheistic and evolutionist “beliefs”....)

There’s a true Atheist, who faithfully lived out his atheistic tenets/convictions that: he is the ultimate decider of what is good/moral/just, and he has the right to implement survival-of-the-fittest means to accomplish his deemed “best” end to resolve his problem....As well as, as normative with prior Atheists, gratuitously take out their frustrations on Believers in God....Anything else/less is not actually “Atheism”
...Sooooo... ‘people in Bible times did not know how a woman can become pregnant without ever having had sex....so they invented the story of a virgin birth....but science has figured out how that can happen, so the Bible must be false’...You people are such prima facie psychologically-desperate morons/fools, believing things that you know, (or at least sanely/rationally should) know are moronic/stupid guileful claims/arguments, ...that you actually show the Bible to be full of wisdom, and to be true: e.g. Pro 26:5; Rom 1:22ff; Y’all scoffing heathens never change.... #StayScared-Stupid...ItPaysTheBills....
...Ohhhh, about that other moronic claim/reasoning of yours about “Adam’s rib”, as already long debunked above:
...look like Bible writers were long more informed and knowledgeable about science...Unlike all of those other (false) religions/beliefs, the Bible is consistent and accurate in its natural science (i.e. not your speculative and interpretive hypotheses) statements...Super-natural acts/events are a whole other category...
            ....And ohh....how does your “science” ‘explain better’ the origin of sin than the ‘Eve and the Satan-commandeered/ventriloquized serpent’ (see above) account in/of the Bible?????
            Yes....and your postmodern Darwinian Evolution fantasy story is being blindly still believed by you all despite all of its known stupidities, unscientificness and inconsistency....although many scientist have long rejected it as ignoramusness.....
            ...Ohhh...ohhhh...ohhhh...Speaking of the “Lord Jesus”...did you know that the Bible long matter-of-factly related the now scientifically known/explained/understood phenomenon that people under great psychological stress and mental anguish/agony, as Jesus was in Gethsemane just before His Crucifixion, can begin to sweat blood: Luke 22:44!!!
            Seriously do you know how air-headed, immature and desperate you sound/are...or is it that you have long given up and just don’t, or worse: can’t dare, care and just prefer your long debunked and invalid claims and pseudo-science beliefs....Again, I have never seen you engage the best and brightest of Christianity, and their writings/arguments...just, necessarily, the low-hanging “fruits”.

...you haven’t met “9 out of 10” Christians who preach “family values”... because they are not involved in politics.... “Riches & Power” has a way of corrupting people...Liberal or Conservative....

-Pedophilia is not a “Conservative’s Christian” tenet...Just the tenet of “Christian” who worship other God’s than Jesus Christ...and “nice”, as usual: smug, egomaniacal patronizing try, but there is no such thing as a “progressive” Christian....Jesus did not do away with an “fundamental” law or teaching in the Bible (=OT) (Matt 5:17-20), but instead made these “tutoring” (Gal 3:19-25) instructions to be tangibly applicable and Spiritually Righteous and ‘magnifiedly honorable’ (Isa 42:21) e.g Matt 5-7 ...But that’s all beyond your/you all’s ignoramus pay grade.... Any Christian who does believe, teach and practice all that Jesus has instructed them to observe (e.g who claim that homosexuality is accepted by Christ) is just a self-/human-worshiping heretic. 

-Clearly your “consenting people/adults” policy is deficient....What happened to “whatever two people want” whether/even if co-workers.... Another empirical demonstration that God’s: “no sexual relations/intimacy outside of a (heterosexual) marital bond” is the best policy...Way better than your subjective, self-contradictory, attempts at a policy...and your trial-and-error life strewn with “I’m not proud of some of what took place and have learned a lot from this” ever-learning regrets.
            LOL you demonically rail against God for His zero-exception Ordering Laws given to the created residents of His Earth in His Galaxy and Universe (e.g. no sex outside of marriage), even in the case of “consenting adults”...and yet you do the same thing for, even consenting, employees, even in their own/free time, in/in relation to, your place of business. #YouDothProtestTooMuch

Two “fools” (Psa 14:1ff) trying to out-fool the other:

Fool #1: My book is proof that the car doesn’t work because its tires are underinflated...

Fool #2:Of Cooooouuuurse” the car doesn’t work, but it is because it has tires, which, moreover, are not supposed to be black!!!

Morons Idiots, just take the supplied (decoding) key (Rev 1:1; e.g. Dan 7:17, 23; Rev 17:15) and ‘turn on the car’s (prophecy) engine’ (e.g. Isa 45:21; 46:9-11; 48:3) instead; and then ‘put it in “(Forward) Drive”’ (John 7:17; Pro 4:18) ...and then inflate the tires to the recommended pressure in the manual....
#TheBlindMisleadingTheBlind (Matt 15:14)
-LOL...Why Can’t your “Sky Alien” be a ca. 50 feet tall super-intelligent being in Human form but quasi atomic bodily composition, -who shared that His Personal Name was “Yahweh”* (Exod 4:6, 13-15), who....was super-intelligent enough to create humans on this planet and then later speak to them from a mountain top in order to try to enter into a binding Legal Agreement with them in regards to Him continuing to expend His available energy on them beyond their mere basic subsistence but only if they agree to cease all of the activities which cause Him to have to recursively expend, thus waste, more energy resources on them, to clean up and fix their free-will rebelling messes, which He could instead be using to do what He “loves” to do: organize other planets that He has created to be inhabited by newly created human being?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!...
...Oh right...because “you” didn’t “think” of it first.....


-Just like you all authoritarianly do not allow people, even invited Christian show guests (especially when Guru Uygur is also on the panel), to state things according to what they believe is true, but instead passive-aggressively & -intimidatingly, immediately shut them down... -because you know that your plastic teenage, or adult teenaged-psyche, audience is so impressionable, well the citizens of Kazakhstan do not want infidels from other countries to come into their (Muslim-majority) country and indeed “dishonor” it, especially with these, “morals-corrupting”, homoerotic exhibitions.
            When you go to someone else’s house or country, you go/live by their ways and rules, not yours...If you don’t like it, then just stay in your bubble/country.
            And here also is patently seen from you all your (inherently) deep psychological insecurity of not daring to state the position of the other group factually as it is, but trying to ridiculizingly paint them, here as: “no fun people”. All a systemic part of your death-culture, lying-worldview (John 8:44)...
            You think that is “fun”, they don’t. Live your life in your own country and let others sovereignly think and do what they believe is right in theirs. I really don’t see how you mill-baby-murdering people dare judge other people...Oh yeah...because you think abortion is part of, conducive to, your “fun”*....Ridding the world of evil factually has got to start with you abortionist who snuff the lives out of over 150,000 infants per day....

* And as also airheadedly patent with you all’s eggshell psyche, you here also think that if you can, -like your useless hashtag social media campaigns, or post-voting rioting which most of you all didn’t even bother to vote:  hoodwink people into thinking that ‘abortion is such a difficult decision for us’...-which is LOL categorically diametrically contrary to how you “wart-like” belittling claim than an abortee fetus/infant is#, - then that absolves you to go ahead and murder that unwanted baby....LOL....Fool Yourselves.... You are the only ones who are moronic enough to buy that flippant ditsiness....

# E.g|I.e. You do not (supposedly) “feel bad” and “ponder deeply” before popping a pimple....or going to a clinic to have an abbess drain, but you claim, or do, so before having a ‘wart-removing-like’ abortion...You just exposed your lying selves...You incontrovertibly, indeed logically/rationally know that an abortion ends an otherwise viable life.

            You Lefties, especially this Millennial crop, are indeed increasingly poised to revive violent “silencing” opposition to people for just expressing their views, belief and trying to live by these. It patently never fails that all of your rageful manifestations are just, as the saying goes: ‘(projecting) using your shame to serve as anger’.
            And of course you run the other way from “honor”....because you have none...E.g. An unwanted pregnancy threaten to “dishonor” your life/standing, so you murder the baby....You’ve indeed guttingly inverted the meaning of that word...

When you’ve raised yourself from the dead (or more accurately God raised Jesus from the dead), then “the virgin birth, walking on water and raising people from the dead” are neither “impossible”, nor incredible...But don’t let the (ordered) facts of what, and why, (2.4 billion) Christians believe get in the way of entertaining your moronic, probably stoned, teenaged-psyche sheeple ...as well as yourself....and trying to score asinine points....
            People way more intelligent, educated, honest/sincere and reasonable than you have tried to disprove the cornerstone of the Christian Faith, the Resurrection of Christ and have not only failed, but many have themselves become Believers in the process...The others are doing just what you are doing, snivellingly cowering to their straw man corners and taking pot shots....
            For someone who is clearly convinced that he is the universe’s gift to “reason”, you clearly have no clue of how to make a cogent, intelligent and convincing case about what you don’t believe. Clearly you just can’t and have long given up. Just admit that to yourself...

If God had intended for the Date of Christ’s Birth to be remembered and celebrated, He would have given clearer indicators just like He did for the (prophecy important) year of His Baptism Luke 3:1; John 2:20 = 28 A.D.* The year of His birth is also figurable but also not explicitly cited as that too was not important = 8 B.C.** What you/pagans think is important, God does not deem so (Isa 55:8-9).                                                                         
            And the actually best approximation for the time of the year of Christ’s Birth is the Fall season around late September Early October as this aligns with the foreshadowing annual Jewish “Feast of Tabernacles” given that “Jesus dwelt with men” (John 1:14)
            Again no Theological need nor mandate to figure out the Date or even the Year of the Birth of Christ. That is why the Christian Church did not bother to ascertain so only ca. 500 years after the fact (and they weer off by 4 years claiming it was 5/4 B.C.)

FY“I”: “Wine” in the Bible refers to pure grape juice....only when left spoil (=ferment) did it become alcoholic. Jesus turned water into fresh (=unfermented) grape juice... ‘Inform’ yourself...that “should” take care of your smug moronic mocking/scoffing:

Btw, you all believe that “everything came from nothing”...including intelligence and information....now that’s ROTF-LOL!!!!

I was right with you all in regards to cases of suspected excessive and/or unnecessary lethal force by police, -pointedly when there is no clear (e.g. video) evidence, and cops were indeed getting away with murder, but now you people have become hysterical & obtuse, =injudicious, and also literally blind to disculpable evidence.

A) Yes the guy here ‘couldn’t possibly be hiding a rifle in his shorts’...but what’s to say he, being then still a shooter suspect, did not have a hand gun in his waist. I still can’t either see, nor think, of any reason why he made that sudden & suspect gesture....And clearly so didn’t the cop.
            BTW they apparently made him lie down then crawl because, since he actually reached towards his back, they wanted to see if he had a weapon behind his back. (Then why didn’t they just make him turn around and life his shirt up etc)

B) Why in the world did he suddenly reach back into his side/waist....That was also odd to me. He could have easily been reaching for a handgun

C) Police have learned from experience not to fall for the theatrics, including begging “don’t shoot me” acts that criminals may put on to try to catch them off guard...and their seemingly asinine instruction giving is to see if the person is intending to comply, as an innocent person easily would. It’s all psychological games....That is why traffic cops typically ask you the stupid question: “Do you know why I stopped you” They just want to gauge your “clueless vs. knowing” reaction. You people are the ones being “morons”...It is not that easy out there..

Now using lethal force on someone you know does not have a lethal weapon (e.g. Michael Brown - who, as evidence shows, was actually shot at while fleeing (=instigatingly, with his back to the cop) is indeed wrong/criminal, and full trial would probably have demonstrated that.
            My reasonable/fair-to-either-side solution to all of this is that every claimed self-defense and/or “stand-your-ground” lethal shooting, whether by a cop or a civilian, should be subject to a full trial, even at tax payer’s expense if necessary.

D) Stop ‘appealing to God for help’ (again when you are in desperate need) or even cursingly saying Jesus’ name..You don’t believe in them “remember”...Or worse, you believe in cursing out the name of someone who lived 2017+8 years ago who either was a liar, or people made up all kinds of lies about. Why don’t you curse “Satan” instead...Oh yeah, because he’s always on your side....
            Seriously, you are literally egoistically schizophrenic, believe in God or not depending on how you feel from the last 10 minutes...Keep your imbecilic/ignoramus scoffing to your projecting self... “You doth protest (waaaayyyy) too much”....I strongly suspect that you actually left Islam because someone cracked a coconut on your egg head in a madras religious ceremony.....Compared to your whimsical “agnostism”, at least Ana has the “psychological balance” of her claimed “atheistic” convictions....Still you all are the most cowardly insincere feebleminded morons out there. Just have the guts to live out your “survival of the fittest/richest” “we’re-all-going-to-eternally-die-(anyway) existence that you so adamantly claim got you to this present Evolutional “progress” and let’s you be uncaring about death....
-I got it now...Guru Uygur is not an “agnostic”, he is an antignostic....he doesn’t want to know...

-These obtuse, hack-saw “scientist”, murderous morons think that only “viable life” have a brain right at conception....Keep searing your serial killer (consultants) consciences...

-LOL!!! No sane person is “looking” at a Satan-sock-puppet like you to know what God will do in the future....Dream on....

-LOL You’re a moronic crazy idiot...And trying to reason with you is even crazier.....Believe your Satanic lies about “the Bible”...Oh yeah “YOU READ THE BIBLE”: What “womb” did Adam come out of???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????And don’t you scientifically know that, unlike Adam’s creation, infant both breathe and have consciousness long before they take a first breath on their own outside the womb....
            Clearly only you think that people are not realizing that you know the Bible does not at all say that in its original language - just the wrong translations of idiotic Liberals like you, but EXACTLY like your father the devil, you want to fool people by quoting, and of course, only so, those wrong translations from official Bible versions and websites....Keep lying to yourself...LOL since you got that translation from “Bible Study Tools”, clearly you saw for yourself the vast majority of differing translations (because there is no Bible version named “Bible Study Tools...so get your deliberately amateurish/ignoramus/hack journalism graphics right...you do want to make Regular-Churgoing, Bible-Believing, Abortion-Hating, Christians out there think that you are Satan’s gift to this planet and universe on how to translate, read, interpret and apply God’s Word, right??!...Why does that too sound familiar??!!...Matt 4:6|Luke 4:9-11...#ImpIsImpDo--->#NowThere’sYour“MissingLink”....Surely you can do better than that: Concretize your lie by showing Christian Scholars out there from the Hebrew why this is the only translation, and interpretation/understanding of that passage that they should have....Or stay stupid...since that achieves your, (and your father’s”) lying-murderous (John 8:44; Gen 3:15) abortion Neo-Molech goals)
            ...Any Christian worth his/her “salt” profession (Matt 5:13) knows that God wouldn’t command that....and they also know to check other Bible versions and/or the original language...So, as usual, you are only hoodwinking your moronic sheeple....
Funny How Ana can’t tell that you are lying like you breathe..... #Clueless ...
            ...or actually, Ana can tell, and does know....but just doesn’t care to correct Guru Uygur...because she really (wants to) believe(s) that too...
            ...And there you have it Ana, the answer to your ever-troubling conundrum of “why Republican/Conservative Women vote for things which (you think) are against their interests (e.g. abortion rights): Because they believe it too!!!! Not that hard to figure out actually, if one doesn’t think that the world revolves around them and/or that others cannot view things differently than they do....You people need to get over yourselves...You’re ditsily/moronically neither: reasonable, rational nor honest...Go back to “libly” believe that “nothing is absolute” and “everyone’s truth is valid truth for them”....

-Oh yeah: In AMERICA and in all Western Democracies, people are innocent until proven guilty...So you want/wanted people not to vote for Roy Moore..prove him guilty in a Court of Law...Mal-quoting the Bible only drives people to vote against you all....

-And to factually/scientifically cure your “myth” about ‘we’re only aborting zygotes’:

-A pregnancy is detectable only at ca. Week 6

-An “Early” (Medical or Aspiration) abortion is usually done between 10-12 weeks from the LMP, when:

+the baby is now is past the “embryo” stage (since Week 6) and is now called a “fetus” (Week 10-24):

the baby:
+has a beating heart (Week 7)
+is moving about with its tiny muscles (Week 9)
+all of his/her bodily organs are formed (Week 10)
+the brain is active and has brain waves (Week 10)
=So it is even more a viable life, indeed since conception... #“Early”AbortionIsStillMurder

If you’re bleeding from an abnormal pregnancy, any Emergency Room will admit you and treat you.....

so would the fetuses that you all love to make pay for your sins & “mistakes”...

Survey says:
-less than 2% of people claim to be gay
-there are more ex-gays than still gay
-ergo: it is not “natural” it is an abnormality
=a psychological phase which is only sustained by various external reinforcements

LOL...another self-exposing demonstration of Biblical Illiteracy from the self-touted “Bible/Christianity Expert” Guru Uygur: “Giving up the Ghost” is a Biblical/Christian-idiomatic expression which means ‘giving up the Spirit/(falsely so called:) “Soul” when expiring (i.e. breathing their last) at death’... “ghost” is the old English term for an unseen spirit...used for “Spirit/spirit in the King James Version (KJV)  (e.g. Gen 25:8, 17; 35:29; John 19:30 KJV)...
            It just, most inertly, and even most contrarily: positively, means they are ‘not ‘given themselves up for/as dead’ yet for those negotiations’...
            So once again, especially in regards to the Bible and Christianity, do your (exegetical) homework first before getting all irate...it will spare your heart a few more ticks....

Jesus also/actually said “From now on sin no more”...and homosexuality is still a sin, a Capital/Abominable one that Jesus Himself says He’ll Punish in Hell (Rev 22:12-15)...What Jesus did for you all unbelievers is buy you time to come to your senses and repent before this due Capital Punishment is executed..

...Soooo....(all things fairly and rationally in their actual, wider context): it seems like it sounds like: that if the (Executive) Creator God, i.e. God the Son Michael Jesus Christ Himself (John 1:3; Heb 1:2), -which (esp.) Conservative Women actually believe in, would appear to Ana and tell her what she could should and should not do (e.g. with her body), she, too, (like Eve) would still not listen (John 3:19-21) #NotWise/Rational....But, that would be no new mindset indeed...Satan himself had direct access to the presence of God and he made the same argument that: the Creator God cannot (egomaniacally) tell His Created being what they can and cannot do*...And that’s what the last 6000+ years of permitted disobedience to God’s Laws is endeavoring to objectively show that is a futile course...

-Funny how you all like to scoff, mock and rail at Bible Christians for self-restricting themselves and their lives and not “living it up” as you all are advocating for your YOLO ideology, i.e. party, do drugs, get wasted, be promiscuous, gamble, etc..Well why don’t you all go out there and get all that there is to get in this life since you believe (and you’re technically right) that this is the only life that you’ll ever get..i.e. go and get those loads of money available out there, “make that dough” even in the media world, -or even: pull a “Kardashian” and cash in on it, and live it up, buy the biggest/grandest houses, travel, see the (whole) world, eventually you can become so wealthy that you won’t even have to work....And especially since you have no assurance that all of your present self-sacrificing for your cause and for future generations will end up being for nothing as this planet, or simply all life on it, can be obliterated by an asteroid strike...like it did to the dinosaurs right?? (LOL)...or by a Nuclear Holocaust which all of your speaking against is not an assurance against....You’ll have to convert the whole world, including the religious world to your view...(or right just, like Christians are “self-sacrificingly” also endeavoring to do)????....
            Oh yeah: because you likewise consider your personal worldview belief to be more important....But of course since you egoistically think that everyone has to view things like you do, or be as uninformed as you are and so not know understand the Bible, those Bible Christians are the ones who are insane for living according to their beliefs...but you can’t be....

Btw, Lahren follows Trevor Noah and Master P because she was a guest on the show of the former and interviewed the latter on her show*...that’s (journalistically) why.... #DoYour(Job)Work

-LOL the witless Bible-ignoramus at it again...Haven’t you heard: God does not prevent the Free Will and Choices of people...but then let’s them deal with the consequences....Try Genesis 3 for starters.....God may have called Michelle Bachmann to run in 2012...but the American people voted otherwise....Simple and Rational as that....
            It’s patently the same thing with you egomaniacal heathens. You set up your straw man parameters and then deride and mock those who do not go by them....When Christians from the start of Christianity have always known and understood what is actually involved and expected in a Calling....An expected end result can easily be derailed by the Free Will decisions of people.
            You and your heathen friends clearly wouldn’t know if God speaks to people...But the millions of people* who have (esp. confirmedly) experienced the (own-conscience-differentiating, and so readily recognizable) voice of God** are supposed to become uninitiated as you all...Try not being so sold out to be Satan’s sock-puppet and maybe then God would bother to then deal with your ego bubble and speak to you...But you all have probably already committed the unpardonable sin.....God only deals with honest seekers...

LOL...So comical how you, at best Bible-nebulous/novice, heathens think you “know Jesus”....Jesus not only Judged everyone else (John 9:39; 12:31), He is the Great Final/Supreme Judge (John 5:22; Matt 19:28; Rev 22:12-14)...He just did not then and there (=Luke 12:49-53), i.e. while on Earth back in the First Century A.D., “(begin to) indict” people (e.g. John 8:1-11), but allowed them more probationary time to learn His Truth and Repent (John 3:17; 12:47-48)....In fact, this is a self-indicting indictment (John 3:18-20)... The Judgement of Jesus however was different then most because His was a “Righteous (=non-hypocritical) Judgement” (John 7:24; Matt 7:1-5)...
            ...But...ROTF-LOL...every time you all make this smug, pompous, sanctimonious argument against Christians that: “Jesus didn’t do that” you betray that you cannot decide for or against Christianity based on the excuse of ‘what Christians do’...but what Jesus Himself said and did....So good luck in that ever-increasingly inexcusable Judgement....against Judge Jesus (John 9:41)

LOL...Trying to tame” so-deemed “animals” by telling them they are “animals”...then why don’t you all stop fighting “nature” already and let “highly developed primates” just be pain-vs.-pleasure, survival-of-the-fittest, “animals”.....Animals don’t have morality, they selfishly and self-servingly do whatever they can get away with....Even a “domesticated” dog can eat their owner’s baby or face if they get really hungry....Stop fighting what you actually claim to believe in....You’re hindering your “evolution”....

-the Biblical/Theological term “firstfruits” is (properly) one word (as in the Hebrew [=reshith =#7225: ‘beginning, chief’] and Greek [=aparche = #536: ‘out from the beginning’])... #FoolByAnotherHalfBakedChristian
-you’ve cited no facts as to what Paula White and her Church do with such firstfruit offerings...Even Paula White contributes to this offering...so it likely is not going into her personal bank account....It probably goes to their e.g. Evangelism, TV Broadcasting, etc or even charitable works budgets. All you’ve claimed are biased assumptions...including the bias of these Churches preaching the Gospel..which can “positively and productively” psychologically help many people out of their poverty-inducing lifestyle ruts...Charitable Organizations deal with the symptoms; Churches deal with the causes....Charitable Organizations are the E.R., Churches are the Prevention Centers....
            You inherently cannot be “fair” (to Christians) if you refuse, or worse, don’t know to, find out and engage all of the actual and pertinent facts of the matter.

..Just like Dognald....Why am I not surprised....       

+Maybe “Conservative Christians” are more willing to ‘forgive as they have been forgiven’ especially in matters of past sins....though there still can be consequences to pay...e.g. that alleged victim can, even now, press charges if she wants...if she does not, then why should the, pointedly latest, Church punish Andy Savage, for, actually, effectively, despite, her???? (cf. Matt 6:14-15) That past case is between that Pastor and that woman. Right now that matter is mere allegations, if that (i.e. any police report and/or court filings??), and you’all live in an “innocent until proven guilty country”....P.S. Savage actually had resigned from that earlier Church...Plus, the current Church is now looking into the case....

And he was 22 at the time, she was 17, (perhaps the age of consent in Texas), and it sounds like she didn’t mind getting so involved with him...So perhaps this latest Church, and even the first one, classified it as, at worst, a “youthful indiscretion”...and the girl didn’t press charges, and she could have, if she wanted it...She could have told her mother that he didn’t tell the whole story when he was sent by the Church to apologize to the family. If she really thought she had been sexually assaulted, then she swept it under the rug...and for ca. 20 adult years, actually had still be doing so, i.e. by not actually pursuing police/legal means until “recently”... Seems like a slam dunk “statutory” case since the allowable age for having legal consent is 20 (for a 17 year old), and Andy was 22.

Rather than a matter of “Inherent Pastoral Sexual Assault”, as per point #10 in the Texas Law, it rather seems to me as a matter on a mere romantic nature. E.g. “I remember feeling that this must mean that Andy loved me.” Fact is, she went along, manifestly wanting to fall in love and be sexually engaged with him. To prove “assault” she would have to prove that he was merely manipulating her all along....doesn’t sound like it and his sudden and pleading change of mind supports him. Probably he just wanted to engage in sexual activity with her, and did not even want to “become in love with her”..and when he asked her for a sexual favor, she went along with it.
And, if the matter seems on its face to have been a consensual act, then not spreading that story around and letting Andy resign, is actually a fair way of dealing with that matter (and it also protected the girl, who was really “guilty” of having willingly participated....but Savage should not have been allowed to do his 2-day Sexual Purity event....

-So apparently Jules did not fully say what had happened between her and Andy in the all-female fellowship group....She can’t blame other people if they were sad to see Andy go over rumors of merely a kiss between them.

-Did Andy “prey” on her....perhaps, but, being 17, of consensual age, and senior in high school, she did not have to go along if she didn’t want to, including, wanting him to fall in love with her. Manifestly he may have notice/felt her (grown-up enough) attraction for him, and

+And “probably”, as per my observations, Non-Believers are to busy “playing God” and living up to their vacuous auto-morality tenet: and so they typically have the stance: ‘if I am not doing what you are doing, or if I can’t get away with doing what you are dong, then neither you should you’. E.g. Cenk can’t (get away with) “consensually” sleep around with people who deal with TYT...so neither shouldn’t Jordan Chariton....

BTW, relatedly, as rightly repeatedly asked here,* what’s the legal deal with Cenk and his ‘drunken night of sexual debauchery in New Orleans’...did he have (explicit) consent to sexual touch all of those strangers????? If not...when is he going to resign from TYT???!!! I thought you “Libs” ‘never cover such things up unlike Conservative who always do”’ (Matt 7:1-5)....Or is it that Cenk is in your (local i.e. TYT) tribe...Since other Libs are calling for Cenk confess all of the truthful details, then clearly that is not also your “tribe”.... Come clean Uber-Lib Cenk...on your own!!!, if you can...Or is it that “you can get away with it” since non of those, probably also inebriated women, can recall your fatgly mug....Or even is it that you think those girls “deserved” to be sexually assaulted and as your fat-a$$ “deserved” to (finally) canon-ball into that “g-damned sea of tits”????....

Has....or will, TYT ever cover this news story????? I don’t think so....

What’s wrong with Liberals...always covering up to protect themselves and their “tribe”...Must be their evolutionist worldview

What is “Evil”??!...What is “Morality”??!!!.... Why are refusing to live according to your “survival-of-the-fittest” tenets??!!!! Aren’t you impeding “progress” and “evolution” by trying to rescue those in need??!!! Or are you making up for this through aborting those which are most easily disposable.....Why don’t you unfaithful Atheists/Agnostics go back to being most faithful to your dead end an death culture worldview!!!....Don’t take it from me...take it from a former “cradle-atheist”* who was truly honest, informed and sincere about her atheistic worldview and saw that it was an irrational dead-end...and then did the logical and joined the only other religion which had always been espousing a life, happiness and life-conducive culture: Judeo-Christianity


            Or at least, be like some other (surprising to me) atheists out there who just openly admit that (Darwinian) Evolution is not true, (not right), nor scientific...because that the logical and scientific case* [LOL postmodern Atheists have forged their own “New” Testament] ....and then also just admit that you are now trying to “trial-and-error” forge your own idiotic religion....So let’s see thus far: “free love” that was a serious error.....bestiality-homosexuality/animalistic-promiscuity: that also was a serious error and hundreds of millions have had to pay with their health and/or lives...(And now it’s: “let’s legalize all drugs** and prostitution”)....But you do think that “that’s the ultimate cost of your “progress”...perhaps you’ll be able to “evolutionally” make gay couple naturally conceived children soon...

* See e.g.: https://answersingenesis.org/store/product/replacing-darwin/?sku=10-2-494

** What can possibly go wrong: https://archive.org/details/KNTV_20180116_013000_NBC_Nightly_News_With_Lester_Holt/start/1440/end/1500

            {Wouldn’t it be something if, and that is a survey that now can and should be made, if the “offspring” of gay couple, whether artificially conceived/delivered or adopted, at the very least were only “gay-tolerant”, but not gay themselves: Wouldn’t that blow the “it’s natural” theory out of the water...while itself contributing to a reduction in the gay population in the next generation. Any rational person would them have the empirical evidence that homosexuality is mere a state of mind subconsciously inflicted during the “plastic-mind” phase of Early Childhood development
            In fact, it “psychologically” likely/probably comes from a child’s subconscious inner rebellion against either their father or their mother and/or the gender-assimilating imbalancing that occurs from an absentee father or mother during those mind-formative years...Then that would mean that the non-gay “offspring” of a gay-married couple likewise also rebelled against their parents, e.g. by correctingly seeing this lifestyle as not normal when compared to the +97% heterosexual couple out there, and so “chose” not to be gay themselves....
            But I highly doubt that such empirical scientific evidence would convince you all of the fallacy of your view...Because the “fallen heart wants what it wants”....And that’s the whole “moral” ballgame right there!!!
            Btw, Jesus did not teach to leave someone in vital need to die because of their sinful lifestyle (Luke 10:25-37) So you should actually be “praying” that the +75% Christians out there in North America actually believe and practice what their religion teaches!!! And any non-vital request should indeed be left up to a person’s conscience...
            ...and FYI: An “abortionist” is generally an OBGYN Doctor* which is a field not limited merely to ending the lives of unwanted children....That seems basically logical/rational enough.....“First” Get your facts straight instead of making hysterical appeals to keep the sheeple emotionally swayed & factually ignoramus.... #Ana[Tacitly]AgreesHerMomIs(Also)ADuped“Idiot”

Ergo:....I rest my case with you all, and thus save my time for others misguided one who are actually “convertible” and not predestined to suffer God’s Wrath (Matt 10:12-15).... There is such a sin as the “unpardonable sin” (Matt 12:31-32) where not even God’s Spirit can reach/save that seared and Satan-possessed person; indeed: Satan’s own, Free Will choices-entitled, (nefarious) posterity (Gen 3:15; John 8:44; Eph 2:1-3). So then you just have to let such people fulfill their Satanic commission. (E.g. Judas Matt 26:24; John 6:70-71; 13:27-28)
            If you are one who listens to such lying and straw man arguments against God|Jesus, the Bible and Christianity and find true and convincing...then you are probably also a “created vessel of wrath” and thus also beyond hope....except to carry out the demonstrative role that you have been predestined to fulfill. (Eph 5:6-9; Col 3:5-10).

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